My lefty libtarded friend, a doctor, thinks hes some kind of progressive unicorn that believes in liberal values like inclusion and equity and diversity but comes to it through a rational and dispassionate, objective mode of thinking. READY? Here's why he hates Elon Musk:
🧠 These people are STUPID!

EDS- Elon derangement syndrome
Uneducated liberal. He might be a dr. but common sense he does not have. He concentrates on irrelevant things, rather than the most important things to save America.
That was no Nazi salute - it was an emotional Elon telling MAGA that he gives his heart to all.
Dismissing all the Strengths due to irrelevant flaws, is lefty logic. It makes them feel superior because they can departmentalize, even though they can't grasp the entire conceptualization.
It’s soooo predictable. 🙄 I think if you we’re contemplating a career, maybe pursing psychology would be profitable because there’s going to be a great need as people realise they were conned.
The same Nazi salute his boy David Hogg gave?
Isn't a friend. He is a lunatic and would abandon you in your time of need. I bet he gave a lot of clot shots and still backs them.
You need to keep a better group of friends.
Diversification is the key to life
you need new friends.
The 20 year old college coders nonsense is another media narrative he fell for.
From what I understand, Elon's team at DOGE go to each Department or Agency and run advanced algorithms, mapping out their entire financial structure. They've quickly found things that career administrators didn't know existed or spent years trying to hide. I'm sure what they've found will be used by accountants for audits and lead to prosecutions if necessary.
So when my company was sold to a bigger firm the new bosses had hired a new accountant at our (formerly) home office. This 20-something gal in her first week discovered blatant embezzling by the head of accounting for the just purchased company that had apparently been going on for years. The new company fired the entire old accounting department except for her because if this went unnoticed for so long then either the rest of the accountants were utterly incompetent or in on it.
I learned long ago to assess people before planting seeds. If they are close minded brainwashed people then your efforts will always be futile. All of his beliefs are based on lies - msm talking points. Recommend don't waste your time.
If u must maybe try to take Karoline's route when people whine about Musk. " So you're ok with TRILLIONS in theft from Americans ? "
That #2 is pathetic. I hate you because of a game - lol. That should have ended the conversation right there as this person's true colors were exposed. The fact it was listed at all much less #2 is just sad.
What's funny is he's a doctor ( supposed to be super smart right ) , and lists a game as to why he hates one of the brightest guys on the planet. Then proceeds to bash 20 yr olds intelligence, when he's showing his low IQ about reality at a much older age.
Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. - M. twain.
I've worked with a lot of doctors. Many, unfortunately, are not super smart. Super egotistical is common. Great at memorization is common. Great at following someone else's procedure is common.
There are some good ones and there are some great ones, but there are also a lot of them who are dangerously stupid.
Same here ( many actually ) and all you've said is spot on. Another trait I find common is their an easily triggered ego. Present ANY information that challenges their narrative and/or jeopardizes their kickbacks and they flip like a switch - the facade just falls right off. Alter ego or God complex.
The system does their best to keep the good ones handcuffed or out altogether - pull their license, insurance says they are out of network ( as in won't play the game ), or your problem isn't covered.
You mentioned they are not super smart - 100%. Of all places why would DEI be a good idea? I mean it's only a person's health and life right ? It doesn't take much effort to figure out why they are there. Strange how DEI always seems to be where crimes are happening. Hmm.
You're right about the good ones being handcuffed. That used to tick me off so much. Several I knew just said the hell with it and retired. The rest just let their souls be sucked out because they didn't see a way out.
So glad I got out of the medical industry.
Same with engineers. Many who are just good enough to keep following what has been done many times before but never could come up with anything new, they're really glorified technicians.
I've seen such people take my seeds and come to absurdly incorrect conclusions as they force everything to fit their existing leftard assumptions. I quickly got tired of "Trump and Elon are fascists" while denying all the fascism that Biden and Obama engaged in.
Any liberal that I find out actually Cashes a Check that comes from DOGE will be absolutely mercilessly beaten down and trolled by my mouth! Promise!
The "Nazi salute" that even the left's darling ADL told them to chill the fuck out over.
^ this ^
My favorite lead in to this is, "Oh, so you believe everything the ADL says?" (they alway agree) Then point them to the actual ADL statement. https://x.com/ADL/status/1881474892022919403
I do the same with the "Very fine people" BS quote, except use Snopes instead of ADL, then point them to https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people. They are so easy to set up, we don't really have to try anymore!
This coder vs accountant debate is the latest talking point from the left. They assert that only a forensic accountant can do a proper audit and the only reason they brought coders in was to install back doors to be able in infiltrate the system at will.
Leftist talking points are retarded. 😉
They just like words that make their arguments sound sophisticated.
My opinion is formed by both work as a "hacker" and as a forensic accountant.
your friend is a retard
The Democratic Party has brainwashed them to make them think that the Democrats are really the good guys, and all the Republicans are selfish and evil. This is the only way the Democrats can keep a hold of these people, is to tell them how much better they are than everybody else.
Yep like some tards over on r/Superstonk crying about the order to being the SEC and such back under purview of the executive branch. These morons go on about how "the left is not the side dragging us into fascism" and are utterly ignorant or ignoring how Bernie Sanders was outed as a big pharma shill just a couple weeks back during the RFK Jr confirmation hearings. They also know jack shit about the Constitution while claiming that it's unconstitutional and that these agencies are supposed to be "independent".
Wait. So he distrust Musk because of 1:Mean Tweets 2: fake lies 3: Nazi
Am I in the twilight zone lol
I agree with #1 and #2 (if he actually did that, I don't know), and would probably add #4: His companies are not private companies and he was a figurehead for government black money projects. Whether for good or bad, I don't like that Zuckerberg template. The gov is still lying to us
Get a new friend.