I like the executive orders, so don't get me wrong.
Right now, I feel like Trump's promises kept and shock and awe are validating Democrats we hope to awaken (at the least) and infuriates/scares them and creates more division at the worst.
WHERE IS THE DECLASS about children that will bind us together???? And don't give me the bullshit that it takes time. In the real world, out in the streets, talking to people, and not on this Board, THERE IS DIVISION and it is growing.
So, White Hats, if you're reading this... I am reporting from the field that there is more division now than before the election!!!
We need the truth about crimes against children to bind us together. This is not dooming. It is reporting!
I disagree with the division growing. With President Trump in power and keeping his campaign promises, I see more people now approving of what our government is doing.
It's a mixed bag, really. A lot of people, most of them, are really happy with what he's doing. Those that hate him are just losing it right now. They are vocal, while we are comfy.
Like the OP, I am looking forward to the hardest truths coming out.
I also long ago accepted that there are a lot of people who won't give a shit about the crimes against children. Hell they didn't care about them being groomed and butchered into trannies for the past decade. An economy that is too bad for them to ignore was what finally got through their thick skulls.
+1 important comment & Mod’s too. Election win & inauguration + Cabinet confirmations = initial steps to securing America back from peril.
Just to add, I am starting to think that the declas begins with JFK files. According to Roger Stone, it would take about 15 days before the documents can be released, putting that timeline to about Feb 7th (Trump signed on 23rd).
Until then, there will be lots of "divisive" actions - including the fed workers deadline to accept resignation - Feb 6th. All the division you are seeing right now, prepare to see even more division, because now is the best time to get all the unpleasantness out of the way because once the JFK files hit the wire, no one will be talking about these stuff.
Yep reminds me of the people whining about Project Veritas and then the Twitter Files slow-rolling various stories rather than just releasing it all at once? How well did releasing all at once do for the Hillary Emails? Oh right many forgot about it after the first week or just waiting for others to read them and come up with cliffs notes for them, the slow-rolling though kept the stories alive in social media for months.
Dude, hang on to your pants. We were told the time line for this Q plan:
Lots of things yet need to happen, including "Saving Israel for last" between now and Oct.
Taps #2816 Sign....
"Except !" I wonder what that is?
Use your imagination...
I think there's still a bit more F'ery to be exposed. But I agree with you. It feels like the world is going to explode before we get to our golden age.
I think the Justin Trudeau rumors about being Castro's son is coming up on the bingo card. Too big of a spotlight on JT for it not to come out soon.
Kinda getting late. They are already running a leadership race to have a new face of his party.
Right track, wrong track has already dramatically shifted to 52% right track. Timing is important. You want the people with you when you corner that vicious animal.
By my estimates, we're saving this for next week. 😂
I agree we need the declas & Justice! I am sick of seeing the same old videos about the children. Where are the reports on all the children saved from the dumbs or the bodies they found? Where is Epstein’s videos from his apartment and the list of his clients? Confessions?
I am not seeing this division that you are talking about. What I am seeing is people brave enough to tell these liberals what they don't want to hear and I see these liberals listening, at least the ones not on 3 psych meds.
Liberals in my workplace are at least professional enough to keep their mouths shut or those who do occasionally speak are idiots who assume this is just another 4 years and going "we already survived 4 years of Trump, we'll be fine."
Rude awakening prerequisite slap in the face?
As long as the crimes against children comes to an end, I'm okay with it not getting very publicized. Nailing Epstein and Diddy will bring out plenty.
Aside from children that will bring people together is the fact that we've all been weaponized against one another and living manipulated lives. If all this came out I think this would unite us too.