Why would any country want to do that. I think that is pretty nasty of you thinking is ok to take all your mentally ill and invade another country with them. How about this I am in Canada how about you take our liberals?
Disturbing in all ways. I can’t understand why anyone who has watched Charles Phillip Arthur George over the years would admire him. He’s been despicable, and what he did to Diana for his own special progeny needs was inexcusable.
100 this. We still have people who see everything at face value. Even after this being demonstrated tonusb100s of times. Fear becomes a hobby for some.
the current one is Charles III. Charles I reigned 1625-1649 and was executed... some stories of the Trump family suggest the Trumps have a loyalty or affinity for Charles I's aristocratic line. Many historians of the U.S. revolution think that the faction which killed Charles I also adopted a more callous attitude towards the American colonies which eventually led to the independence movement.
Charles II reigned from 1660 to 1685. He was the son of Charles I.
Keeping it strictly to the U.K. It Depends on which Royal Line you follow and their successors. Also the odds of whether any descendants of lines previously thought extinguished yet live.
Though if you expand the repertoire to the lines that ruled previous Anglo kingdoms and Saxon Kingdoms that occupied the U.K. That list expands further.
There’s been enduring rumors of surviving members of previous lines who may make a bid for the throne and to depose the Windsors.
A couple people have even gone as far as invoking Arthurian Legend and that the Pendragons will return. Though no one remotely credible puts stock in it.
Maybe it's because the UK needs a Trump-type to clean house, and they don't have one. So, try to get the actual Trump.
Of course, there would need to be a big upside for us.
Otherwise, there's no point.
Trump is exposing the commonwealth of nations. When is the last time anyone bin here thought about that group? My guess is never. Now webare talking about it and it's not something yiu need to fret over but learn about.
I see it as Trump (USA) taking possession of Crown properties (Commonwealth Countries) as part of their forced bankruptcy.
I doubt this would happen since I believe many people with him would be strongly against this shit.
Even then, it wouldn't make the US a king state so we're safe on that front, but it would still be a stupid move.
We don't need to be joining up with more UN type stuff.
Really just want a proper explanation for this.
Don't believe the Sun, its not there to read, its there just to look at the pictures.
Only if they take 100% of our liberals.
Why would any country want to do that. I think that is pretty nasty of you thinking is ok to take all your mentally ill and invade another country with them. How about this I am in Canada how about you take our liberals?
It was a joke, mirroring why we would join this commonwealth? What could be a big enough carrot? We already get many of your libs, so no thanks.
This has Gaza Strip Trump Trolling vibes.
Disturbing in all ways. I can’t understand why anyone who has watched Charles Phillip Arthur George over the years would admire him. He’s been despicable, and what he did to Diana for his own special progeny needs was inexcusable.
Well, we certainly qualify, as an x colony and all. Need to apply the trolling rule.
I don’t know what angle POTUS is working, but he didn’t energize the MAGA movement to roll over and join the British Commonwealth.
100 this. We still have people who see everything at face value. Even after this being demonstrated tonusb100s of times. Fear becomes a hobby for some.
Trump didn't say which King Charles he loves.
Is there another king charles? Who is the other?
the current one is Charles III. Charles I reigned 1625-1649 and was executed... some stories of the Trump family suggest the Trumps have a loyalty or affinity for Charles I's aristocratic line. Many historians of the U.S. revolution think that the faction which killed Charles I also adopted a more callous attitude towards the American colonies which eventually led to the independence movement.
Charles II reigned from 1660 to 1685. He was the son of Charles I.
Charles 1, who had his head chopped off.
If the British have the first right to buy Greenland from Denmark maybe King Charles will decline to buy Greenland.
Then Greenland will be able to become free to determine the future of it’s people.
Break the chains Greenland!
Keeping it strictly to the U.K. It Depends on which Royal Line you follow and their successors. Also the odds of whether any descendants of lines previously thought extinguished yet live.
Though if you expand the repertoire to the lines that ruled previous Anglo kingdoms and Saxon Kingdoms that occupied the U.K. That list expands further.
There’s been enduring rumors of surviving members of previous lines who may make a bid for the throne and to depose the Windsors.
A couple people have even gone as far as invoking Arthurian Legend and that the Pendragons will return. Though no one remotely credible puts stock in it.
Maybe some full UK disclosure is coming.
Join it to control it? Appoint Trump as King? Lots of ways this could be approached.
Alright, in exchange the UK becomes the 52nd state. We bow to no one but God.
Maybe it's because the UK needs a Trump-type to clean house, and they don't have one. So, try to get the actual Trump. Of course, there would need to be a big upside for us. Otherwise, there's no point.
A secret offer?
OK, this is complete nonsense.
Trump is exposing the commonwealth of nations. When is the last time anyone bin here thought about that group? My guess is never. Now webare talking about it and it's not something yiu need to fret over but learn about.
It would all depend upon who is leading the Commonwealth of Nations. If it's the US...
What does "becoming a member" entail. Do we have to curtsy to Chuck??