BREAKING: General Flynn Shares With Alex Jones Credible High-Level Intel That The Desperate Deep State Has Been Caught Discussin...
Former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency warns plotters their operation has been EXPOSED from the inside & they will face justice!
I think this needs to be taken very seriously after that Infowars reporter was murdered. The people behind this need to hang.
I just saw that Nick Sortor's father and sister were swatted. All conservative media is now a target, it appears.
Knowing what they are, you have to assume they are scheming. They've already tried Trump twice, that we know of. Three if you count the missile.
The prospect of starting a civil will not deter them. They would love that.
Trump has alluded to the fact that there were multiple attempts that weren't publicized. I believe he even said one involved drones.
I dunno... seems very little boy cried wolf to me. Not to be macabre, but it seems like a publicity stunt. It's just hard to tell what's kayfabe and what's real with AJ anymore... Gonna need more information one way or another.
This is the 100th time he said they were out to get Trump or him and he needs to do an emergency broadcast. Remember when Trump got COVID and Alex said the hospital was going to kill him?
His orzempic face is real 😎
It can't be that far fetched if Ukraine just had a hit put out on one of his reporters.
Q called AJ out on a post. i was attacked on here for saying i didn't like or trust him. some anons say the left are hateful, try going against AJ on here.
I too. I swear it's like a religion with some... it's 1000x worse on pwin.
Early on I'd watch him - back pre-bohemian thing ... I just can't take everything being over sensationalized all the time. Everything. Always. All. The. Time. It's not normal... it's disingenuous and thankfully I have the choice to not tune into that.
Needless to say I get my information elsewhere... besides, once someone gets that mainstream, they're burnt. Just look at Bill Burr these days...Retards think aj is Bill Hicks... but Bill Hicks has said a thing or two about artistic value vs selling out - totally on point even today.
See you at the next choir practice 😁
Amen TaQo, the constant over sensationalizing on pretty much everything, drives me crazy. it's like a constant rant, for hours. i tried listening to him different times, but i can't stand it. same crazy ranting over and over.
Anyone caught planning this or caught trying to carry any part of it out needs to be put down immediately! Make hanging great again!
Hanging takes too long...firing squad!!!
drone their asses where they live and breathe.
THE WORLD HAS TO SEE THE EXECUTIONS...that is why GITMO was expanded!!!! TMYK!!!!!
the world needs to see executions of high level politicians, celebrities, etc. those that lurk in the shadows and no one knows their names, they can be executed with drones.
Mike Flynn+Alex Jones=likely psyop
Could be, but then again, an infowars reporter was also killed.
was he? or did he just get a new identity and move on with his life?
I still do not believe half the stuff the General Flynn oe his brother says.
Did he name names? Intel like that worth its salt would come with names. We already know they want trump dead so that's nothing new. Expose rhe entire thing or stop or why bother even mentioning it.
So, Mike Flynn is part of the govt again?
Uhhuh... more zog illusions.
I agree that something seems off here. However, IF [they] were to attempt any of this, it would definitely be the death knell of both parties, because I can't see it just being a plot of the Dems. AND, Flynn may in fact be accurate here and is trying to thwart all of it by outing it.
In my estimation, [their] plan here, if successful, would lead to outright civil war. Which, I believe, is now what [they] all want and need as a way to regain the power [they]'ve already lost and the power [they]'re about to lose in the future.
Who’s the Deep state ? Did he name names ? I haven’t had time to watch yet !!!!thank you !
They don't understand. They murder any of those people, and they will see a storm unleashed like never before, and they will tremble in terror.
They killed an Alex Jones producer.
They are using this to scare people.