The “plan” has been underway for a long time. Trump has done more in less than a month than any other president. My thought is all the heavy lifting and investigations are already done. Trump and his team need only to bring all of it to the light and BOOM!
There will not be years of investigating, years of committees formed to “get to the bottom” of the corruption. They’ve already done that, all they need to do is release ALL OF IT and that equals mass arrests, tribunals and justice.
I think the feverish pace of Trump’s work will only continue to snowball. It’s been a blizzard of justice since he was inaugurated and it will continue. God protect him and all working to spread the light of TRUTH!
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Trump is a beast. He would not enter a battle that wasn't already won.
I think his "farewell"-speech 2020 was a great test of character for him. Entering a stage as "a loser" simply isn't a Trump thing. He endured it for the country, for the greater good and for "the Plan"
Absolutely this! ☝️
A lot of the work was done during Potatus' "term."
Step one of the last 11 days has obviously been to cut off their funding. The Deep State will first have to deal with not having the big $$$ to get their way. The absence of this gravy train may also cut off escape plans.
You are so right. Cutting off the money flow is the key.
The Devolution Power Hour crew has talked about this for years, expecting that a lot of work has already been done behind the scenes and not just investigations but that treaties are already worked out with foreign leaders and will go into effect quickly as well.
This war was won before we think it started! This has been at least a 60 year old war! Read Q's posts about JFK secret societies in the Oval Office! What we are witnessing is the culmination, while the narrative breaks out in the open! Patriots won this war a long time ago! Their conundrum was to wake up the people from their prison, and having to convince them that were already liberated, from a prison that they wouldn't even understand they were in! The narrative had most of us! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming because the Patriots; not only in America; but all over the world are fully in control! Kings, Queens, governments, etc. capitulated in 2017 when presented with the overwhelming evidence the NSA had documented of their crimes! The truth needs to be injected into our reality slowly, to safe our humanity!
True, unless the populace/voters is ready to accept what they are shown, or at the very least a large enough number of them are, you can't do much even if you fully had the means to do it, or you will at the minimum get riots and other types of unrest, at worst get a civil war or maybe a full on, and possibly successful, revolution by the old regime, and we would be back where we started from except worse.
Humans in general are not overly fond of sudden changes, we tend to prefer "the devil we know" to the unknown. The "liberals" got where they got because they were patient enough to change things verry slowwwwly, and since they didn't fully get to the point where they were actually boiling the frogs a lot of people have been at least sort of content with the status quo, and some quite happy with it in spite of their personal inconveniences due to it because they fully believe what their overlords have been telling them, that if we kept on going the way we have been going it would all end in a paradise.
The one thing I am a little bit worried yet is that what seems to be one of the more important things with these type of changes, the culture, might not have gotten changed quite enough. Because I fully believe in the Breitbart quote "politics is downstream of culture". And culture is mostly shaped by the stories we tell, which makes the entertainment we consume very important. But hopefully the Hollywood and television etc failures lately have been bad enough that people truly want that change now too, to get something entertaining for a change, that it is enough.
But after this, unless we can take over entertainment, really take it over, whatever changes happen now might not be quite enough for the long run.
I remember Durham
Will make the super bowl look like a dog and pony show something something
After the first arrests, I think it will be more like suicide week rather than weekend.
I’m up for a suicide month…
Military Planning at its finest.
Hence "You are watching a movie"
Congressional and other investigations are just a cover story for we have it all.
Lots of good posts when you search for 'planning', worth a scan.
I suspect some have been working on this for decades gathering evidence and I know that Huber and others have been working behind the scenes for the last 2 terms of Trump! Kek
I believe you are exactly correct.
Don't tell what you're going to do. Just do it. When it has been done, THEN you talk about it.