Since Nigella sativa, Ivermectin and Pfizermectin are all protease inhibitors, I have taken it upon myself to start up this big fat list of every protease inhibitor I can find, and look for any studies on any of them for use to treat C19 or respiratory viruses, in general.

I was pleased to find out that Ginkgo leaf, which I drink in tea regularly, not only has quercetin, which I knew about, but another, less known protease inhibitor called rutin, as well.

Let's begin:

The study:


The plants:

Torreya nucifera - A Japan / Korean native plant with a long history of use in food and other purposes like making vegetable oil.

Isatis tinctoria - Also used for centuries as an herbal medicine. Also used in blue dyes, oddly enough, but is still usable as traditional medicine.

Rheum palmatum AKA Chinese rhubarb - edible, with a long history use in traditional medicine.

Psoralea corylifolia - Another plant with a long history of use in traditional medicine.

The study:

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22465253/ (Not for coronavirus, but still demonstrated efficacy in inhibiting viral activity.)

Fisetin - Compound found in many fruits and vegetables, including strawberries.

Rutin - Compound found in many fruits, vegetables, and other common edible herbs. This includes buckwheat, eucalyptus, elder flowers (also high in zinc!), and ginkgo leaf (also contains quercetin!).

And guess what? Rutin and fisetin supplements are available over the counter! Talk to your doctor to make sure it won't conflict with any other medications you take, or pre-existing conditions, and think about throwing that in with your daily Z-Stack!



Today I want to write to you all about a nootropic (supplement) called phosphatidylserine. You can order it on Amazon right now.

Many have been going through lots of stress lately, whether it's from the tyranny, life, a stressful event, or for normies- worrying about "covid".

When we stress like this, the body produces cortisol which makes us feel intense, stressed, hyper-focused etc.

The problem is, the body can get stuck producing this same level of cortisol, because it gets used to it. You then feel terrible all the time, even when you have no reason to be stressed. The result is what I believe many call "PTSD", or depression, et cetera. Who would have known that this was actually a physiological phenomenon?

Welcome to the Great Awakening.

Phosphatidylserine supplements, and you'll want to make sure they're the ones made from sunflower lectin, inhibit cortisol and thus reduce this excess of stress.

I took 100mg capsules at breakfast, lunch, and dinner while under severe distress and almost immediately felt like my old self again. Healthy. This stuff really works and is amazing. It can save so many lives.

I a read personal testimony that after 1-3 months of use, the effects stick with you as your body gets used to producing normal cortisol levels once again. This would make sense, but I just started taking this so I can't personally tell that part of my own story yet.

Keep in mind this is not just for people who have "PTSD" or "Depression", but literally anyone who thinks they could use a return to their natural mood. Some people just use it as a nootropic for its benefits.

Here is some more info: https://empoweredsustenance.com/phosphatidylserine-benefits/


Here is a good personal testimony from reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/dvn10z/200mg_phosphatidyl_serine_sunflower_sourced_for/

Please, do your own research- make sure you don't have any cortisol-based diseases that this might effect. Always talk to your doctor, etc.

Make sure you get the ones made from sunflowers or soy. Not from animals.

From webMD: "Phosphatidylserine can affect how certain medicines work in your body. Talk to your doctor before taking this supplement if you also take:

Any type of blood thinner or have any blood-clotting problems Anti-inflammatory medicines used for arthritis, headaches, or pain Performance-enhancing drugs or supplements used to increase athletic performance or stamina"

And please, help me spread the word to all. Mods, please consider stickying this if you see fit. I believe this is important and relevant. This can help not only people with PTSD, etc. but even just normal people trying to get on with their lives. The positive effects are real. Even leftists can benefit from this as they won't be trapped in a constant state of stress, etc. and can begin to think more clearly. Even people on this website who are growing impatient, stressed out about the DS can clear their heads and recalibrate. I want to emphasize that this effect is not an inebriation or a high. This is literally just a nootropic that returns you to a healthy state of mind by addressing the problem at its root cause.

