I believe it was called largest manufacturer of Ivermectin in the world. Would be awesome if anyone had a link on this.


I’d like to purchase Ivermectin, where have people been getting their supply? I’d like some for the future to fight the flu.


My health has been shit lately and I'm wondering if I have a parasite. I'm interested in jumping down this rabbit hole and trying out Ivermectin for the first time, and I will report my findings after I take it. After listening to Rogan's podcast and how he insisted that he was prescribed Ivermectin for humans by his doctor, and that many people are going around saying not to take the "horse" paste, I'm wondering what is the truth really? Is there a legitimate difference between the horse paste and the Ivermectin for humans? Does anyone here know where I can order Ivermectin safely (safely as in it's 100% Ivermectin and not some fake knockoff from China that the deep state wants to trick people into buying but is actually a placebo or something worse). I know some are saying Amazon, but can we really trust what's being sold on Amazon? I'd like to order Ivermectin ASAP if anyone can help, and I will report whatever results come from taking it.


I have Quercetin and was taking it for a month with vitamin C and Zinc. I've seen a lot of miraculous health effects resolved seemingly from ivermectin alone on here.

Anyone have such experiences using any alternatives?


Alright, so for those of you not familiar with my ivermectin journey, I took ivermectin 2 weeks ago and it knocked out a very nasty flu in under 4 hours. In that time a few other health issues I was having the last couple years also cleared up and I feel actually overall healthy for the first time in a very long time. The improvements in my health have been what I would consider miraculous.

I'm pretty sure I had some sort of intestinal parasite, for the last few years I thought my digestion issues were due to poor diet choices, but it turns out I can eat or drink whatever I want, because whatever was causing my digestion issues the last 2 years has been resolved.

The severe arthritis that I've had the last few years has disappeared. When I first noticed that my thumb didn't hurt anymore I thought "no way it was the ivermectin", but I googled "ivermectin arthritis" and discovered that it is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. And its incredible, Its been over a week since I took ivermectin and my thumb still feels great. I don't know how long its going to continue not hurting, but its been amazing this whole week without enduring that pain.

A few years ago I started getting these very strange whiteheads on my knees and inner thigh, they would travel down to the bottom of my calf but never went much further. I don't know what was causing them but they are all gone now. Every single one of them. I've had these for years and was so confused as to why only on this specific area of my legs, but they all disappeared, and this makes no sense to me.

On top of that my mind seems so clear it almost feels like I have been on auto-pilot the last few years and I have finally taken manual control. I'm generally happier than I've been in a VERY long time. Even with all the current madness and all the bullshit that's happened the last few years, I am genuinely happy with my existence.

Look, I don't know what exactly ivermectin is doing, but I do know that it has changed my fucking life and it is fucking incredible. I can not put into words just how amazing it is. I could legit cry. Its fucking amazing.


