The FACT that this was even NEEDED is a STUNNING indightment of our current times. Thankyou JESUS for reversing what might have made the collapse of the Roman Empire look like a ....
It’s amazing how quickly the introduction and weaponization of communication technologies has enabled the desecration of the human spirit, especially among the young. Add that to the programming in our schools, and, well, here we are. Whoda thunk it 20 or 30 years ago?
With now 11 very young grandchildren, I am more convinced than ever that GOVT and NOT technology is the DISEASE, and strangely enough I think the internet among other AI has been OUR tool to take down the cabal. " No weapon forged against them shall prosper"
I think that both played big roles in this operation. It’s has been more than just our government at play; our kids have been under attack by WEF & communist sponsored propaganda as well.
nope. you can even throw that sob as far as the eye can see.. although, money won't allow me to do such things ..the expense and all, so i just drink vodka and flip it my middle finger when it doesn't do what i tell it to.
well said -any tool that is designed for nefarious means God always turns it back around and finds use for His purposes. -many thanks for bringing this to the conversation friend. much appreciated.
The FACT that this was even NEEDED is a STUNNING indightment of our current times. Thankyou JESUS for reversing what might have made the collapse of the Roman Empire look like a ....
God in Heaven - Yes to all of what you said friend. 🍻
not allowed to anymore. "bullying" - we all use to just either punch one another or say "meet u at the tracks after school" - it was a very self-correcting system.
Ugh the mental health issues are off the charts! Everyone has issues but you work through them and that’s how you become a worthwhile citizen able to handle the ups and downs of life. When a fetish or addiction becomes the escape from reality the mind becomes stunted creating a greater need for the deviant behavior. Enabling this behavior is not a benign or loving act. It’s allowing them to escape reality which becomes too painful to see. This must be true of Transgenders as well. This sets them up for failure because sooner or later, reality steps in and the stop gap behavior fails to protect the personality. Like all things the Left leadership has promoted it has a nice title but destroys the recipient in the end.
Enabling this behavior is not a benign or loving act. It’s allowing them to escape reality which becomes too painful to see. This must be true of Transgenders as well. This sets them up for failure because sooner or later, reality steps in and the stop gap behavior fails to protect the personality.
You're a good man Striker, and spot fucking on. 100% 🍻
Or crapping in catboxes at school either but we are again, making the sci-fi actual reality. rather the psychotic to a normal degree. Here's one for you since you mentioned retarded people and cats: I once shit in a cat box after eating a crap ton of meat and oatmeal in my ex-wife's retarded cat's shit box. I did this knowingly and on purpose with great malice. Why? The damn cat was 200 years old and I never once in ten yrs of marriage even got to pet it, demonic little shit thing... any way, so there i was up to piss at 2am. stepped in only God knows what this indecent puke inducing creature had vomited up. took my piss, washed my foot off in the shower, went to bed and called into work the next day. waited for her to leave, "love you, have a great day" all while still smelling and feeling the vomit -shit storm that was embedded into my toenails. Tell you what, I then made my 2nd cup of coffee to push things forward somewhat.. know what i mean? yes, .. and it did. I hunkered over that cats shit box, really strained almost to the point of giving myself a hernia and took the most massive bionic shit i've ever taken... sprinkled a little litter over it and then waited. - now by that time the cat had been picked up by animal control. wife gets home and takes one look at the cat box and looks at me and accuses me of doing it. I just calmly walked into the kitchen and said " oh, oh my gosh, we've got to find it... I mean it looks as though it's had a blockage for some time now..this can't be healthy." - she knew. oh, she knew. I still have zero fucks to give and a massive amount of self respect for myself for being able to pull that off, let alone take a shit that was the size of a rugby ball. - poor cat. - I'm no animal hater either. that cat was just a demon possessed idiot retard that destroyed my house with both claws and piss. along with what the hell ever else it was puking up all day and night. good God in Heaven I mean, you can only take so much. So.. I saw a chance to "Shit" my way out of it and took it. Biggly. 💩- True story 100% 🍻
Having hung onto hookers' weak side during college, I am wondering if a turd that big required a ruck over from your ex's wrath & if that cat decided it couldn't come home because "reasons".
that cat was never seen again. -true story. I still feel really good inside,...sometimes when I'm at my lowest and need a boost, I just think of that instance and what it did for my life. -got rid of the cat and the ex wife. good times, ... good times. thank you hot-pockets and jimmy dean sausages. I may have given birth to a butthole baby but that day? ..that day, .. totally worth it.
edit: "having hung on to hookers... " lmao 😆👍
Very much only discussing children with this, insofar as it being a problem. Not judging anything past that.
