I know Amazon has it in stock but it’s extremely overpriced and I don’t trust them to not cancel my order.


If you're having trouble getting it, look up the clove/wormwood/black walnut hull treatment.


Everyone should have a tube of this on hand just for emergencies. One tube is enough to treat a 1500 pound horse. So its enough to treat 3-4 people. You have to take 2 doses, 4 clicks per dose twice in a 48 hour period. There are 28 clicks per tube.

I have a feeling the deep state will try to release a more deadly viruses in the future. Before they go down in flames they will try to take the rest of us with them. Protect yourself and your family.

There are many options on Amazon right now. There are 3rd market retailers listed there as well. You do not need a Amazon account to purchase from them.

Stay safe my frens!!!



Checked the local feed store, none.

Checked the website known for supplying tractors, also none.

Every online resource (tbf I only went through 3-4) for locating 1.78% Ivermectin paste is just... gone.

I got some in the mail, but hot dang does this A. Confirm this actually works & B. Tells me things are beginning to heat up.


Not dead. Not shitting out worms. And certainly have not developed hooves.

It honestly tasted good with some orange juice.

It was the last tube of the stuff on the shelf at my local feed store though. Not a bad idea to have some around for $9

Ive been taking it for the past few days since so many frens here say it can help. My wife died of covid and I dont want to either.

Lately I cant stop shitting. I am on the toilet every 20 min and feeling really strong pains in my gut. What should I do? Should I speak to a doctor?


We are going to have a mob of angry people when we all realize the true extent of EVERYTHING the med treats....not just COVID, aka. the weaponized flu and vaxx reactions for many; Epstein-Barr, mono nucleosis, some breast Cancer, ovarian ca, and so much more. Consider this, it stops pathogen replication so the earlier you take it the better.

And damn all these filthy “foods” and toxins in our cleaning supplies, body products, clothing. I think of all the sugar, the alcohol and smoking promotions,...the combined effects of which make it so very difficult for the body to remove it all.

Add stress and fear, and the divisive tactics that make so many angry and isolate(d). Our bodies need some help! Maybe Ivermectin prophylaxis is needed for until we sort out the full extent of the evil war waged against us.


I just heard that Mexico was giving their citizens Ivermectin kits. So I had to search to see if it was true. The person who told me must have seen a post on social media about it, but forgot to ask where he saw it.

Hospitalizations were down by as much as 76%, according to research by the Mexican Digital Agency for Public Innovation, Mexico’s Ministry of Health and the Mexican Social Security Institute, according to a TrialSiteNews report highlighted by LifeSiteNews.

This article below was published May 31, 2021...


Here's a video talking about it also ...


Ivermectin Source (www.tractorsupply.com)
posted ago by Ed_E ago by Ed_E

Prove me wrong!


I just spent a few minutes reading the post about how Ivermectin has been used in humans since at least the 80's to treat many types of disease. In the NIH article about it they say that both avermectin/ivermectin were discovered from a soil sample in Japan. The Kitasato Institute was the first group to put the info out. Going back to the SPARS paper that war-gamed a pandemic scenario, they made some bold predictions about how things would play out. For instance, they said,

"August The Corovax vaccination program met resistance from several groups: alternative medicine proponents, Muslims, African Americans, and anti-vaccination activists. Initially operating independently, these groups banded together via social media to increase their influence. September-Japan announced that it would not approve Corovax for use in Japan in favor of developing and producing its own vaccine."


Now here's the final paragraph from the NIH paper about Ivermectin:

"Not surprisingly, public health specialists worldwide are now calling for greater and more extensive use of ivermectin, labelling MDA of the ‘wonder drug’ quite simply as “an underutilized public health strategy”. In response, the Kitasato Institute has initiated a global collaboration to investigate all properties and potential of a range of ivermectin analogues, both individually and in combination, particularly with a view to having a ready-made alternative should resistance to current ivermectin monotherapy ever threaten ongoing disease elimination campaigns."


Is this just another coincidence, or did someone already know that Japan would counter the COVID narrative with decades of scientific proof for their own treatment?

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