Ladies and Gents, NewScum is showing what sweating bullets over DJT becoming President again looks like! Two pieces of an interview here, and a transcript. Video is mostly the same as both articles come from 1 interview. But each article breaks down their part to focus upon.

The first link is a video and transcript of Gavin trying, trying to put ANYTHING, any words together to express what’s taking place in the DemoLib party and his own mind. This dude is fracking scared and fumbling. He seems smug, but it is anxiety and fear. He knows Exactly that Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming! Hahaha!

The second link is Gavin trying to shift blame to Trump, but reading his body language and between the lines, the Slickster is even having issues with lying in this interview. He is physically displaying where the blame actually lays for his party, and he knows he is stupidly a part of it!



This is fear of GITMO level bad Anons. And I bet he either vomited after this interview, or had to smoke or drink something quick to forget what was expressed on camera. He, his whole party will start appearing like this more and more, State by State as entire walls of a Nation from all 4 sides close in.

Justice Is Coming and We Will Win.


You have been told multiple times, President Trump is the Commander in Cheif, let this fact resonate in your mind. He controls every patriotic soul within our miltary and has 100 million armed patriotic civilians willing to shed blood for our nation. Losing is not a option. The evil will be vanquished.

It does not matter what the deepstate throws at us, they can never change our patriotic dedication in maintaining a free society. All of their efforts will be in vain and at the end of this story, we will measure their evil and place justice where it is due.

There will be no plea bargains for the staunch traitors, a trip to Satan's circle is all they will acheive. Let them be resistant to the peoples will, let them rebuke our Lord, let them commit crimes against humanity and their untimely end draws near.

Along with many Americans who have suffered under their torment, I will have no sorrow. I long for a nation and world free of evil and your nonexistance draws my desire. Let the mechanisms of justice destroy you.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnle. Have faith like me, never let the evil ones take that from you. Our greatness will overcome the few who took on the task to destroy us. They never realized the force they were opposing.

God Bless our nation, give us the power and glory to see this mission to the end.

Lord, have mercy on their souls, for I do not.



I check this page every day. I’ve noticed that, while I like to keep on top of the changes, I have an abiding confidence that the plan is working and God is winning. How about you?

() DJT Write-In’s!
posted ago by BQnita ago by BQnita

We hired a new nurse. I had to do a quick orientation with her. She had a look of fear, apprehension & anxiety. I’m used to jitters in new hires, but this is different!

I chatted with her, and asked her about her life, plans hobbies ect.. and tried to ease that anxiety.

My life as a nurse over the last couple years has changed dramatically from focusing on medication pass and illness to putting people at ease.

I realize that this week. That seems to be my forte.

I feel so strongly about that because it is so strongly needed.

We are people in crisis.

Peace has been taken from the Earth.

I had a coworker from Ecuador who told me about their Covid restrictions -over the last two years

The dead bodies were placed in front of the homes on the street like Christmas trees. ..how trucks drove by to pick them up.

She started to tear up and her voice cracked. I let her talk and we visited about her trauma. One of our psychologist heard my conversation looked at me and nodded to me and kept walking.

He later said he’s overwhelmed by his clients trauma and is considering retiring— I thought he needed a good listener and he ultimately walked away!

Times haven’t gotten that tough yet, but I can see how we’re heading in the direction of societal changes becoming more fear based, less compassionate towards our fellow man.


WWG1WGAWW... God loves Freedom for all his peoples of the world.


How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! — Isaiah 52:7

There have a been a few times in my life where I was expecting something at a specific time. For example, I’ll never forget when my wife and I decided on the day we wanted to get married. I knew the day was in the future and I looked forward to that day in anticipation.

No doubt you too have experienced anticipation of something happening in your life as well. Perhaps it was a day or an event that you were excited about and could not wait for it to arrive. The problem is that we often have so much anxiety over the anticipation, we fail to enjoy the event and the importance of it.

In this verse of Isaiah, he was speaking about the return of the Jews into their own land. It was an event that had not happened yet, but he was anticipating their return. He was positive it was going to happen, but the anticipation was there. But he puts things into perspective with the thought about God reigning.

As great as the return of the Jews would be, the greatest thing of all would be that God would be in His rightful place, reigning. It can become so easy to be distracted by the anticipation of the things we want to see happen. We can have such a desire for these things, that we fail to see the most important thing of it all.

Whether you are anticipating a major event in your life, or facing a major trial, we must make sure that we keep God in His place. No matter what we face, our God reigns! If we put our faith in Him, He can help calm the anticipation and anxiety in our lives.

Jared Dyson

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