If we can bomb terrorists in Syria, we can bomb them in Mexico. It would be good training and it's close so we don't need to burn much fuel. The ones close to the boarder we can use arty and steel rain on.
There is precedent for entering the territory of a foreign sovereign we were not at war with, to defeat a quasi government backed threat against America and her commercial interests. The new Republics first wars were fought against the Barbary Pirates that were backed by the caliphates in Morocco, Libya and Tunisia in the late 1700s and early 1800s.
Youve heard the Marine Corps Hymn? The first line? From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli. A slice of history that doesnt often reach the radar of the American People, it was these wars where the American Navy and the United States Marine Corps first passed muster.
We’re messing with their livelihood. Imagine the $$$ the cartels have racked in from helping migrants illegally cross our border over the past 4 years. They ain’t gonna give up that cash cow willingly
Well, technically for decades they've been bringing in all kinds of drugs and human smuggling. This is their last gasp. I suspect they may be on the run and don't realize it yet.🍿
I bet the cartels and the international gangs go the way of ISIS quickly. I hope so because I'm damn sick and tired of Mexico when it comes to jobs, drugs, cartels, invaders, and assorted bullsh!t just on general principles.
Sometimes waving at it will do the same thing. Had a drone flying over my back yard about 4 years ago so I looked up and waved at it and it crashed in the neighbors yard. I looked around waiting for the owner to show up and they never did.
Equip them with shotguns and let them shoot the drones out of the sky. I'm sure the BP agents would have fun with that and the cartels would quickly realize it's a waste of money to buy drones
It is a dangerous world out there, ICE and Mr. Tom Homan know it, they will protect themselves as best as they can. I am certain, President DJT will help out also.
This is will not end well for cartels. They really think they will take on the US military, under Trump, and beat us?
Time for the military special operations.
If we can bomb terrorists in Syria, we can bomb them in Mexico. It would be good training and it's close so we don't need to burn much fuel. The ones close to the boarder we can use arty and steel rain on.
There is precedent for entering the territory of a foreign sovereign we were not at war with, to defeat a quasi government backed threat against America and her commercial interests. The new Republics first wars were fought against the Barbary Pirates that were backed by the caliphates in Morocco, Libya and Tunisia in the late 1700s and early 1800s.
Youve heard the Marine Corps Hymn? The first line? From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli. A slice of history that doesnt often reach the radar of the American People, it was these wars where the American Navy and the United States Marine Corps first passed muster.
The nickname leatherneck was reference to the marine uniform with heavy leather collar to help resist cutting by the pirate swords.
Some amazing history on one of the first significant enemy of the new nation once the British navy ceased protection of American shipping.
Wasn’t that included in common core curriculum?????
Id say Panama is also staring down the barrel of this gun. And Denmark too, maybe?
And it has some overlap with Letters of Marque and Reprisal.
Americans about to get a civics and history lesson.
— Tom Homan
Cartels are declaring war on the US?
We’re messing with their livelihood. Imagine the $$$ the cartels have racked in from helping migrants illegally cross our border over the past 4 years. They ain’t gonna give up that cash cow willingly
Well, technically for decades they've been bringing in all kinds of drugs and human smuggling. This is their last gasp. I suspect they may be on the run and don't realize it yet.🍿
Our livelihoods have been messed with since before the 2008 bullshit...
Cartels: Welcome to the party, pal!
Nobody escapes this.... Nobody.
First shot is gonna be heard all over the western hemisphere.
I bet the cartels and the international gangs go the way of ISIS quickly. I hope so because I'm damn sick and tired of Mexico when it comes to jobs, drugs, cartels, invaders, and assorted bullsh!t just on general principles.
Press one to…
Yeah that one too but it's probably with us forever. Fuckin' Spaniard bastards. Pardon my French.
Funny but already outdated I'm afraid.
"Please listen closely, as our menu options have recently changed"
The cartel have now entered President Trumps “fuck around” phase radar.
Maybe they missed the news about Somalia?
Electronic Signal Jammers will crash the drones.
Sometimes waving at it will do the same thing. Had a drone flying over my back yard about 4 years ago so I looked up and waved at it and it crashed in the neighbors yard. I looked around waiting for the owner to show up and they never did.
Shoot immediately.
Equip them with shotguns and let them shoot the drones out of the sky. I'm sure the BP agents would have fun with that and the cartels would quickly realize it's a waste of money to buy drones
Deputize the best duck hunters in the country, arm them properly and place along the border wall.
Fixed it for you... brilliant 2 for 1 deal...
Deputize the best
duckdick hunters in the country... and send them in...Perfect way to use those woke trannies in the ranks...
Death by bunta...
Equip them with 8 in. artillery and shell their launch points 24/7.
That as well
Been helping a neighbor tweak his .338 lapua…just sayin’…could be entertaining…
Level that place. Good Riddance
Send in the skeet shooters!
Drone-A-Way is already here!
(Working copies are available, some assembly required.)
I'm surprised that the crews building the wall have not been attacked.
It is a dangerous world out there, ICE and Mr. Tom Homan know it, they will protect themselves as best as they can. I am certain, President DJT will help out also.
Several A-10s will cure many problems. Use them.