I’ve heard so many people in life talk about how much they prefer animals to humans, and while understandable to a degree, that’s not a great attitude to have in a society.
We should try to love people way more than animals, precisely because it can be so much harder. Forming human bonds away from other humans toward animals by cosplaying as animals during formative years will have the opposite effect.
They want to treat us like cattle, like dogs, like their toy plaything herds to be culled and managed as they see fit. Do not inculcate sympathetic tendencies. Be you, man.
A friend's daughter has a "furry" in her class. The child is allowed to meow, walk on all fours, and generally disrupt the learning environment. When concerned parents called for a meeting with the teacher and principal, they were told that the girl's right to express herself as she saw fit, negated their concerns of the classroom disruptions. At least she's not using a litter box.
This is the difference between nice and kind. The nice thing to do is humor them. The kind thing to do is make them behave like normal human beings so they can function in society.
if you were told to piss off then you need to allow your friends daughter to be recognized as a Werewolf. - teeth and all. problem solved. If only,.. I feel sorry for parents today. This is nothing more than insanity being supported and propped up with idiots for council members, teachers and principals.
some of what is reality today to me might as well be classified as science fiction or just plain lies/ridiculousness and mental retardation. It boggles my mind to think we have to entertain this shit as it to being something tangible, real.. something well thought out and interesting intelligent. -all while the normal people are sitting there thinking "Is this person a fking nutcase?" what planet are they from. Of that - i'm not sure - either way, you are not wrong. God give you strength to endure the dumb that surrounds you. Stay strong and avoid the dumb as much as you can. 👊🍻
Make it happen. also, make them shit in cat boxes in back of the room. they want it. they got it. I'd be like "you won't need that key or hall pass" your box is in the back ..try not to grunt too loud I'm still lecturing." sick i know but still... you can imagine.
God man, you're not wrong, i mean look at the degradation of my own posts. I'm going down hill fast. vodka at first and now releasing the info on me shitting in a cat box. Things 'are' in fact getting ill. - I gotta' go to bed. damn i'm tired. -and have said waaay the hell too much. that whole shitting in the cat box thing alone was enough to just end it right there, but nooooooo.... had to go make another drink and carry on like some lunatic. wife's now threatening me with some sort of breathalyzer thing on our keyboard. Seems prudent right about now. -cheers Photobuf' - catch u on the flip side - hittin' the sack as of now, like right now. whew. hell of a night. Have a great day my friend. -watch out for cats too. 🍻
I’m in a very small town and my granddaughters have repeatedly told me about the three “furries” at the high school that seem to have special privileges. No one says anything when they make out or the fact that these suits they wear stink so bad no one can stand to be near them. There is also a transgender ftm that uses the boys bathroom. The boys are NOT comfortable with this and have said as much. It seems like the admin is all about protecting them. This really needs to stop. Feeding into delusion has never worked out well for anyone.
This should NOT be something normal, parents, aunts uncles etc.. shouldn't have to worry about children being exposed to all this nonsense. it simply is nothing more than "Demonic" to me. I don't know what what I'd do if I had to put up with that today. I sure as hell couldn't be a teacher, - homeschooling would be the way at my home as well.
Imagine waking from a coma and being told legislation is needed to stop all the schoolkids from going to school dressed in animal costumes and behaving as animals all day in school; that this was condoned by school boards; and that parents who complained were ridiculed as bad parents for restricting their children's "identity".
Then imagine being told that wasn't the worst thing the parents were fighting in schools—that their little ones were literally being force-fed explicit illustrated pornography, mostly homosexual, in an attempt to persuade as many children as possible to take drugs, have sterilization surgery, and pretend they are the opposite sex; and that parents who objected at school board meetings to their children's genitals being permanently mutilated without their knowledge or consent had their mikes cut off and were rebuked by the school boards and may have law enforcement action taken against them.