COVID-19. We’ve been living with it for what occasionally seems like ever. Given the number of deaths that have passed from the affection, it’s maybe not surprising that some consumers are turning to medicines not approved or authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). One of the FDA’s jobs is to precisely estimate the scientific data on a medicine to be sure that it's both safe and effective for a particular use. In some illustrations, it can be largely dangerous to use a medication for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 that has not been approved by or has not entered emergency use authorization from the FDA. There seems to be a growing interest in a medicine called ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in humans. Certain animal expressions of buy ivermectin online similar as pour-on, injectable, paste, and" drench, “are approved in the U.S. to treat or help parasites in animals. For humans, ivermectin tablets are approved at veritably specific dosages to treat some parasitic worms, and there are topical (on the skin) phrasings for head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. Still, the FDA has entered multiple reports of patients who have needed medical attention, including hospitalization, after self- bandaging with ivermectin intended for livestock. Then’s What You Need to Know about Ivermectin • The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in precluding or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals. Ivermectin is approved for mortal use to treat infections caused by some parasitic worms and head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. • Presently available data don't show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19. Clinical trials assessing ivermectin tablets for the averting or treatment of COVID-19 in people are ongoing. • Taking large dosages of ivermectin is dangerous. • If your health care provider writes you an buy ivermectin online convention, fill it through a licit source similar as a pharmacy, and take it exactly as specified. • Noway use medicines intended for animals on yourself or other people. Animal ivermectin products are veritably different from those approved for humans. Use of animal ivermectin for the averting or treatment of COVID-19 in humans is dangerous. What's Ivermectin and How is it Used? Ivermectin tablets are approved by the FDA to treat people with intestinal strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis, two conditions caused by parasitic worms. In totalling, certain interesting methods of ivermectin are permitted toward treat exterior vermin like head lice and for skin circumstances like as rosacea. Some forms of animal ivermectin are approved to help heartworm complaint and treat certain internal and external parasites. It’s important to note that these products are different from the ones for people, and safe only when used in creatures as specified. When Can Taking Ivermectin Be Unsafe? The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for the treatment or averting of COVID-19 in people or animals. Ivermectin has not remained exposed to be benign or in effect for these indications. There’s a lot of misinformation around, and you may have heard that it’s okay to take large dosages of ivermectin. It isn't okay. Indeed the positions of ivermectin for approved mortal uses can interact with other medicines, like blood-thinners. You can also overdose on ivermectin, which can beget nausea, puking, diarrhea, hypotension (low blood pressure), antipathetic responses (itching and hives), dizziness, ataxia (problems with balance), seizures, coma and indeed death. WHO recommends that ivermectin simply be used to treat COVID-19 surrounded by experimental trials The current confirmation on the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients is inconclusive. Until further data is available, WHO recommends that the medicine only be used within clinical trials. This recommendation, which applies to patients with COVID-19 of any affection inflexibility, is now part of WHO’s guidelines on COVID-19 treatments. Ivermectin is a extensive diapasonanti-parasitic manager, comprised in WHO important medicinal grade for numerous parasitic likings. It's used in the treatment of onchocerciasis (stream blindness), strongyloidiasis and other affections caused by soil transmitted helminthiasis. It's also used to treat scabies. A guideline development group was convened in response to the increased transnational attention on ivermectin as a implicit treatment for COVID-19. This group is an independent, transnational panel of experts, which includes clinical care experts in multiple specialties and also include an ethicist and patient- partners. The group reviewed pooled data from 16 randomized controlled trials (total enrolled 2407), including both rehabilitants and inpatients with COVID-19. They determined that the substantiation on whether ivermectin reduces mortality, need for mechanical ventilation, need for medical center admission and time to clinical enhancement in COVID-19 patients is of “veritably low certainty,” due to the small sizes and methodological limitations of available trial data, including small number of events. The panel didn't look at the use of ivermectin to help COVID-19, which is outside of scope of the current guidelines. Note to the editor Former recommendations on the use of correctives for COVID-19 • Strong recommendation for the use systemic corticosteroids for severe or critically ill COVID-19 patients; with a tentative recommendation against their use in patients with mild/ moderate COVID-19 • Tentative recommendation against administering remdesivir in addition to usual care. • Strong recommendation against the use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 of any hardness • Strong recommendation against administering lopinavir/ ritonavir for treatment of COVID-19 of any inflexibility • Tentative recommendation for the use of low dosage anticoagulants in rehabilitated patients (this recommendation is part of the clinical operation guidelines). We suggest the use of low dosage anticoagulants rather than advanced dosages, unless else indicated.


Japan drops vax rollout, goes to Ivermectin, ENDS COVID almost overnight World NewsDesk 27 October 2021 Hits: 8839

Japan drops vax rollout, goes to Ivermectin, ENDS COVID almost overnight

The ongoing COVID-19 nonsense here in the United States exists solely and exclusively because our governments have failed to use the correct treatment. They used so-called "vaccines" when Japan has just proven, in less than ONE MONTH, that Ivermectin can wipe out the disease.

Sweden's Public Health Agency on Wednesday recommended a temporary halt to the use of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine among young adults, citing concerns over rare side effects to the heart. It said the pause should initially be in force until December 1, explaining that it had received evidence of an increased risk of side effects such as inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) and inflammation of the pericardium (pericarditis). {link to CBS News (Secure)]

Finland, Denmark and Norway have also moved away from the COVID vaccines.

Finland last Thursday joined Sweden, Denmark and Norway in recommending against use of Moderna Inc.’s Covid-19 vaccine in younger age groups, citing risks of rare cardiovascular side effects they said warranted the precautionary steps.

