I want to do a deep dive on this. So after all the symbolism of satanism I believe transgenderism is a satanic ritual as you are mutilating God’s creation. And no I don’t think some random Seattle kid who wants to transition is a Satanist per se but demons definitely got to them especially the parents.
Anyways we know that the deep state is involved with satanism and occult practices which include figures like Moloch (child sacrifice) and Baphomet which is often depicted as a transgender.
So I have started looking into a lot of these people who are suspected of being transgender with the children or absence of children being the starting point.
Some examples.
Big Mike: don’t need to go into it but it’s obvious that Malia and Sasha look nothing like either of them.
Governor of Maine: No Children. Seen dancing at a drag show. Highly suspect but then again I know plenty of idiotic post menopausal white women who would do that.
Brigette Macron: No Children, groomed Macron another obvious one.
Melinda Gates: the children especially the son have her nose and other facial features. So unlike Big Mike I am not convinced. If you want to argue that the real Gates are dead or that Bill had access to insane cloning and DNA technology you do you but I have no evidence for that.
So who do you suspect and why?
Mrs Chuck Schumer comes to mind.
That's definitely a man! Fugly 😂
The kids have Schumer’s nose. But I can’t see any facial features from the wife.
did you notice this
in the article?
The connection didn't register until you commented on it. Nice catch.
thanks for the link.
after reading that it seems Schiff and Schumer are family.
Who could forget the purple-haired congress"woman" from Connecticut, Rosa DeLauro. She bears an uncanny resemblance to crazy Nancy Pelosi's "dead" brother, Roosevelt Dellasandro.
I always thought she looked a lot like John Kerry. I wasn’t able to find any good comparison pictures of Roosevelt Dellasandro- do you have any?
This topic is HUGE to me. First thing is the Bad Trannies DO NOT TELL you they are Dudes. The brainwashed, " Start a movement because I cut my junk off " types want you to know and they want you to champion them. So insane.
So, what I do know, is that right off the bat, when I MASTERED my Trannie identification skills ( forensic skeletal ) , I saw them EVERYWHERE in my home town.
Then I could literally see the traffic, all congested with USAID workers. Seems wierd, however, the amount of cars and those not working was the key. THEN, I began to have these Trannies show up in my dating game. Yes, I am single. They look sooo good, until it sinks in, THEN, you are blown away. So what I noticed as I ghosted them and blew them off, they became VERY offended. VERY. And nasty and such.
So I began to hang longer, asked more questions, more dates to get to know were they worked etc. And sure enough, ALL GOVERNMENT !
So let me tell you people, BE AFRAID. They are BAD NEWS and all have AGENDAS. One for example, had huge experience , was sent to China and Kenya for an orphanage rescue deal.
Do you think my red flags were up ? It was riveting. Then they wind up in a Senate campaign support team. UNREAL. That one was wicked bad, almost had me killed.
I HATE THEM SO MUCH, I spot them like the movie " THEY LIVE"
They are SOOOO nasty they are in PORN and all so perfect you would never know. The deal is they are born into it. The ideal situation for them is TWINS. They take two boys and Flip One. Then they have the ideal situation. Angelina Jole' or Julia Roberts / Eric Roberts. Madonna with her brother etc.
Wicked man, seriously out of control. Dudes NEED to know the Forensic skeletal data to keep from banging these wacko's. You'll no when your boinking a vagina to no where when its as dry as a gravel road. Sucks to be you ! Charlese Theron, Pink, Cher, Nicole Kidman, etc. etc.
Wow! This post is fascinating and disgusting.
What more can you say about "Angelina Jole' or Julia Roberts / Eric Roberts. Madonna with her brother etc." ?
They are the "High Priestess Class" The Twins. Remember the womb in the bible with separate fathers ? They worship this, the idea of cheating, scam.
So that is the apex. My research pointed towards orphanages or Carribean flights running kids. The one Trannie I personally came across was a real estate baroness. She was a Spencer via California. She had a slew of husbands. One of which was the governments greatest drug smuggler in the Caribean. He was sent to jail, a vacation, while she kept the kids. The real smuggling was kids. She took two boys and she turned them both into girls. When the husband got out of jail after ten years, the 'girls' were teens now and absolutely beautiful. He locked them in the house and they were forbid to go out, he was so freaked out. They of course sneaked out every chance. He died very shortly after, or so the police report claims.
The Trannies continued, in real estate and drugs and politics. I came across one and its reflected above. Vicious, stunning beauty, dangerous to the point if they want you gone, a team, a coordianted TEAM will take you down, including local officials etc. Beyond Belief.
Thats how dangerous. Forensic Skeletal Analysis friends, learn it practice it. They are in your circle NOW. Oh, and they won't be wearing rainbow flag merch, nope, they are stealth and real, not fake and propoganda.
WOW. you should write a regular thread in this topic.
I wouldn't be surprised if that is the exact reason why Jim Harbaugh is against the police. I did a web search on him as a possibility for the next President after Donald Trump.
Don't forget "Jamie Lee Curtis" or "Jodie Foster."
There's some Barbara Bush speculation but I don't know.
Totally Barbara Bush is Alistair Crowley son ,, spelling of his name is wrong !
I would have to look at younger photos of Barbara and the kids
Anderson coopers supposed dead brother ,, Kathy Gifford , the demon who held up a bloody head of DJT ,, thry either kill the first born or they become a tranny ,, I think as it’s been researched that this dude “ Kathy “ is Andersons brother !
Kathy Griffin. Gifford was (pro athlete, sportscaster) Frank Gifford's wife and, I suspect, not a tranny.
Yes I apologize , I suspected I got the name mixed up
Kathy Lee Gifford is also a Christian who pretty much got her start by being paired with the perfect co-host in Regis Philbin for a morning talk show which she left to raise her kids. I know this is slightly off topic, but I wouldn't be shocked to learn that Regis faked his death and was one of those that played Joe Biden as President. His date of death is listed as July 25, 2020 at the age of 88, and his voice and Joe Biden's are similar.
Interesting. Biden's pretty tall, though. Six feet zero inches if you can believe the interwebs.
My opinion: "Susan" Rice. Look closely. That ain't a black girl, that's an arab man with cosmetic surgery, and a fake background.
I always wondered if susan wasn't the dude on the couch with Barry photo from college days..
What about Jacinda Ardern?
That’s a good one.
Megan fox, Mrs schumer, Bridget macron, Melinda Gates, the prime minister of New Zealand, possibly Barbara Bush, Chrissy Teigen, and of course Big Mike.
I don’t Melinda is a tranny.
I think Ellen Degenerate is a trans. I also suspect Julie Bowen is a man. And Megyn Kelly too. I base these opinions on the body of those individuals: man feet, man ankles, man knees, man ass, no waist, slight Adam's apple, index shorter than ring finger... those are men, baby.
Rachel Maddow
Apparently they inject these things before birth with hormones to flip their gonads...apparently been done since the 80s.
Apparently clones don't have gonads, they pee and poop out their butt
I thought of another one: I think Ric Flair's daughter Charlotte is actually his late son Reid after several trans surgeries.
Lucky Larry Silverstein’s wife.
Melinda Gates could have fathered those kids.
lots of trannies have kids earlier in life then transition later.
They look like Bill too though.
i had never seen their kids before so i looked them up. yes they do resemble Bill a lot.