I'd be like "quick doc' you gotta' put me back under and wake me up after all this dumb has gone away" - that or just die instantaneously from the shock of how much insanity was normal now.
That picture was clearly taken at a sci-fi convention; you can tell by the badges they're all wearing. It was not taken at a school.
But yes, "furries" are extremely bad news and have been for a long time. They have an animal fetish combined with pedophilia and use their stupid costumes to attract children.
Sci-fi conventions got way too tolerant, like a lot of other things did, and furries felt safe to go there. Now the conventions are infested with them, especially because plenty of people take their kids to things like ComicCons.
If you have kids, make damn sure they are NOT into any online "furry" group or hanging out with them at sci-fi conventions.
So does this apply to every grade level, or just secondary schools? I know many children in K-4 that are constantly pretending to be animals or fantasy creatures in games they play on the playground. Though these kids are learning humans back in the classroom.
its hard for me to even accept this as something to waste oxygen on. my son and I were at a comic book convention back before Stan Lee couldn't really get around much anymore and these idiots were there. One raised "it's" arm/hand up at my son and said something EXTREMELY inappropriate, that should never be said to a child, so.. I kicked it so hard it fell over and then he started screaming that I'd hit it. I bent down and quietly said "you can shut up or I will make you know what that fake level of pain you're screaming about - really feels like, now get your crazy ass up and outta' here and do not EVER touch my son again- otherwise you'll be crawling around on 3 legs not 4 - you fkn' idiot." -then we had a really good time. only bad experience we had, but it was due to that damn thing being allowed to be there and act in such a demented manner that I just did not understand. As for your question Honest' I do not know. To me, it shouldn't be allowed period.
Fiar enough. I have worked multiple conventions & worked around all sorts of interesting characters as a result. Maybe it was just the area I live in & the conventions here, I just didn't see it. I would certainly classify the vast majority of the furry community here as socially inept/weird, though the costumes provide a perfect disguise for predators & I had not considered it until I started digging on the problems Q addressed.
Granted I also recognize many LARPers are weird, though the boffer fighters I hang out with have been generally pretty cool, all things considered. Granted we all recognize ourselves for what we are, nerds who never really grew up. Sure we work, pay out bills, raise awesome children, but we still play pretend & can laugh at the silliness of it all. The vast majority of our group also recognizes there are a few that take it way too seriously & have helped those socially awkward kids develop into productive adults that just needed some good mentors (many coming from single mother homes).
There was only ever one event I attended where a guy was creeping on an underage girl. I don't know why a few of us didn't end up in prison. Word probably spread in pedo circles to stay away from our sport/game, I don't know what happened to that guy, but the sheriff who hauled him off said it was good he fell off a boulder & down the hill before he seriously hurt any kids.
Each community needs to keep their eyes out for these predators & I just figured most would.
Good for you keeping your child safe. It is what good father's do IMO
I went though Texas schools system 1962-1975, what a joke. Any new way of educating us came down our throats. Example: spelling was taught to us by remembering the word letters visual (word recognition) not sounding it out example phonological (sound-letter relationships. They taught us speed reading, your eyes travel down the center of each paragraph. That suck especially if your reading great works such as 10 Most Famous Works of American Writer Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens), is most famous for his novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), which are considered classics of American literature.
The English language has a vast vocabulary, with the Oxford English Dictionary estimating around 170,000 words in current use and an additional 47,000 obsolete words
Yes!! Subjecting other kids directly to 1 or 2 kid’s mental health delusions pushed by lefty parents should be outlawed! There is no reason at all for pushing controlled/controllable behaviors onto other children to just ignore/get over it, or “Hey they can act that way too if they want to proclaim the issue (delusion).”. Um no! They make pills or shots to cure this right up, called Seroquel or Thorazine “Instant Act Right”! 😂😂
any, ANY percentage is a percentage too much to have to put up with let alone pretend to actually act like this is normal in my mind. These people are mentally ill. period. 100 Percent of them. All of them. All, ..not some or a little, all. Every single one of them. I don't put my neighbors little doggie sweater on and ask her to take me for a walk in the middle of the day nor do I ever for that matter, - why? Because I'd be retarded and have no functioning braincells if I'd do something like that - this one is easy MAGA'' - Make Asylums Great Again. for the love of God, I will be so glad to get off this idiot infested time line of such a degree of immoral idiocy that's unfathomable. Other than that , no I disagree with your comment, respectfully of course and wish you a good day.. I SAID...good day. lol -hey if cats are your thing, just maybe keep that weird shit in your own closet.. the rest of us are pretty much wondering "why" and "how" at this point and are overly taxed with it. -thanks ahead o' time. God bless and adios. cheers!🍻👍
p.s. did I ever tell you bout' the time i shit in a cat box....?