Praise the lord for guiding me to this amazing supplement.


Hey guys, I know this is a common post and I could probably find the answer in my saved posts but I really just need a quick answer. I think covid is being passed around friends close to my family and now my dad is not feeling well. He has other health conditions and I want to make sure he has what he needs.. where can I get ivermectin locally? Or online sources would be welcome also, just don’t want to go through the trouble of virtual appointments. Also, I know there have been plenty of other things to take being recommended but I can’t even think of what they were right this minute. What other recommendations have you guys heard about to help? Thank y’all so much. I’m hoping it’s just a cold or bug. I really don’t want either of my parents to get sick, I think it would be harder on them than me.

I’m not too savy with Ivermectin. Maybe you guys can help me out. Thanks



“Ivermectin has powerful antitumor effects, including the inhibition of proliferation, metastasis, and angiogenic activity, in a variety of cancer cells. This may be related to the regulation of multiple signaling pathways by ivermectin through PAK1 kinase. On the other hand, ivermectin promotes programmed cancer cell death, including apoptosis, autophagy and pyroptosis. Ivermectin induces apoptosis and autophagy is mutually regulated. Interestingly, ivermectin can also inhibit tumor stem cells and reverse multidrug resistance and exerts the optimal effect when used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs.”

“IVM can inhibit the replication of flavivirus by targeting the NS3 helicase [17]; it also blocks the nuclear transport of viral proteins by acting on α/β-mediated nuclear transport and exerts antiviral activity against the HIV-1 and dengue viruses [18]. Recent studies have also pointed out that it has a promising inhibitory effect on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has caused a global outbreak in 2020 [19]. In addition, IVM shows potential for clinical application in asthma [20] and neurological diseases [21]. Recently scientists have discovered that IVM has a strong anticancer effect.”

“After treatment with IVM, the proliferation of multiple breast cancer cell lines including MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 and MCF-10 was significantly reduced.”

“IVM regulates the tumor microenvironment and mediates immunogenic cell death, which may be a new direction for research exploring anticancer mechanisms in the future.”

“Nambara’s study showed that IVM could significantly inhibit the proliferation of gastric cancer cells in vivo and in vitro and that the inhibitory effect of IVM depended on the expression of Yes-associated protein 1(YAP1)[39].”

“In a study that screened Wnt pathway inhibitors, IVM inhibited the proliferation of multiple cancers, including the colorectal cancer cell lines CC14, CC36, DLD1, and Ls174 T, and promoted apoptosis by blocking the Wnt pathway [41].”

“IVM could inhibit the development of hepatocellular carcinoma by blocking YAP1 activity in spontaneous liver cancer Mob1b-/- mice [43].”

“Experiments confirmed that IVM could significantly inhibit the proliferation of five renal cell carcinoma cell lines without affecting the proliferation of normal kidney cells, and its mechanism may be related to the induction of mitochondrial dysfunction [48].”

“In Nappi's experiment, it was found that IVM could enhance the drug activity of the anti-androgen drug enzalutamide in the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP and reverse the resistance of the prostate cancer cell line PC3 to docetaxel [50]. Interestingly, IVM also restored the sensitivity of the triple-negative breast cancer to the anti-estrogen drug tamoxifen [36], which also implies the potential for IVM to be used in endocrine therapy. Moreover, IVM was also found to have a good inhibitory effect on the prostate cancer cell line DU145 [51].”

“In an experiment designed to screen potential drugs for the treatment of leukemia, IVM preferentially killed leukemia cells at low concentrations without affecting normal hematopoietic cells [51].”

“The majority of cervical cancers are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection [54,55]. IVM has been proven to significantly inhibit the proliferation and migration of HeLa cells and promote apoptosis [56]. After intervention with IVM, the cell cycle of HeLa cells was blocked at the G1/S phase, and the cells showed typical morphological changes related to apoptosis.”

