Its all low hanging fruit. Years, and years of corruption need to be trimmed. First we have to cut out the big ticket items. Just imagine if we get control of erroneous money flows. Audit everything. As a tired taxpayer of 50+ years. I would like to see an accounting for my labor.
I'd just be happy if they'd all go away and die. I paid a lot in taxes the past 30+ years ... If the DS is dead then it's worth every penny as far as I'm concerned.
They always talk about... Why can't we have free healthcare in The USA? Well this is why. We probably could if we are not wasting all this money. Oh and those same people are against this happening because it's trump. We live in a 🤡🌎
If we address the chronic disease epidemic and big Pharmas hand in keeping people dependent on medication then healthcare costs at large should be greatly reduced and perhaps we will one day get to a point where it’s possible to grant everyone free healthcare. Coming from a country that has free healthcare it’s a bit overrated imo. Yes it gives you the peace of mind but I also paid close to 50% in taxes just to be able to go to my doctor for free and sit in a waiting room for 1.5 hours because it’s full and government sponsored. I’m all for the idea but giving half my wages to that system would not get me back onboard.
Most of the worlds free health care is subsidized by the US taxpayer and then they still fuck up the system. If your country had to pay 100% of its own defense do you think you would have free health care? If you didnt tax our products at insane rates do you think you would have free health care? What about all the vacation time and juicy trips the European workers get while Americans work themselves to death? The sweet pensions? Do you think any of that is possible without stealing from American taxpayers?
Its time that the world stops sucking at the teet of the American taxpayer.
That’s actually a really good point. I grew up in Denmark which is considered a wealthy country. We pay a 42-75% tax rate (depending on income) and in return we get free healthcare, free college + money so you can study and don’t need to work a job to survive, parents get monthly payments for each child they have ($2-300 per kid), 7 weeks paid vacation etc etc…. It’s a socialist utopia - yet not considered a socialist country. We give all this to the citizens and most people there love the safety net and being taken care of by their government. (This is also how we got flooded with Muslims who come and treat it as a pimp ass paradise.) People in Denmark are content with owning a small house and sharing a car - or often one partner will take the public transportation. They willingly accept the high tax rate because they don’t have to worry about their basic needs being met and thus don’t live in survival mode like many here do.. I feel terrible knowing that my own birth country has been complicit in sucking my now home country dry. Don’t give me wrong I absolutely love Denmark - it’s a beatiful country. But majority of the people there are ignorant normies who act like liberals - most of my own family included. When it comes to defense there is absolutely a big issue. The Danish army is not large enough to protect the country from any big enemy. They rely on their allies to help them fight off scary boogie men from the east and this is where the US has played a big role and why Denmark will always bow down to America. They need us more than we need them and they know it. Trump knows it too. They act so offended over his request for Greenland when literally all they had on the island up until recently for military protection was a few sledhounds and a couple of snowmobiles. They can’t protect Greenland nor it’s people. They can threaten to take away or tarriff Ozympic and Lego - but fail to recognize those companies would both go out of business without US customers buying their products. Danish politicians will talk a big game to look cool in front of the other cabal puppets but in the end will kiss both our feet and ass. I long for the days where they will realize that Americans are not so dumb after all. This could be their wake up call.
Healthcare is actually cheap if the government scumbags and their fucking crony hospital administrators weren't skimming billions from the public.
While Id support a "free" set of healthcare "basics", I still think people should have to pay ... It's the only way to keep costs down once all of the corruption is rooted out.
Wait until they start yanking dei boards from colleges.
WELLLLL...that is going to happen...Don't forget: PDJT has the 2020 ACTUAL RESULTS AND there was at one time a blip here on this website about votes going to Canada & Mexico and changing the vote hence change in vote tally!!!!!!!!!
When all is said and done, there is going to be a DECREASE IN DEMOCRATIC VOTERS FOR A LONG TIME!!!!! AND IN EVERY STATE!!!!
😂 the richest man on earth, not the smartest, with access to all US government funding and not just the billions he used to get…. hopefully this doesn’t pan out for the worse.
Maybe not the smartest, but at this point in time the most capable. He’s clearly able to run more than one company at a time, and be successful at it. Hoping for doge to be a big win for all of us.
The @DOGE team discovered, among other things, that payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups.
They literally never denied a payment in their entire career.
A long time ago I remember coming across an article about people in Puerto Rico living extraordinarily long lives. It started out as a simple commentary of how tranquil island living apparently increased longevity, but it went south when there were reports of "too many" people living well past 100, opps! Long story short, it was believed these people were long dead and relatives were just continuing to collect SS checks. And that was it, nothing to see here the end.
I and the vast majority of American citizens pay the majority of federal taxes (via income tax) which funds our government. It is the largest of all tax bills I pay every year, when compared to others such as property taxes, sales taxes, state level income taxes, vehicle registration fees, etc.
If my federal income taxes were cut in half, that would make a huge difference in my life. Hell, if they were cut by a quarter, that would still make a big difference in my life.
Its all low hanging fruit. Years, and years of corruption need to be trimmed. First we have to cut out the big ticket items. Just imagine if we get control of erroneous money flows. Audit everything. As a tired taxpayer of 50+ years. I would like to see an accounting for my labor.
50+ years here also. I want reimbursed all the tax money I payed that went to all the nefarious recipients.
That would be sweeeeet….but I’d settle for just complete elimination of the Fed and IRS.
I'd just be happy if they'd all go away and die. I paid a lot in taxes the past 30+ years ... If the DS is dead then it's worth every penny as far as I'm concerned.
And all our social security that was stolen with interest.