I’m seeing with my own eyes in my area in a conservative area in Northern CA! Some of the schools in my area have 25% of the students engaging in this insanity!! I’ve sat with kids going through their yearbooks pointing to student after student who identifies as some kind of animal or creature! It’s madness!
The FACT that this was even NEEDED is a STUNNING indightment of our current times. Thankyou JESUS for reversing what might have made the collapse of the Roman Empire look like a ....
Came here to say this👆👆👆
It’s amazing how quickly the introduction and weaponization of communication technologies has enabled the desecration of the human spirit, especially among the young. Add that to the programming in our schools, and, well, here we are. Whoda thunk it 20 or 30 years ago?
With now 11 very young grandchildren, I am more convinced than ever that GOVT and NOT technology is the DISEASE, and strangely enough I think the internet among other AI has been OUR tool to take down the cabal. " No weapon forged against them shall prosper"
I think that both played big roles in this operation. It’s has been more than just our government at play; our kids have been under attack by WEF & communist sponsored propaganda as well.
do not talk to machines
Does that mean I have to stop yelling at my computer when it doesn't do what I want it to?
nope. you can even throw that sob as far as the eye can see.. although, money won't allow me to do such things ..the expense and all, so i just drink vodka and flip it my middle finger when it doesn't do what i tell it to.
well said -any tool that is designed for nefarious means God always turns it back around and finds use for His purposes. -many thanks for bringing this to the conversation friend. much appreciated.
20 or 30 yrs ago indeed. Not me, not in a million years would I have "ever" thought this insanity would've even existed. - well said WATW'. 🍻
Ain't it the Truth.
Kids should be outside ---- playing king of the hill ----- and tackle football.
Amen! And not using a litter box...
pee in the woods ----- like a normal kid
too much normal with what you said cyber'. lol but exactly correct! like a normal kid, "find a tree"
God in Heaven - Yes to all of what you said friend. 🍻
I can't believe the kids didn't sort it out themselves.
not allowed to anymore. "bullying" - we all use to just either punch one another or say "meet u at the tracks after school" - it was a very self-correcting system.
Ugh the mental health issues are off the charts! Everyone has issues but you work through them and that’s how you become a worthwhile citizen able to handle the ups and downs of life. When a fetish or addiction becomes the escape from reality the mind becomes stunted creating a greater need for the deviant behavior. Enabling this behavior is not a benign or loving act. It’s allowing them to escape reality which becomes too painful to see. This must be true of Transgenders as well. This sets them up for failure because sooner or later, reality steps in and the stop gap behavior fails to protect the personality. Like all things the Left leadership has promoted it has a nice title but destroys the recipient in the end.
You're a good man Striker, and spot fucking on. 100% 🍻
No offense, NeverStopBelieving lol
Adult shitposters can do what adult shitposters will do, but children don’t need to be wearing cat ears, scratching people and meowing.