“In a study by Hashimoto, it found that IVM inhibited the proliferation of various ovarian cancer cell lines, and the mechanism was related to the inhibition of PAK1 kinase [58]. In research to screen potential targets for the treatment of ovarian cancer through the use of an shRNA library and a CRISPR/Cas9 library, the oncogene KPNB1 was detected. IVM could block the cell cycle and induce cell apoptosis through a KPNB1-dependent mechanism in ovarian cancer [59].”

“In a study that screened drugs for the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer, IVM significantly inhibited the development of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in nude mice at doses that were not toxic to normal thymocytes [69]. In addition, IVM also had a cytotoxic effect on a variety of nasopharyngeal cancer cells in vitro, and the mechanism is related to the reduction of PAK1 kinase activity to inhibit the MAPK pathway.”

“Lung cancer has the highest morbidity and mortality among cancers [70]. Nishio found that IVM could significantly inhibit the proliferation of H1299 lung cancer cells by inhibiting YAP1 activity [43]. Nappi's experiment also proved that IVM combined with erlotinib to achieved a synergistic killing effect by regulating EGFR activity and in HCC827 lung cancer cells [50]. In addition, IVM could reduce the metastasis of lung cancer cells by inhibiting EMT.”

“Gallardo treated melanoma cells with IVM and found that it could effectively inhibit melanoma activity [73]. Interestingly, IVM could also show activity against BRAF wild-type melanoma cells, and its combination with dapafinib could significantly increase antitumor activity. Additionally, it has been confirmed that PAK1 is the key target of IVM that mediates its anti-melanoma activity, and IVM can also significantly reduce the lung metastasis of melanoma in animal experiments. Deng found that IVM could activate the nuclear translocation of TFE3 and induce autophagy-dependent cell death by dephosphorylation of TFE3 (Ser321) in SK-MEL-28 melanoma cells [74]. However, NAC reversed the effect of IVM, which indicated that IVM increased TFE3-dependent autophagy through the ROS signaling pathway.”


“So far, at least 235 clinically-approved, non-cancer drugs have proven antitumor activity either in vitro, in vivo, or even clinically. Among these, ivermectin, an antiparasitic compound of wide use in veterinary and human medicine, is clearly a strong candidate for repositioning, based on the fact that i) it is very safe, causing almost no side-effects other than those caused by the immune and inflammatory responses against the parasite in infected patients, and ii) it has proven antitumor activity in preclinical studies. On the other hand, it is now evident that the use of very selective “unitargeted” drugs is commonly associated to early development of resistance by cancer cells, hence the use of “dirty” or “multitargeted” drugs is important to explore. In this sense, ivermectin has this potential as it modulates several targets such as the multidrug resistance protein (MDR), the Akt/mTOR and WNT-TCF pathways, the purinergic receptors, the PAK-1 protein, certain cancer-related epigenetic deregulators such as SIN3A and SIN3B, RNA helicase activity, while stimulates chloride channel receptors leading to cell hyperpolarization, and down-regulates stemness genes to preferentially target cancer stem-cell like population, at least in breast cancer. Importantly, the in vitro and in vivo antitumor activities of ivermectin are achieved at concentrations that can be clinically reachable based on the human pharmacokinetic studies done in healthy and parasited patients. Thus, existing information on ivermectin could allow its rapid move into clinical trials for cancer patients.”


“• Ivermectin effectively suppresses the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells and promotes cancer cell death at doses that are nontoxic to normal cells.

• Ivermectin shows excellent efficacy against conventional chemotherapy drug-resistant cancer cells and reverses multidrug resistance.

• Ivermectin combined with other chemotherapy drugs or targeted drugs has powerful effects on cancer.

• The structure of crosstalk centered on PAK1 kinase reveals the mechanism by which ivermectin regulates multiple signaling pathways.

• Ivermectin has been used to treat parasitic diseases in humans for many years and can quickly enter clinical trials for the treatment of tumors.”



Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug that exhibits antitumor effects in preclinical studies, and as such is currently being repositioned for cancer treatment. However, divergences exist regarding its employed doses in preclinical works. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether the antitumor effects of ivermectin are observable at clinically feasible drug concentrations.