They always talk about... Why can't we have free healthcare in The USA? Well this is why. We probably could if we are not wasting all this money. Oh and those same people are against this happening because it's trump. We live in a 🤡🌎
If we address the chronic disease epidemic and big Pharmas hand in keeping people dependent on medication then healthcare costs at large should be greatly reduced and perhaps we will one day get to a point where it’s possible to grant everyone free healthcare. Coming from a country that has free healthcare it’s a bit overrated imo. Yes it gives you the peace of mind but I also paid close to 50% in taxes just to be able to go to my doctor for free and sit in a waiting room for 1.5 hours because it’s full and government sponsored. I’m all for the idea but giving half my wages to that system would not get me back onboard.
Most of the worlds free health care is subsidized by the US taxpayer and then they still fuck up the system. If your country had to pay 100% of its own defense do you think you would have free health care? If you didnt tax our products at insane rates do you think you would have free health care? What about all the vacation time and juicy trips the European workers get while Americans work themselves to death? The sweet pensions? Do you think any of that is possible without stealing from American taxpayers?
Its time that the world stops sucking at the teet of the American taxpayer.
That’s actually a really good point. I grew up in Denmark which is considered a wealthy country. We pay a 42-75% tax rate (depending on income) and in return we get free healthcare, free college + money so you can study and don’t need to work a job to survive, parents get monthly payments for each child they have ($2-300 per kid), 7 weeks paid vacation etc etc…. It’s a socialist utopia - yet not considered a socialist country. We give all this to the citizens and most people there love the safety net and being taken care of by their government. (This is also how we got flooded with Muslims who come and treat it as a pimp ass paradise.) People in Denmark are content with owning a small house and sharing a car - or often one partner will take the public transportation. They willingly accept the high tax rate because they don’t have to worry about their basic needs being met and thus don’t live in survival mode like many here do.. I feel terrible knowing that my own birth country has been complicit in sucking my now home country dry. Don’t give me wrong I absolutely love Denmark - it’s a beatiful country. But majority of the people there are ignorant normies who act like liberals - most of my own family included. When it comes to defense there is absolutely a big issue. The Danish army is not large enough to protect the country from any big enemy. They rely on their allies to help them fight off scary boogie men from the east and this is where the US has played a big role and why Denmark will always bow down to America. They need us more than we need them and they know it. Trump knows it too. They act so offended over his request for Greenland when literally all they had on the island up until recently for military protection was a few sledhounds and a couple of snowmobiles. They can’t protect Greenland nor it’s people. They can threaten to take away or tarriff Ozympic and Lego - but fail to recognize those companies would both go out of business without US customers buying their products. Danish politicians will talk a big game to look cool in front of the other cabal puppets but in the end will kiss both our feet and ass. I long for the days where they will realize that Americans are not so dumb after all. This could be their wake up call.
Healthcare is actually cheap if the government scumbags and their fucking crony hospital administrators weren't skimming billions from the public.
While Id support a "free" set of healthcare "basics", I still think people should have to pay ... It's the only way to keep costs down once all of the corruption is rooted out.
Wait until they start yanking dei boards from colleges.
Agree about paying some but your right about the current system sucks
Jew pockets. Done.
I wonder if there will be a spike in mortgage and car payments defaulting, once the issue is fixed?
Oh because so many are getting kick backs
Because criminals were living large off the Welfare State..
I'd be interested in running a comparison between Social Security's death database, and nationwide voter registrations ...
WELLLLL...that is going to happen...Don't forget: PDJT has the 2020 ACTUAL RESULTS AND there was at one time a blip here on this website about votes going to Canada & Mexico and changing the vote hence change in vote tally!!!!!!!!!
When all is said and done, there is going to be a DECREASE IN DEMOCRATIC VOTERS FOR A LONG TIME!!!!! AND IN EVERY STATE!!!!
When you have the smartest mind on earth going thru this data we may not need to pay any taxes to fund the government once it is running efficiently
😂 the richest man on earth, not the smartest, with access to all US government funding and not just the billions he used to get…. hopefully this doesn’t pan out for the worse.
Maybe not the smartest, but at this point in time the most capable. He’s clearly able to run more than one company at a time, and be successful at it. Hoping for doge to be a big win for all of us.
A post from Elon yesterday.
The @DOGE team discovered, among other things, that payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups.
They literally never denied a payment in their entire career.
Not even once.
Is it too late to put in an invoice?
And where does the money actually end up. Who controls the accounts.
What is the best way to make them pay it back? Seize their assets and put them in a Debtors Prison?
take all their stolen wealth back ,brick wall for them all
Meh, cardboard box sounds better
Close fitting wet leather and a hot desert sun.
Select * from payroll
If date of death is < today than delete from payroll
Don't delete. Move to a new table to cross reference voter rolls
This is going to be glorious!
Senator Kennedy should be happy about this. Seems I saw a video about him asking about interfacing government systems lists of deceased people.
A long time ago I remember coming across an article about people in Puerto Rico living extraordinarily long lives. It started out as a simple commentary of how tranquil island living apparently increased longevity, but it went south when there were reports of "too many" people living well past 100, opps! Long story short, it was believed these people were long dead and relatives were just continuing to collect SS checks. And that was it, nothing to see here the end.
I and the vast majority of American citizens pay the majority of federal taxes (via income tax) which funds our government. It is the largest of all tax bills I pay every year, when compared to others such as property taxes, sales taxes, state level income taxes, vehicle registration fees, etc.
If my federal income taxes were cut in half, that would make a huge difference in my life. Hell, if they were cut by a quarter, that would still make a big difference in my life.
Nancy Pelosi and Adam bug eye are your friends at the PIG TROUGH too
I have wonder how many persons over 90-100 years old collect Social Security? I have wonder how many persons Out of the US collect Social Security?