Or crapping in catboxes at school either but we are again, making the sci-fi actual reality. rather the psychotic to a normal degree. Here's one for you since you mentioned retarded people and cats: I once shit in a cat box after eating a crap ton of meat and oatmeal in my ex-wife's retarded cat's shit box. I did this knowingly and on purpose with great malice. Why? The damn cat was 200 years old and I never once in ten yrs of marriage even got to pet it, demonic little shit thing... any way, so there i was up to piss at 2am. stepped in only God knows what this indecent puke inducing creature had vomited up. took my piss, washed my foot off in the shower, went to bed and called into work the next day. waited for her to leave, "love you, have a great day" all while still smelling and feeling the vomit -shit storm that was embedded into my toenails. Tell you what, I then made my 2nd cup of coffee to push things forward somewhat.. know what i mean? yes, .. and it did. I hunkered over that cats shit box, really strained almost to the point of giving myself a hernia and took the most massive bionic shit i've ever taken... sprinkled a little litter over it and then waited. - now by that time the cat had been picked up by animal control. wife gets home and takes one look at the cat box and looks at me and accuses me of doing it. I just calmly walked into the kitchen and said " oh, oh my gosh, we've got to find it... I mean it looks as though it's had a blockage for some time now..this can't be healthy." - she knew. oh, she knew. I still have zero fucks to give and a massive amount of self respect for myself for being able to pull that off, let alone take a shit that was the size of a rugby ball. - poor cat. - I'm no animal hater either. that cat was just a demon possessed idiot retard that destroyed my house with both claws and piss. along with what the hell ever else it was puking up all day and night. good God in Heaven I mean, you can only take so much. So.. I saw a chance to "Shit" my way out of it and took it. Biggly. 💩- True story 100% 🍻
Having hung onto hookers' weak side during college, I am wondering if a turd that big required a ruck over from your ex's wrath & if that cat decided it couldn't come home because "reasons".
that cat was never seen again. -true story. I still feel really good inside,...sometimes when I'm at my lowest and need a boost, I just think of that instance and what it did for my life. -got rid of the cat and the ex wife. good times, ... good times. thank you hot-pockets and jimmy dean sausages. I may have given birth to a butthole baby but that day? ..that day, .. totally worth it. edit: "having hung on to hookers... " lmao 😆👍
::laughing / crying Pepe::
isnt there a dog that posts here, or used to?
Very much only discussing children with this, insofar as it being a problem. Not judging anything past that.
I’ve heard so many people in life talk about how much they prefer animals to humans, and while understandable to a degree, that’s not a great attitude to have in a society.
We should try to love people way more than animals, precisely because it can be so much harder. Forming human bonds away from other humans toward animals by cosplaying as animals during formative years will have the opposite effect.
They want to treat us like cattle, like dogs, like their toy plaything herds to be culled and managed as they see fit. Do not inculcate sympathetic tendencies. Be you, man.
And ashlanddog is best doge.
Indeed, its about the children. 100% many thanks AE'. well said. and yes u/ashlanddog is the best doge indeed. 🍻 cheers!
" and yes u/ashlanddog is the best doge indeed. 🍻 cheers!"
👍🍻 cheers friend!
Know some people who moved from Washington state when the put in the litter boxes. I talked to the kids and It is a real thing.
A friend's daughter has a "furry" in her class. The child is allowed to meow, walk on all fours, and generally disrupt the learning environment. When concerned parents called for a meeting with the teacher and principal, they were told that the girl's right to express herself as she saw fit, negated their concerns of the classroom disruptions. At least she's not using a litter box.
This is the difference between nice and kind. The nice thing to do is humor them. The kind thing to do is make them behave like normal human beings so they can function in society.
function in society. - I just hope they're not so far gone that they "can" do exactly that one day, sooner rather than later.
if you were told to piss off then you need to allow your friends daughter to be recognized as a Werewolf. - teeth and all. problem solved. If only,.. I feel sorry for parents today. This is nothing more than insanity being supported and propped up with idiots for council members, teachers and principals.
some of what is reality today to me might as well be classified as science fiction or just plain lies/ridiculousness and mental retardation. It boggles my mind to think we have to entertain this shit as it to being something tangible, real.. something well thought out and interesting intelligent. -all while the normal people are sitting there thinking "Is this person a fking nutcase?" what planet are they from. Of that - i'm not sure - either way, you are not wrong. God give you strength to endure the dumb that surrounds you. Stay strong and avoid the dumb as much as you can. 👊🍻
They should be required to get rabies, heartworm, distemper shots and whatever else is appropriate for their breed, after the are spayed/neutered.
