Colic certainly happens in unvaxxed kids, as well. But it's good that people are finally asking more questions about what's affecting infant health in this country.
There are many comments on IG from parents saying their unvaxxed kids had colic. And it's closely related to c-section births. I'm sure there are multiple potential causes.
🙄 I never said it was. I simply said there are many comments. And thinking that every single one of those is fake makes as much sense as assuming every single one is truth.
It's possible that the DNA has been passed down to your kid. I have some gene deletion and that same gene deletion has been passed down to my kid and now my kid have some mild physical conditions. Mostly healthy and not noticeable but if you look carefully, you will notice it.
I think it may be acid reflux. My grandson had it as an infant. My oldest child had "colic" for about the first four months, which was likely acid reflux. At that time they weren't vaxxing newborns, and she was breastfed.
Former Omaha police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post vaccine
My 16-minute interview of Jennifer, a former police detective in a major US city who handled over 250 SIDS investigations over 7 years implicates the childhood vaccines are the major cause of SIDS. -(Steve Kirsch)-
One of mine cried nonstop for the first two years. She had traits of autism that we noticed around 1-1.5 years. Around 2.5 years old she snapped out of her autistic behavior and started to mature. By 2nd grade we found out she was a gifted learner, but she still has some minor/controllable adhd mannerisms.
We are done having kids but I will not vaccinate further in my family after having an autistic child.
My latest kid was full blown autistic, non verbal. The one I wrote about is doing OK. I did many blood tests on the autist. Heavy metals were elevated. Lead levels were 4 or 5 instead of 1. What is ferritin?
I have read that the body identifies lead much like calcium and stores it away in the bones only to have it leech out when the woman’s body is growing a baby or breast-feeding. Have you heard of anything like this? Did you find out where the lead came from?
Ferritin is sort of like the storage of iron. Your blood levels of hemoglobin and iron can look good but your ferritin can be low, causing all kinds of issues. It’s a very easy test to get. However, it’s not part of a regular CBC. I’ve always had to ask for it to be added on to my blood panel or onto my children’s blood panel, but it’s always been approved.
Colicky kids are often very sensitive to shouting and arguing. I had a couple who had a colicky kid, and they told me her parents were always screaming and yelling in the home. They lived with her parents. I told them to move, and when they got their own place, no screaming and, best of all, no colic. Babies know everything about their surroundings.
My kids were born in 90 and 99. If I knew then what I know now, they would not have been vaccinated. Trying to get this info thru to my hard headed DIL is like trying to pull teeth
Colic certainly happens in unvaxxed kids, as well. But it's good that people are finally asking more questions about what's affecting infant health in this country.
But maybe extreme and extended colic is different.
One person I know said their kid hit their head on the wall and cried for days after a shot. The hen B I think.
SIDS is the way to look not colic. Let’s watch for that diversion away from SIDS to colic.
Hep B is one of the worst….
You know an unvaccinated kid that had it? My Amish neighbors don't have these issues.
There are many comments on IG from parents saying their unvaxxed kids had colic. And it's closely related to c-section births. I'm sure there are multiple potential causes.
Sure because IG is a fountain of untainted information.
🙄 I never said it was. I simply said there are many comments. And thinking that every single one of those is fake makes as much sense as assuming every single one is truth.
It's possible that the DNA has been passed down to your kid. I have some gene deletion and that same gene deletion has been passed down to my kid and now my kid have some mild physical conditions. Mostly healthy and not noticeable but if you look carefully, you will notice it.
What do you mean by natural milk?
If you mean, cow or goat milk, even in the raw form, that is a terrible idea because it will cause anemia. Maybe that isn’t what you meant though.
Mine is 3 mos, unvaxxed, but has colic. I think it’s a gut issue
I think it may be acid reflux. My grandson had it as an infant. My oldest child had "colic" for about the first four months, which was likely acid reflux. At that time they weren't vaxxing newborns, and she was breastfed.
😆 at the downvote. Somebody just doesn't like me.
They probably voted Democrat
This. I’m in the colic trenches right now, someone save us.
Mylicon - worked wonders on my second child. Didn't know diddly about it first go round. Differences were astounding
Former Omaha police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post vaccine
One of mine cried nonstop for the first two years. She had traits of autism that we noticed around 1-1.5 years. Around 2.5 years old she snapped out of her autistic behavior and started to mature. By 2nd grade we found out she was a gifted learner, but she still has some minor/controllable adhd mannerisms.
We are done having kids but I will not vaccinate further in my family after having an autistic child.
Have you ever had her ferritin levels tested?
My latest kid was full blown autistic, non verbal. The one I wrote about is doing OK. I did many blood tests on the autist. Heavy metals were elevated. Lead levels were 4 or 5 instead of 1. What is ferritin?
I have read that the body identifies lead much like calcium and stores it away in the bones only to have it leech out when the woman’s body is growing a baby or breast-feeding. Have you heard of anything like this? Did you find out where the lead came from?
Ferritin is sort of like the storage of iron. Your blood levels of hemoglobin and iron can look good but your ferritin can be low, causing all kinds of issues. It’s a very easy test to get. However, it’s not part of a regular CBC. I’ve always had to ask for it to be added on to my blood panel or onto my children’s blood panel, but it’s always been approved.
My son had colic for 3 months straight then like a switch flipped, he stopped.
Of possible interest:
mawson study
smoking gun
the clincher
destroyed evidence
(I use ad blockers. YMMV.)
Colicky kids are often very sensitive to shouting and arguing. I had a couple who had a colicky kid, and they told me her parents were always screaming and yelling in the home. They lived with her parents. I told them to move, and when they got their own place, no screaming and, best of all, no colic. Babies know everything about their surroundings.
My kids were born in 90 and 99. If I knew then what I know now, they would not have been vaccinated. Trying to get this info thru to my hard headed DIL is like trying to pull teeth
baby: SCREAMS 'MY NERVOUS SYSTEM IS ON FIRE, HELP!' mother: "Ooh. Baby must be hungry or something"
Flouride, Soy, Glyphosate = Colic Duh. The vaccine comment is just the start. Why do babies need THREE rounds of the killshot ?