Me too! The smell of the salt air and the feel of wet or dry sand on the feet are what I miss most about living on the coast most of my life. Clam cakes aren't bad either.
I had in-laws from the plains who thought mountains block the view. I grew up at the beach, now on a creek in the mountains. Love both. California has it all.
Vine and Fig Tree
"Under their vine and fig tree" is a phrase quoted in the Hebrew Scriptures in three different places: Micah 4:4, 1 Kings 4:25, and Zechariah 3:10.1 George Washington used this phrase multiple times in correspondence throughout his life, and one can find Washington reference it almost fifty times.2 Of the three passages, it is most likely that he was citing Micah 4:4 in his writings.3 The section states: "but they shall all sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees, and no one shall make them afraid…."4
yes^! the exciting culmination of a very long, logical plan;) thought this^ for awhile, but it's solidified after seeing the 17 Foot Bronze Statue at the GWMNMA! the founding fathers, etc. weren't messing around; GW=Boss😄 explains why President Trump is such a fan.
I don't have a farm but I live in a house with a nice yard in a small peaceful town, with good neighbors an friends. Soon it will be nice enough to sleep with the windows open and the birds singing in the morning. It is my own little slice of heaven and I love it!
That's cool.. but for me, replace all the vegetation with chicken coop and cow farm, dairy barn, and a hangar for a plane and a fishery and maybe harvest some honey too. Add a swimming pool.
So beautiful. In all the comments, everyone pictures something a little different, some say it has to have a creek, some would like oceanfront, some by the mountains, I like the idea of a creek or a river, 5 to 10 acres of property surrounded by trees. As beautiful as all that is, it is not true wealth, because it's temporary, for every man is appointed once to die, and then the judgment. True wealth, is to hear the Father say, NOT GUILTY by reason of your faith in my Son Jesus Christ, come inherit the Kingdom, I have prepared for you before the foundation of the Earth, that Shall never pass away. This is true wealth. As it is written "Lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, we're neither moth nor rust corrodes, and where thieves do not break in and steal" "For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his soul or what should a man give in exchange for his soul"
Mine, too! But I must have a Coastal view... can't be landlocked. Saltlife...🌴🌊🐬
I'D take a creek.
With some trout in it!
Or a pond...
Me too! The smell of the salt air and the feel of wet or dry sand on the feet are what I miss most about living on the coast most of my life. Clam cakes aren't bad either.
That's so true..I've always lived by the coast.. feels claustrophobic landlocked :D
I'm the reverse, I need my Rocky Mountains, your air is too thick and I need to see everything around me for miles.
I had in-laws from the plains who thought mountains block the view. I grew up at the beach, now on a creek in the mountains. Love both. California has it all.
that's a lot of property, hell yeah brother
Nice place and property for sure but why are they growing so much stuff that my food eats?
yes!^ this is how it's supposed to be for all!🇺🇸
George Washington had a vision for our country...that everyone would prosper🌱🌼🐄
George Washington was AKA Agent 711;)
Vine and Fig Tree "Under their vine and fig tree" is a phrase quoted in the Hebrew Scriptures in three different places: Micah 4:4, 1 Kings 4:25, and Zechariah 3:10.1 George Washington used this phrase multiple times in correspondence throughout his life, and one can find Washington reference it almost fifty times.2 Of the three passages, it is most likely that he was citing Micah 4:4 in his writings.3 The section states: "but they shall all sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees, and no one shall make them afraid…."4
I believe we are going to see that day come to fruition sue! ✨
yes^! the exciting culmination of a very long, logical plan;) thought this^ for awhile, but it's solidified after seeing the 17 Foot Bronze Statue at the GWMNMA! the founding fathers, etc. weren't messing around; GW=Boss😄 explains why President Trump is such a fan.
To have the time and money to keep that piece of property looking like that would be wealth, indeed!
Maybe they have 10 kids.
That would require more wealth ❤️
I don't have a farm but I live in a house with a nice yard in a small peaceful town, with good neighbors an friends. Soon it will be nice enough to sleep with the windows open and the birds singing in the morning. It is my own little slice of heaven and I love it!
Cozy - but it looks like you need a new roof.
from here that looks like a makeshift roof over that patio. Its not tied into the shingles on the house.
And porch seats facing both east and west so you can watch the sun rise and set.
The Peaceable Kingdom.
We already have it.
Not fancy, but warm and cozy
Not large, but more than enough space
Not a gated community, because we don't want to feel locked in
Not in a warm climate, because we love the 4 seasons
Not the city, because we love the country
Not the beach/shore, because we don't like it enough...too many people
We wouldn't trade our present area for anything! Simple living, rural Amish area, close enough to craziness but far enough away.
We have a couple nice lakes nearby that we go to in summer.
God didn't intend for us to clump together in cities...
That's cool.. but for me, replace all the vegetation with chicken coop and cow farm, dairy barn, and a hangar for a plane and a fishery and maybe harvest some honey too. Add a swimming pool.
I like the cut of your jib fren
Land and water are true wealth. We live on a very rich planet.
So beautiful. In all the comments, everyone pictures something a little different, some say it has to have a creek, some would like oceanfront, some by the mountains, I like the idea of a creek or a river, 5 to 10 acres of property surrounded by trees. As beautiful as all that is, it is not true wealth, because it's temporary, for every man is appointed once to die, and then the judgment. True wealth, is to hear the Father say, NOT GUILTY by reason of your faith in my Son Jesus Christ, come inherit the Kingdom, I have prepared for you before the foundation of the Earth, that Shall never pass away. This is true wealth. As it is written "Lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, we're neither moth nor rust corrodes, and where thieves do not break in and steal" "For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his soul or what should a man give in exchange for his soul"
And it's all paid for. No mortgage.
Not attainable in my country! You literally have to be corrupt to own something like this!