Make it happen. also, make them shit in cat boxes in back of the room. they want it. they got it. I'd be like "you won't need that key or hall pass" your box is in the back ..try not to grunt too loud I'm still lecturing." sick i know but still... you can imagine.
The fact that parents are still trying to save schools is a joke. Take responsibility for the children you created and educate them yourselves.
bingo. well said and agreed 100% 🍻
Mental illness is rampant in this country!
God man, you're not wrong, i mean look at the degradation of my own posts. I'm going down hill fast. vodka at first and now releasing the info on me shitting in a cat box. Things 'are' in fact getting ill. - I gotta' go to bed. damn i'm tired. -and have said waaay the hell too much. that whole shitting in the cat box thing alone was enough to just end it right there, but nooooooo.... had to go make another drink and carry on like some lunatic. wife's now threatening me with some sort of breathalyzer thing on our keyboard. Seems prudent right about now. -cheers Photobuf' - catch u on the flip side - hittin' the sack as of now, like right now. whew. hell of a night. Have a great day my friend. -watch out for cats too. 🍻
I just pray for a day when "normal" comes back. not disagreeing at all. 🍻
I’m in a very small town and my granddaughters have repeatedly told me about the three “furries” at the high school that seem to have special privileges. No one says anything when they make out or the fact that these suits they wear stink so bad no one can stand to be near them. There is also a transgender ftm that uses the boys bathroom. The boys are NOT comfortable with this and have said as much. It seems like the admin is all about protecting them. This really needs to stop. Feeding into delusion has never worked out well for anyone.
This should NOT be something normal, parents, aunts uncles etc.. shouldn't have to worry about children being exposed to all this nonsense. it simply is nothing more than "Demonic" to me. I don't know what what I'd do if I had to put up with that today. I sure as hell couldn't be a teacher, - homeschooling would be the way at my home as well.
Imagine waking from a coma and being told legislation is needed to stop all the schoolkids from going to school dressed in animal costumes and behaving as animals all day in school; that this was condoned by school boards; and that parents who complained were ridiculed as bad parents for restricting their children's "identity".
Then imagine being told that wasn't the worst thing the parents were fighting in schools—that their little ones were literally being force-fed explicit illustrated pornography, mostly homosexual, in an attempt to persuade as many children as possible to take drugs, have sterilization surgery, and pretend they are the opposite sex; and that parents who objected at school board meetings to their children's genitals being permanently mutilated without their knowledge or consent had their mikes cut off and were rebuked by the school boards and may have law enforcement action taken against them.
I'd be like "quick doc' you gotta' put me back under and wake me up after all this dumb has gone away" - that or just die instantaneously from the shock of how much insanity was normal now.
That picture was clearly taken at a sci-fi convention; you can tell by the badges they're all wearing. It was not taken at a school.
But yes, "furries" are extremely bad news and have been for a long time. They have an animal fetish combined with pedophilia and use their stupid costumes to attract children.
Sci-fi conventions got way too tolerant, like a lot of other things did, and furries felt safe to go there. Now the conventions are infested with them, especially because plenty of people take their kids to things like ComicCons.
If you have kids, make damn sure they are NOT into any online "furry" group or hanging out with them at sci-fi conventions.
can someone say "grooming" ?
I pray that this is done for each and every state in the union! This has got to stop! No wonder our kids don't learn anything!
agreed, get all the degenerate behaviors out of our schools.
So does this apply to every grade level, or just secondary schools? I know many children in K-4 that are constantly pretending to be animals or fantasy creatures in games they play on the playground. Though these kids are learning humans back in the classroom.
its hard for me to even accept this as something to waste oxygen on. my son and I were at a comic book convention back before Stan Lee couldn't really get around much anymore and these idiots were there. One raised "it's" arm/hand up at my son and said something EXTREMELY inappropriate, that should never be said to a child, so.. I kicked it so hard it fell over and then he started screaming that I'd hit it. I bent down and quietly said "you can shut up or I will make you know what that fake level of pain you're screaming about - really feels like, now get your crazy ass up and outta' here and do not EVER touch my son again- otherwise you'll be crawling around on 3 legs not 4 - you fkn' idiot." -then we had a really good time. only bad experience we had, but it was due to that damn thing being allowed to be there and act in such a demented manner that I just did not understand. As for your question Honest' I do not know. To me, it shouldn't be allowed period.
