223 That woke lesbian bishop who ambushed Trump at a national prayer service with a fake prayer about scared immigrants etc…she was making millions off it (twitter.com) posted 53 days ago by Huckleberry1776 53 days ago by Huckleberry1776 +224 / -1 34 comments share 34 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Fuckin'-A... that is one scary-ass-lookin' bitch.
(Sorry did I say that outoud)
Looks like a woke, lesbian Mark Hamill.
you had to go there.
So, just Mark Hamill then🐸
Make it rain!
Looks like a dude to me.
that, too
Lol I just posted thsts one ugly dude before I started reading comments ! Ha ha no kidding ! It isn’t sure I bet !
They do like promoting the transfag. I would give this one 90% it's a dude.
Outside voice too.
I’d like to know who recommended that church and her/him to be the one that gave the sermon.
God will not be mocked.
These people are so predictable, Trump probably put her up there on purpose knowing what the results would be then….. exposure.
Mark Hamill is looking rough these days.
It is a good thing she did this to Trump. Now, we get to read about major corruption and shut it down. Go. DoGE
Grifting churchs!
She should have used some of that money to buy a comb.
She looks like Jeremy Irons with AIDS.
Omg that's so harsh & accurate🐸
Tranny vibes.
I guarantee she did not ambush them. She was given publicity to give her enough rope.
Ambushed? More like embarassed itself. Go to jail.
Organized crime is organized crime. If these people mock Christ by pretending to be Christians while doing it it is all the worse.
...which millions can easily be clawed back from her(?) corrupt self.
That’s one ugly dude !
Damn that’s scary kinda like Linda Blair (The Exorcist) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WIeBU81pOI
She looks as though she has been severely beaten about the head and neck.
Good face for a dartboard.
so what can we do with her? lets find out!
Normally I'd call out fake news (her being lesbian) but I think I'll let this one go. Lmfao