Look through Constitution. My understanding is if a President is not able to carry out his duties due to political attacks that freeze his full authority, he can be given a term of 4 years to repair that loss.
Knowing what we know now about the lawfare and political corruption, seeing as how he was completely robbed of his first term, I'd be willing to make an exception.
He has sacrificed waaaaay more than we can fathom. By 2026, his job will be done, and time for the torch to be passed. Elections will be secured, the deep state obliterated. The deep world nearly there. The criminals in prison. The propaganda in our educational institutions removed. Fake news will have fallen the way of Alex Jones. The majority of citizens will have significantly less money taken from their earnings. Unemployment at an all time low. Young families will be able to purchase homes without living paycheck to paycheck. More and more people will come to accept Jesus as their savior. Crime, violence, and human trafficking at all time lows.
Whether it is Vance or another worthy successor, it will be like Reagan’s campaign commercial from 1984:
It's morning again in America. Today more men and women will go to work than ever before in our country's history. With interest rates at about half the record highs of 1980, nearly 2,000 families today will buy new homes, more than at any time in the past four years.
Judges should be subject to citizen review, not chosen politically, in other words held accountable.
The major problem is that Marxists don’t play fair and disregard any ethics or standards to get what the want.
It really comes down to who is responsible enough to vote or hold office. No government employees or dependents should be allowed to vote. This is why we are where we are.
Unelected bureaucrats cause considerably more damage than the few we get to “elect”. Even then, they largely get to decide our choices.
Laws are already on the books but no one obeys them: they retain their seats in good behavior......none of them should be in our common law courts that we must bring back. They've stolen so much.
Unpopular opinion I'm sure, but I've never understood term limits. Should be just like any other job. If you're kickin' ass and doing a great job, keep going! Why should you have to go at a certain time? Just like any other job, you don't get fired until you suck.
The limitation was put in after the example of FDR, dropping dead in the first months of a 4th term, still in the midst of World War II. The thinking was that it is imprudent to risk a death in office owing to declining health, so not to press the nation's luck by allowing too many terms. (If Biden was the example, they might have thought 1 term was too much.)
Frankly, the desire for Trump to run in 2028 reflects a terrible moral and intellectual weakness in the MAGA movement: no confidence that it has the vigor or vision to continue the mission. Once you become dependent on a single individual, you are doomed, because that individual can come along only once in a lifetime, at best. But the carrion eaters are always at the gates. They never die. No, we need to build up a strong leadership to pick up Trump's baton and carry it farther. To do such a good job of it, he can rest, review, and feel gratified that he has done his duty before God. It is time for us to think of how to give him that gift at the end of his life---not how to suck the very last dregs of energy and wisdom out of him.
Stop this! We need to let Trump do a good job before calling for another term. It will just fire up the left even more. Plus, he will be 82 for gosh sakes.
Look through Constitution. My understanding is if a President is not able to carry out his duties due to political attacks that freeze his full authority, he can be given a term of 4 years to repair that loss.
You won't find that in the Constitution....why....because it doesn't exist
Two is enough.
We need citizen statesmen again, not professional politicians. Good God, can you imagine where we'd be if this was in effect during Osama's time?
Normally I would agree with you.
Knowing what we know now about the lawfare and political corruption, seeing as how he was completely robbed of his first term, I'd be willing to make an exception.
Came here to say this. 👆👆👆
He has sacrificed waaaaay more than we can fathom. By 2026, his job will be done, and time for the torch to be passed. Elections will be secured, the deep state obliterated. The deep world nearly there. The criminals in prison. The propaganda in our educational institutions removed. Fake news will have fallen the way of Alex Jones. The majority of citizens will have significantly less money taken from their earnings. Unemployment at an all time low. Young families will be able to purchase homes without living paycheck to paycheck. More and more people will come to accept Jesus as their savior. Crime, violence, and human trafficking at all time lows.
Whether it is Vance or another worthy successor, it will be like Reagan’s campaign commercial from 1984:
He needs to enjoy time with his family and grandchildren, we can’t and shouldn’t take that away from him.
I totally agree with that. He's been under attack since 2015.
Exactly this^. We need term limits for all elected officials and honestly I think we need to include the judiciary as well.
Judges should be subject to citizen review, not chosen politically, in other words held accountable.
The major problem is that Marxists don’t play fair and disregard any ethics or standards to get what the want.
It really comes down to who is responsible enough to vote or hold office. No government employees or dependents should be allowed to vote. This is why we are where we are.
Unelected bureaucrats cause considerably more damage than the few we get to “elect”. Even then, they largely get to decide our choices.
Laws are already on the books but no one obeys them: they retain their seats in good behavior......none of them should be in our common law courts that we must bring back. They've stolen so much.
In a few months, it will be revealed how, he says.
Unpopular opinion I'm sure, but I've never understood term limits. Should be just like any other job. If you're kickin' ass and doing a great job, keep going! Why should you have to go at a certain time? Just like any other job, you don't get fired until you suck.
The limitation was put in after the example of FDR, dropping dead in the first months of a 4th term, still in the midst of World War II. The thinking was that it is imprudent to risk a death in office owing to declining health, so not to press the nation's luck by allowing too many terms. (If Biden was the example, they might have thought 1 term was too much.)
Frankly, the desire for Trump to run in 2028 reflects a terrible moral and intellectual weakness in the MAGA movement: no confidence that it has the vigor or vision to continue the mission. Once you become dependent on a single individual, you are doomed, because that individual can come along only once in a lifetime, at best. But the carrion eaters are always at the gates. They never die. No, we need to build up a strong leadership to pick up Trump's baton and carry it farther. To do such a good job of it, he can rest, review, and feel gratified that he has done his duty before God. It is time for us to think of how to give him that gift at the end of his life---not how to suck the very last dregs of energy and wisdom out of him.
Stop this! We need to let Trump do a good job before calling for another term. It will just fire up the left even more. Plus, he will be 82 for gosh sakes.
Let's get it done in 4 years instead.
Trump can retire after 8 just like Washington did.
it's fine with me if Trump never leaves ,slap a crown on him and pat his butt back in the white house.
Clinton: what is the definition of is?
I'll put it in a sentence. Clinton IS in GITMO.
This is already his 3 term, I cant see him having a 4th...
Vance is well able to follow up with an America First agenda. Trump can consult and be Secretary of Mean Tweets.
Bannon and his buddies now think they can change the Constitution? I guess we will see.
Erm, it's an amendment that had to be ratified by 3/4 of congress. So I guess they can un-ratify it the same way?
3/4 of Congress should be a piece of cake..
An amendment must also be ratified by 3/4 of the several states.
Newscum, supports Bannon, and I hardly hear POTUS mentioning him. To me he is another one that likes to make stuff about him.