Fiar enough. I have worked multiple conventions & worked around all sorts of interesting characters as a result. Maybe it was just the area I live in & the conventions here, I just didn't see it. I would certainly classify the vast majority of the furry community here as socially inept/weird, though the costumes provide a perfect disguise for predators & I had not considered it until I started digging on the problems Q addressed.
Granted I also recognize many LARPers are weird, though the boffer fighters I hang out with have been generally pretty cool, all things considered. Granted we all recognize ourselves for what we are, nerds who never really grew up. Sure we work, pay out bills, raise awesome children, but we still play pretend & can laugh at the silliness of it all. The vast majority of our group also recognizes there are a few that take it way too seriously & have helped those socially awkward kids develop into productive adults that just needed some good mentors (many coming from single mother homes).
There was only ever one event I attended where a guy was creeping on an underage girl. I don't know why a few of us didn't end up in prison. Word probably spread in pedo circles to stay away from our sport/game, I don't know what happened to that guy, but the sheriff who hauled him off said it was good he fell off a boulder & down the hill before he seriously hurt any kids.
Each community needs to keep their eyes out for these predators & I just figured most would.
Good for you keeping your child safe. It is what good father's do IMO
I went though Texas schools system 1962-1975, what a joke. Any new way of educating us came down our throats. Example: spelling was taught to us by remembering the word letters visual (word recognition) not sounding it out example phonological (sound-letter relationships. They taught us speed reading, your eyes travel down the center of each paragraph. That suck especially if your reading great works such as 10 Most Famous Works of American Writer Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens), is most famous for his novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), which are considered classics of American literature. The English language has a vast vocabulary, with the Oxford English Dictionary estimating around 170,000 words in current use and an additional 47,000 obsolete words
great info and makes you wish we had teachers that actually "taught" correctly again, many thanks for the comment Moose'. 🍻
This has got to be a joke, right?
Please tell me this is a joke.....someone.......anyone.......
wish I could.. but I'd be lyin'. sad day when insanity is now the new normal.
Yes!! Subjecting other kids directly to 1 or 2 kid’s mental health delusions pushed by lefty parents should be outlawed! There is no reason at all for pushing controlled/controllable behaviors onto other children to just ignore/get over it, or “Hey they can act that way too if they want to proclaim the issue (delusion).”. Um no! They make pills or shots to cure this right up, called Seroquel or Thorazine “Instant Act Right”! 😂😂
well stated and full of truth, -cheers Brent75' and many thanks for saying it. -someone needed to. 🍻
This is just virtue signaling to FOX news conservatives.
There is no furry epidemic in schools
Even adult furries are a tiny demographic, less than trans people numbers
any, ANY percentage is a percentage too much to have to put up with let alone pretend to actually act like this is normal in my mind. These people are mentally ill. period. 100 Percent of them. All of them. All, ..not some or a little, all. Every single one of them. I don't put my neighbors little doggie sweater on and ask her to take me for a walk in the middle of the day nor do I ever for that matter, - why? Because I'd be retarded and have no functioning braincells if I'd do something like that - this one is easy MAGA'' - Make Asylums Great Again. for the love of God, I will be so glad to get off this idiot infested time line of such a degree of immoral idiocy that's unfathomable. Other than that , no I disagree with your comment, respectfully of course and wish you a good day.. I SAID...good day. lol -hey if cats are your thing, just maybe keep that weird shit in your own closet.. the rest of us are pretty much wondering "why" and "how" at this point and are overly taxed with it. -thanks ahead o' time. God bless and adios. cheers!🍻👍
p.s. did I ever tell you bout' the time i shit in a cat box....?
I’m seeing with my own eyes in my area in a conservative area in Northern CA! Some of the schools in my area have 25% of the students engaging in this insanity!! I’ve sat with kids going through their yearbooks pointing to student after student who identifies as some kind of animal or creature! It’s madness!
madness - good word, very descriptive and correct!
Correct (But I don't mind, furries are gay and retarded)
we've been over-loaded with the ghey and retarded here and I for one am so damn sick of all of the nonsense. unreal.