Trump Declares War on Thomas Massie: Vows to Lead Primary Challenge After Massie Opposes Trump-Endorsed Funding Bill | The Gatew...
In a bold political showdown, Trump vows to lead a primary challenge against Rep. Thomas Massie after the congressman opposes a crucial funding bill. The implications for GOP unity and strategy are profound.
Massie voted with the Commiecrats, how does that look? Are we to assume all the Commiecrats are now fiscally minded, or are they just voting against Trump.
Don't do something just because DJT tells you to. Always keep your analytical brain on and remain skeptical.
Yeah but Massie supported DeSantis in the primaries, who is arguably way worse when it comes to the Isreal situation than trump. Idk like some have said, Massie calls out Isreal, but i can't help but think he's controlled oppo. Plus I bet Don wanted him to get inline for this particular vote and he refused so now the boss is big mad
Using this approach, wouldn't Massie be the perfect plant? Talks right, votes right until the crucial vote.
I think he's still voting "right."
Small government, conservative spending has always been favored by the right. Just because Trump is in favor of a massive spending bill doesn't make it right wing. That's what irks me about Trump turning on a guy who essentially is just sticking to right wing principles.
We are in a war. This is a crucial battle, and his principles tell him to turn on his comrades and shoot from the other side.
He's on the fiscally conservative side. Maybe Trump should rejoin that side.
Even if we fire the entire fed gov, we would still be neck deep in debt. Only way to get out is to fire up production and make money.
Just seems silly to turn on the one guy in politics with a solid, consistent set of principles. Every one else flip flops depending on which way the wind is blowing.
Trump says he wants to balance the budget ...
... but not really. (Psyche!)
I have a hard time believing anyone with $0 AIPAC support is controlled oppo. I mean, who is paying for it if not Israel? They have the biggest interest in US affairs.
Right. It takes dirty money to create swamp creatures.
Defend the CR bill without mentioning Trump.
I’m far from an expert on these matters, but just recently, several times now, I’ve heard (podcasts) and read about this. Every time I hear it explained, the (legit) experts explained how tax cuts are considered an expense (less revenue) and that Dems who were always in favor of CR now are against it, to try and thwart Trump’s proposed tax cuts.
Apparently Massie is opposed to it because it pays USAid. So whatever DOGE uncovered is all for naught at the moment.
"Because of Massie's opposition to the bill, which he says is a “UNIPARTY deal” that "doesn't fund the wall" but "does fund USAID," President Trump has declared war on Massie, "
Puhleeeze ...
Nobody is "forgetting" anything.
Some of us disagree with Trump's leftist push for big government spending.
Did you blindly support Bolton, Pence, Sessions just because Trump supported them?
I mainly trust but am incapable of following anyone blindly.
It is? I thought it was generic.
It's a liberal phrase? That's hilarious.
Did the liberals come up with Wear Clean Underwear In Case You Are In An Accident too?
If you want to join a cult, you should re-think that idea.
EVERYBODY -- including Trump -- needs to be held accountable.
Trump is pushing for a leftist style big spending bill.
No bueno.
Sometimes commiecrats speak out against Israel.
Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
People are getting lost in this one specific part of the process and it is playing into their hands. If we aren't careful we end up looking like the retards at the Universities. Which again is exactly what THEY want.
The truth needs to be in the majority. Not this muddied false activism that has swept up the college youth.
The most important thing right now is as you said get the most out of this term. A Gov shutdown isn't what we need right now.
I think we could survive DOGE being shut down for a couple of weeks if it meant a better budget without re-funding the waste until September.
After all, we made it two and a half centuries without DOGE even existing.
A continuing resolution is a resolution to continue.
"Could mean" could also mean something else.
Don't forget that Trump only runs one third of the Federal government; there is also a feckless Congress to consider.
I didn't say they weren't in session and I didn't say anything about 'stopping them'.
Please don't skip over my plain meaning and then put words in my mouth, OK? Thanks.
In case you haven't noticed, the government NEVER "shuts down."
Only a few irrelevant agencies do.
The point was just because a commiecrat might like eating a Reuben sandwich, doesn't mean you have to give them up. We'll inevitably coincide on some issues.
If Massie doesn't like big government spending he's an ally and not someone to be primaried.
He must think he looks good in pictures
Primaries??? WTF... that's like "2 more weeks" , except years.
Let’s be clear, Massie is Mr. Big Talk no action. He makes so much clever noise on X but when has it really amounted to anything?
What did Ron Paul ever amount to for 30 years until now? If you are fiscally conservative then you have to stick to your guns. Eventually it'll play out.
Not much a single representative can do on his or her own.
Add in Fox News and that would include all of them so far.
He has 434 retards against him.
The right-libertarian faction of the Republican Party forms an almost miniscule percentage of the party's coaltion. And there's a big difference between Massie's ideologically pure libertariansim, and the libertarian-influenced conservatism of the larger factions of the party's coaltion. Furthermore, the dominant faction under Trump - the Populist faction - is the least libertarian-influenced faction of any within the party's coalition. Nationalist Populism is actually not "classically liberal" economically, so it's not in alignment with the right-libertarian economic view that Massie espouses. The Republicans are not in power based on a libertarian-leaning majority of the electorate, because the majority of the electorate does not care for such principles. Trump's Populist movement, similar to the analogous movements in Europe, is instead based on a principle of "solidarity", which translates as a rather classically leftist (social democratic) economic program, combined with a social/cultural traditionalism.
Well put.
It is this outdated, classically leftist economic program of Nationlist Populism that is the reason for the overlap between Trump's movement and the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign. It's important to remember that exit polls in West Virginia for the 2016 Democrat Primary had 4 in 10 Democrat voters for Bernie stating that they would vote for Trump over Hillary in the General Election. The same reason explains why a Democrat is currently in his second term as governor of Kentucky, or why Democrat Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia lasted as long as he did. If you look at the last Kentucky governor race, it was actually the eastern, "coal-country" counties that went blue. Along with West Virginia and central Appalachia, these were always historically among the most pro-worker, pro-union and "old-left" Democrat-voting parts of the country.
“Mini Mitch” Massie? He’s got many fooled. He needs that McConnell vote machine next election.
Mitch was always a big spender.
Until Trump. Massie is a pro DeSantis simp. He votes however McConnell points him.
He's really a McConnell supporter?
He has to be. The state of Kentucky is caught in McConnell's voting web of control. The strings can't be cut until McConnell is gone. Hence the hand-picked replacement for him. See Don Jr's comments:
Looks like they are talking about a Daniel Caneron.
If you look at what DOGE is saving versus what's being added to the budget I think there is a disparity there.
The federal budget has a $2 trillion deficit.
That wasn't Trump's fault, but he needs to clean it up.
So far DOGE has been very good, but not $2 trillion worth.
Are you talking about the plan as in Q says trust the plan?
If so please tell us, what exactly is "The Plan"? Don't take umbrage and there is no need for anger. I'm asking a serious question.
You accuse someone of "doubting The Plan" like you know what The Plan is and this indicates to me that you would accuse me of the same, so I think it's fair that I ask.
What is "The Plan"?
Well according to that definition you are blindly following something you can only guess at, aren't you?
Also, where does the idea of "White Hats" come from?
You are explaining your view on things. I could have been here since Moses and you just yesterday, but I still wouldn't be able to read your mind.
I think it's time to move on, but if you prefer we can keep beating this dead horse. I'll leave that up to you.
Hidden Deep Stater