Twenty-eight malignant cell lines were treated with 5 μM ivermectin. Cell viability, clonogenicity, cell cycle, cell death and pharmacological interaction with common cytotoxic drugs were assessed, as well as the consequences of its use on stem cell-enriched populations. The antitumor in vivo effects of ivermectin were also evaluated.


The breast MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468, and MCF-7, and the ovarian SKOV-3, were the most sensitive cancer cell lines to ivermectin. Conversely, the prostate cancer cell line DU145 was the most resistant to its use. In the most sensitive cells, ivermectin induced cell cycle arrest at G0-G1 phase, with modulation of proteins associated with cell cycle control. Furthermore, ivermectin was synergistic with docetaxel, cyclophosphamide and tamoxifen. Ivermectin reduced both cell viability and colony formation capacity in the stem cell-enriched population as compared with the parental one. Finally, in tumor-bearing mice ivermectin successfully reduced both tumor size and weight.


Our results on the antitumor effects of ivermectin support its clinical testing.”


“These findings demonstrated that ivermectin significantly enhanced the anti-cancer efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs to tumor cells, especially in the drug-resistant cells. Thus, ivermectin, a FDA-approved antiparasitic drug, could potentially be used in combination with chemotherapeutic agents to treat cancers and in particular, the drug-resistant cancers.”


Asking for a friend…


Just lookin for info.


I spent last Saturday night at my wife's Christmas party. There was a coworker that had a child with the flu and another who's husband was up all Friday night throwing up. We were drinking outside around a fire and it was about 32 at the coldest. Some bad deciscions lead to a good time but I payed for it Sunday.

What I thought was a bad hangover didn't get any better with time. By Sunday night I still had a headache and the sneezing and coughing started. Optimistic I could possibly feel better Monday morning I loaded up on Benadryl and ibuprofen. I tossed through the night growing more achey and loosing all energy. By morning I knew work was not happening. I took some OTC cold and flu medicine and an Advil. I was going to sleep off what I could. All day in bed my symptoms were being treated but not the problem. Monday night wasn't any better. Tuesday morning was the same even after more OTC meds.

By 200pm I was ready to put the horse paste to the test. My wife was at work so I used what little energy I had and ran to the local farm supply to get some. I know...I went in the public while I was sick... I'm sorry, I was desperate. When I got home I pulled up a bookmark on dosing ( https://www.maximpulse.com/permethrin/ivermectin-calculating-a-dose.html ). I followed the directions and settled in for a nap. 2 hrs goes by and I was able to fall asleep. After 2 more hours I woke up, no headahce, congestion, sneezing, coughing or aches. My appetite was back but still low energy.

Tuesday night was good. A full night sleep and a morning without most symptoms was worth it. I was still low energy and had a headache again. I spent Wednesday on ibuprofen and the day was restful. Just restful. I was ready to regain my energy and get back to normal. This morning I was symptom free but still low energy. I think that mostly was from needing calories. A big tablespoon of honey did the trick. I feel much better now but still a little tired. I'll update in the future. I'm sure you don't want to hear the details but it's supposed to eliminate worms and parisites and you can guess how you dispose of them. Read or not your choice. So there it is. Not a doc, not advise, just it is what it is. Draw your own conclusion.

TLDR.....IMO it works!






Thomas Renz // Renz Law (Firm is dedicated to fighting for "Medical Freedom." They work with Frontline Docs)





Sands Anderson: Vaccine Injury Legal Team (Nationwide)


Ron Berutti, mostly out of NY/NJ anons in CA and many other states

https://www.linkedin.com/in/ronald-berutti-689367183 Website https://www.weiner.law/ Phone 973-403-1100

He is very based. His linked in has a pic of Tienemin Square Massacre.

The Dominguez Firm: COVID-related health problems or lose a loved one to COVID


Siri & Glimstad (NYC / Nationwide)


See the "Practice Area" of website for Vaccine Injury and Vaccine Exemptions information


Morgan & Morgan: Coronavirus Lawsuits (Nationwide)


NOTE: Members of this firm are big Dem donors. We left them on the list because they seem to be aggressively pursuing these cases and have a reputation for winning.


