She is the living personification of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, a stupid person who doesn't realize she's stupid, and in fact seems to think she's the brightest person on that panel. The depth of her stupidity is just stupefying.
I watch a financial auditor on YT and the absolute stupidity of most of the guests is shocking. Even the host is dumbfounded by the actions of these normal everyday people lol
This is the ultimate outcome of indoctrination and always being told your idiotic views are correct.
This is why it's so important for the left to use echo chambers, to ensure their mindless followers never hear competing arguments or ideas.
Then, once the indoctrination is complete, they head out into the world and prove to every thinking person just how stupid and ridiculous they really are.
That's how we get stupid shit like a black snow white and they are genuinely shocked when it fails and the world doesn't bow down to their genius.
Leftism is a mental illness fueled by malevolent forces that preys on the weak minded and low intelligence people.
It's discrimination based on race. The CRT (critical race theory) additions to the definition are garbage. The idea that black people cannot be racist is itself...racist.
Reminds me of a conversation I overheard between two co-workers, one white, one black, mid-1980s NYC. White woman mentions our civil rights. Black woman looks puzzled, replies no, white people have no civil rights, that's only for black people.
I've heard total fucking losers say "the civil rights act should be repealed", thinking just like your co-worker. Lol. Some people are dangerous. Glad we know the truth.
CRT was intentionally put into the minds of these low-IQ people, to destroy America, just like LBGTQ weirdness, DEI, soyboy men, and blue-haired freaks. Intentional pissing in humanity's genetics has resulted in some less-than-quality human stock.
Thank goodness the weirdos are and will always be in the minority.
A large percentage of this community is just lost. If we could work out a deal with South Africa where we could make a head to head trade for them with their white farmers, I'd be all for it. Send these people back to Africa, where they will no longer have to fear having to compete the white man.
She is the living personification of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, a stupid person who doesn't realize she's stupid, and in fact seems to think she's the brightest person on that panel. The depth of her stupidity is just stupefying.
Absolutely no self awareness or ability to think. Just parrot commie talking points and expect no pushback because she a bwak powahowz.
I watch a financial auditor on YT and the absolute stupidity of most of the guests is shocking. Even the host is dumbfounded by the actions of these normal everyday people lol
Dave Ramsey?
Caleb Hammer lols
I have seen several people claim this verbatim.
When black people are racist to white people, according to CRT, it’s “reverse racism”, because only white people can be racist.
They’ve programmed layers behind layers behind layers.
This is the ultimate outcome of indoctrination and always being told your idiotic views are correct.
This is why it's so important for the left to use echo chambers, to ensure their mindless followers never hear competing arguments or ideas.
Then, once the indoctrination is complete, they head out into the world and prove to every thinking person just how stupid and ridiculous they really are.
That's how we get stupid shit like a black snow white and they are genuinely shocked when it fails and the world doesn't bow down to their genius.
Leftism is a mental illness fueled by malevolent forces that preys on the weak minded and low intelligence people.
Racism against whites has held back young black people. Education, speaking proper English, was deemed "too white."
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Is hypocrisy even possible where the ignorance is so complete?
They just repeat the stupid shit they have been taught.
Their was a time,when schools taught kids to think,but those days are long past. Now they can't teach what they don't know.
She is what the President refers to as "low IQ ".
That's funny 😁
If she had any mental capacity, cognitive ability or conscience she’d be embarrassed.
Another Marxist “powerhouse” to stir up trouble. Defund every single one of these parasites so they can reach their true potential as cleaning ladies.
“I am more afraid of our own blunders than of the enemy's devices.” ― Thucydides
Whites are 8% of the planet. Who is the real minority?
It's discrimination based on race. The CRT (critical race theory) additions to the definition are garbage. The idea that black people cannot be racist is itself...racist.
Reminds me of a conversation I overheard between two co-workers, one white, one black, mid-1980s NYC. White woman mentions our civil rights. Black woman looks puzzled, replies no, white people have no civil rights, that's only for black people.
I've heard total fucking losers say "the civil rights act should be repealed", thinking just like your co-worker. Lol. Some people are dangerous. Glad we know the truth.
I am not racist But, I Really Hate Stupid.
See my comment about the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Don’t ever say it that way.
When you say, “but” in a persuasion sentence, you’ve just allowed yourself to be framed by the antecedent.
Generally true. Keep eyes open for it.
CRT was intentionally put into the minds of these low-IQ people, to destroy America, just like LBGTQ weirdness, DEI, soyboy men, and blue-haired freaks. Intentional pissing in humanity's genetics has resulted in some less-than-quality human stock. Thank goodness the weirdos are and will always be in the minority.
I miss when CRT was just a kind of television...
Our first big screen tv, over 30 years ago, was a 35" Mitsubishi CRT. That thing was a monster!
That looks like a black man.
Sounds like one too.
Well, he’s a guy, so…
She sounds like she might also be a musician
I don’t even need to watch this again, it’s a classic.
Same thought. I knew exactly the video linked!
I plays musac, I don’t do magik.
Jesus, the pure unadulterated ignorance and stupidity that this woman espoused is incredible. I just don't understand how she even functions.
That’s the point, she doesn’t function, she’s enabled as a useful idiot, at the expense of the society she is destroying.
That excuse goes back to Jesse Jackson in my lifetime. I would wager that it goes farther back than that.
This "Blacks cannot be Racist" nonsense is nothing new. I first heard it back in the late Eighties. It sounded stupid then, too.
A large percentage of this community is just lost. If we could work out a deal with South Africa where we could make a head to head trade for them with their white farmers, I'd be all for it. Send these people back to Africa, where they will no longer have to fear having to compete the white man.
Goes on national television: "huurrr..derp."
So ignorant they don't even understand the meaning of the word they bandy about.
More like a power eater
Black Lives Matter is pure racism. They are the master racists. Just respond with White Lives Matter and watch the lefty exploding heads.
I thought s-he is a he.