Finland’s Institute for Health and Welfare said last Thursday it would pause use of the Moderna vaccine among men under the age of 30, following a similar step last Wednesday by Swedish regulators. Denmark last Wednesday said it wouldn’t offer the Moderna vaccine to under-18s as a precautionary measure.

Norway on Wednesday advised that all under-18s shouldn’t be given the Moderna vaccine, even if they had already received one dose, and recommended that men under 30 consider getting the vaccine developed by Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech instead. Norwegian officials cited U.S., Canadian and Nordic data, saying the absolute risks remain low and calling the advice “a precautionary measure.”

The European Medicines Agency said Thursday that new preliminary data from the Nordic countries supports a warning the agency adopted in July that inflammatory heart conditions called myocarditis and pericarditis can occur in very rare cases following vaccination with Covid-19 shots made by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech.

By far, however, the absolute superstar among foreign nations dealing with COVID is Japan. Japan has PULLED the vaccines and substituted Ivermectin - and in one month, wiped COVID out in that country!

  • Safe? Japan pulls Moderna vax, ends nationwide vax drive after “magnetic” “metals” found to contaminate jabs: [link to asia.nikkei.com (secure)]

  • Three lots of Moderna jabs recalled in Japan over stainless steel contamination: [link to www.rt.com (secure)]

  • Several Japanese cities report white stuff floating in jab vials: [link to www.zerohedge.com (secure)]

  • Japan minister of health tells docs to recommend IVM: [link to rclutz.com (secure)]

  • Japan now a MAJOR SUCCESS STORY after it BEATS COVID rapidly: [link to www.msn.com (secure)]

Any questions?

Just so you understand the timeline.

By September deaths from the COVID-19 Vaccine jabs were being investigated.

At roughly that time, the vials were under scrutiny and metal "magnetic" material was found in them.

Very shortly thereafter, the Japanese minister of health announced doctors could prescribe Ivermectin.

A month later, the Western press is shocked that COVID has all but disappeared from the island.

Get it?


This is what it looks like in a country that still has rule of law. The governemnt responds to reports of death and contaminated vaxes, moves to real treatment, people get better, and the virus disappears.

Now compare that to what is happening in the United States and in Australia and New Zealand. All three countries are in dismal failure in their handling of COVID-19, and that failure has resulted in staggering loss of freedom and destruction of commerce.

This is the biggest news story right now.

Japan has ended COVID. It did it after it stopped the vax rollout and went to Ivermectin.

Period. Hard stop.

Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

If your government really wanted to end COVID, if that was its true goal, it would do what Japan did.

You can use Japan as a case study any time someone starts yammering some crap about how the vax is about helping you help yourself from getting others sick with what they've been vaxed against.

You use it as a case study when they try to make some lame argument about how the government is really really really trying its best to end COVID and it is the MAGA crowd that is causing the variants and keeping the virus around.

Japan stopped vaxing. Japan went to IVM. Japan is COVID-free. It did it in less than a month!

So if your government won't do what Japan did, now that JAPAN HAS BEAT COVID, what does it say about your government?

It says the conspiracy theorists were right! They were right. It is a damning conviction of the narrative that the government is somehow a benevolent force against you getting viruses.

No, because we now have historic precedent of a government doing the right thing and getting the WIN.

If your government won't do it, it is because the vax is about something other than the public good.

Hmmmm. What could it be about? How about totalitarian control!

Japan got started vaxing later, and quit earlier than Massachusetts. Massachusetts is still fighting COVID with a couple thousand breakthrough cases per week. Japan is done.

posted ago by BQnita ago by BQnita
() 🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
posted ago by ghost_of_aswartz ago by ghost_of_aswartz

We got a based doctor who will write the script but the insurance company refused to pay since it 'was submitted without a diagnosis.' I said no problem I'll pay myself, how much? The girl behind her shouts out "$1,000!" Actual price, $113. This was more than a bad joke, my wife called earlier and a different tech said it might cost more than $1,000 for the medication. I think they are trying to scare people away from buying Ivermectin, thought I'd post and see if anyone else is having the same problems.

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