Hello, does anyone have any recommendations for getting hold of ivermectin in the UK?

I'm looking for a reliable, trustworthy supplier and was hoping that you glorious bastards may have suggestions 😃

Myself, my four year boy and my pregnant girlfriend just kicked Omicron in the dick in a week, I've been taking z pack for five months but I think it's time to upgrade.

Thanks in advance 👍


Was feeling kinda shitty all week late last week. Headaches, cough, sensitive skin, sore throat. I have to get tested weekly for work (yeah i know, sue me) and it turns out i tested positive. This was after my brother hung out woth a vaxxed friend who later called him with a high fever to explain he tested positive.

Anyhow we were gathered for a family event over the weekend and after seeing the results I managed to snag some rapid home tests for all of us and sure enough we were all positive.

Pops had a fever and was weak, ma lost her taste and was in pain, bro was lethargic, i had the symptoms I already told you (skin felt like sunburn and even wearing a shirt was uncomfortable.

Well fuck me, I have over a hundred 6mg ivm pills that i had in a prep kit before the fascists denied packages from india (there are workarounds supposedly). I got my family started on ivm gauging their doses based on body weight, and lo and behold...fevers stopped, i have high energy and walk my dog multiple times a day while carrying a kettlebell, ma is up and about doing ma things like cleaning her home, making dinner, etc. Pops went back tonwork at the behest of his boss as did bro.

Folks are fully vaxxed and they finally saw i was right. Vaxx is whack, my rantings and musings about ivm and CDC/media BS was right all along.

Everyone is improving and I was the conspiracy nut that literally extinguished the fire.

If any if you are in a dire situation and need ivm I can try to send you out emergency ivm. Im waiting on an order that may or may not come from buyivermectin24 my old supplier reliablerxpharmacy.com now requires you take a call before they ahip because it has to go through another country.

Emergencies only.


Dr. Bryan Ardis was a guest on an episode of Diamond & Silk Chat Live where Dr. Ardis mentioned Wormwood as an over the counter anti-parasitical (see link below) for people to take when Ivermectin is unavailable. I also conducted a general search and discovered these other OTC natural anti-parasitics: Black Walnut, Juniper, Black Seed Oil (black cumin seeds) and Green Tea. I ordered Wormwood vegcaps, Black Walnut capsules, and Juniper Berries capsules on Vitacost to have on hand.

Also, as a reminder you can make your own Hydroxycholoriquine (see link to video below). As with anything, do your own research.

  1. Take the rind of 2-3 lemons and 2-3 grapefruits. 2) Take the peels only and cover them with water about three inches above the rinds. 3) Place a glass lid on the pot (metal okay if you do not have glass). 4) Let the peels simmer for three hours. Do not remove the lid until the liquid has cooled completely so the quinine does not escape in the steam. 5) Strain and pour the liquid only into glass jars and seal. 6) Freeze if you do not plan to use. 7) It may be bitter to taste so you can sweeten with honey. 8) Recommended dose is two tablespoons per day.

https://rumble.com/vprblj-diamond-and-silk-chit-chat-live-joined-by-dr.-bryan-ardis.html https://suzycohen.com/articles/ivermectin-and-natural-alternatives/ https://www.mynaturaltreatment.com/natural-alternatives-to-ivermectin/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPQRMJYX5QY


I've read a lot of posts on ivermectin orders being held up by customs, and wanted to provide an update on mine. I ordered on Ivermectol (generic brand) and azithromicin from alldaychemist.com, and it was a sizable order. Order showed as shipped about 10 days later. Tracking information was provided, but never updated. The order showed as "no tracking information available" for 2+ weeks. I called to inquire on status, and they said to expect it between Jan 5th and 10th. It showed up in my mailbox yesterday, shipped via US mail! Avoid the brand Iverheal, which I think is what the FDA has a problem with due to unproven claims. Best of luck!

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