There was a post here showing a medical packet with Ivermectin, perhaps other things, being distributed. Where was it and does anyone have the photograph? I tried searching, but the damn tool brings all .win sites into the results after the first page as far as I can tell.

Any help is appreciated.


I have the oral paste. If I contract ccp virus, what doses should I take it in? And, how frequently? If someone can please refer me to a post or just let me know here. Thank you


Guys, sharing this FYI just in case anyone may be interested (or possibly know someone who could benefit from knowing this kind of information). It's from an Ivermectin friendly source.

It may be (i.e. 'NOT a doctor/NOT advice' :) that some who take IVM should possibly avoid taking certain other common treatments at the same time, including chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine.

Full data is at the link, which also cautions about letting certain pets (let alone children) somehow inadvertantly encounter IVM.

But following are some drugs they say may/may not cause certain rare and/or transient reactions if taken together with IVM:


IvermectinCautions - The Complete Guide To Health .com

Ivermectin can be given either by mouth or injection. It does not readily cross the blood–brain barrier of mammals due to the presence of P-glycoprotein, (the MDR1 gene mutation affects function of this protein)

"It is therefore questionable whether any of the neurological sequelae associated with administration of ivermectin are directly related to the drug and therefore it seems unlikely that any alterations in the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin for whatever reason would result in a more severe adverse reaction."




ivermectin_-does_p-glycoprotein_play_a_role_in_neurotoxicity.pdf Download File

Drugs that inhibit CYP3A4 enzymes often also inhibit P-glycoprotein transport, so the risk of increased absorption past the blood-brain barrier exists when ivermectin is administered along with other CYP3A4 inhibitors.

These drugs include statins, HIV protease inhibitors, many calcium channel blockers, and glucocorticoids such as dexamethasone, lidocaine, and the benzodiazepines….




EVERYONE should consult with an appropriate health care practitioner before taking ivermectin.

People who consume any of the medications listed below should be extra careful and take special precautions as these drugs are believed to interact with ivermectin.

The list below is NOT meant to be a complete list. It is simply a quick guide to alert those who take any of these medications to be extra careful.


ALCOHOL - do NOT drink alcohol in combination with ivermectin.

Analgesics     Metamizole

Antibacterials    Clarithromycin    Rifabutin    Rifampicin    Rifapentine    Telithromycin

Antiarrhythmics    Quinidine

Anti-coagulant, Anti-platelet and Fibrinolytic    Acenocoumarol    Argatroban    Dipyridamole    Fondaparinux    Heparin    Phenprocoumon    Warfarin

Antidepressants    St. John’s wort

Anticonvulsants     Carbamazepine    Eslicarbazepine    Oxcarbazepine    Phenobarbital (Phenobarbitone)    Phenytoin    Primidone    Rufinamide

**Antifungals **    Griseofulvin    Itraconazole    Ketoconazole

Antipsychotics/Neuroleptics     Thioridazine 

Calcium Channel Blockers    Verapamil

HCV DAAs    Glecaprevir/Pibrentasvir    Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/r    Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/r + Dasabuvir

HIV Antiretroviral Therapies    Atazanavir + ritonavir    Atazanavir/cobicistat    Efavirenz    Elvitegravir/Cobi/Emtricitabine/TAF    Elvitegravir/Cobi/Emtricitabine/TDF    Etravirine    Nevirapine

Covid-19 Antiviral Therapies    Atazanavir    Chloroquine    Hydroxychloroquine    Lopinavir/ritonavir

Covid-19 Immune Therapies    Ruxolitinib

Hypertension / Heart Failure Agents    Bosentan    Ranolazine

Immunosuppressants    Ciclosporin

Steroids    Betamethasone


The above list was obtained from Covid19-DrugInteractions.org. Click on the button below for additional information.


    Additional caution should also be exercised with patients who are currently taking CYP 3A4 or P-gp inhibitor drugs such as:















SOURCE: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04530474

NOTE: Even after serious overuse/abuse of ivermectin, the symptoms subsided after the patients stopped abusing the medication.


InVitro (not in the body, but in the lab) showed that Ivermectin had a 5,000-fold (99%+) reduction in SARS-CoV-2 within just 48 hours.

Original paper (June 2020):


Follow up, stating they have secured funding for further research (August 2021):



The Evidence For Ivermectin And COVID-19

Ivermectin has been prescribed nearly 4-billion times for use in humans to treat parasitic and viral infections. Dr. Satoshi Omura won the Nobel Prize for Ivermectin in 2015 for the drugs use against some of the world's most devastating tropical diseases.

In 2017, the scientific journal, Nature, published an article on Ivermectin describing it as a multi-faceted wonder drug with unexpected potential as an antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti-cancer agent. Ivermectin is on the WHO list of Essential Medicines with an unparalleled safety profile over decades.

The evidence for Ivermectin and COVID includes dozens of randomized controlled trials and peer reviewed studies. A large body of epidemiological evidence from around the world including countries such as India, Mexico, and nations in Central Africa.

In addition, the Tokyo Medical Association recently advocated for it's use against COVID. To claim that there is "no science" to support the use of Ivermectin for COVID is patently false.

The many hundreds of experienced critical care doctors around the world who have prescribed Ivermectin for COVID regardless of a patients vaccination status have of course provided the human form of the drug based on the available data and based on their own clinical experience and expertise.

And, to characterize this Nobel Prize winning drug prescribed for humans as "horse dewormer" is a complete and total lie by the corporate media!




My friend tried to get it from his doctor but the doctor said it causes liver damage.

Sounds like more bull shit. Anyone got sauce that can disprove this nonsense. I see some articles that come up if you search "ivermectin liver". They seem like paid hit peices because they were published recently.

"Psst, you kids wanna buy some ivermectin?" (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 HORSESHITPOST 🐴
posted ago by BasedCitizen ago by BasedCitizen

A friend has a prescription ready to go, but no big pharmacy will fill it....no Walgreens, CVS, or Marianos....they say they are out of stock, or they “feel uncomfortable” and individual pharmacists refuse to fill it.

Honeybee is reliable and through the mail, but pretty expensive at $160/30 pills.

Any other reliable (cheaper) mail pharmacies? Or suggestions?



Hey so like many others I recently got some Ivermectin ordered in the mail, didn't know if the stuff was going off the shelves or banned so I wanted to stock up, but the mail kept being delayed. I finally after a few days had it sent to the depot to be picked up where it was ready in hours.

When I got it the ivermectin packaging was opened on one end with the syringe sticking out. There was no tamper seal on the syringe, and it looked like it may have had some taken out. Did anyone else have a tamper seal on theirs? The regular package looked sealed normally but still last thing I need is a bad batch of horse paste.




Why should we have any confidence that COVID vaccines won’t be found to be unsafe many years from now?


I have been hearing rumors that a Big Pharma company is developing a new version of ivermectin. If this is true, I will never take it. I probably wouldn't be able to afford the astronomical price they would want for it anyway, but I also don't trust them not to load it with all sorts of nasty things like they did with their killer "vaccines." I'm not guessing about what they might do. I'm going with overwhelming probability. The track record of big pharmaceutical companies has been pretty consistent ever since Fauci and Gates got involved with the industry.

So it's apple-flavored horsey paste for me, or the cheap effective ivermectin for people that's already out there. And if Big Pharma succeeds getting both of those banned, there are a lot of other things I can take that will stabilize my health and kill off anything that crawls into my pasture.

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