Dr. Paul Marik Bombshell: Covid "Vaccine" Shedding of Spike Protein Can Occur During Sex! - TheLibertyDaily




Vaccine shedding is real.

If you spend time with vaccinated people and feel weird and get a physical reaction, you're not imagining it.



The Vigilant Fox 🦊, [16.06.22 17:07]

[ Video ]

Vaccine Shedding? "Women Are Having Miscarriages and Bleeding Problems Just From Being Around Inoculated People"

"This Is a Disaster for Relationships and Marriages"

There are several anecdotes where women are losing their babies after their male partner gets injected.

Dr. Christine Northrup: "All we know is that kids are getting sick from being around inoculated people. Colleagues of mine are getting sick from being around inoculated people, and women are having miscarriages and bleeding problems just from being around inoculated people."

Video via t.me/childcovidvaccineinjuriesuk/1653

@VigilantFox | Rumble (https://rumble.com/v18pcla-vaccine-shedding-women-are-having-miscarriages-and-bleeding-problems.html) | ReTruth (https://truthsocial.com/@VigilantFox/108489186850963889)

My daughter has been having menstrual issues recently. No one in our family took the shot, but she is at school everyday with students and teachers who have had both shots and boosters. Anyone have any experience with this??

My only thought is that she is somehow being affected by the vaccine in others. Of course, I can’t ask her doctor about this. He will call me a conspiracy nut.

Any thoughts or stories like this would be helpful. Thank you!!


I’ve heard mixed things on whether the vaccines are capable of shedding. I haven’t followed this closely so I honestly know nothing about this but I know an internet search will be useless because I don’t trust anything being said by the media or even medical associations right now. I’m asking because for the last two days I have been having an irregular heartbeat. It started yesterday and I thought it would go away overnight but it has been consistent since yesterday. I plan on scheduling an appointment with my doctor next week. I work in an office with 20+ people who have almost all been vaccinated. Not saying this is the cause, it could definitely be stress related, but it’s extremely odd and it doesn’t seem to be going away. For what it’s worth, I want to mention that I am younger and keep a healthy weight. Do you guys have any credible resources on whether or not shedding is possible?


I'm like, afraid I'm dying. A month now I've had a bad cough and for about a week now i have terrible aches and a fever. I can't regulate my body temperature, im weak and sore and clammy.

Never even got a covid test. If it's real I had it from Mardi gras 2020 and got over it.

Any videos? Am I a mutant with deranged rna now too?


I still have reservations as to how dangerous Spike Protein shedding may be, if it is actually happening at all.

There are two scenarios:

  • If Spike Protein shedding is real, and stooges close to the Cabal politicians are truly vaccinated, then the Cabal must have a preventable method they administer for themselves to avoid complications from Spike Proteins being transmitted from vaccinated peoples. This indicates a possible cure/preventive method therapy to deal with Spike Proteins for those who have been vaccinated.

  • If the above is false, and the Cabal politicians are willingly soaking in the Spike Proteins, then they either have a death wish (possible) or Spike Protein shedding is benign.

My conclusion? Don't worry about Spike Protein shedding. Do worry about those who have been vaccinated, as their concentration of the Spike Proteins is far higher than will ever rub off onto others through transmission.

My money is on Ivermectin and HCQ having been effective against the Spike Proteins all along. Either should be taken prophylactically by unvaccinated and vaccinated peoples alike to prevent all possible avenues of harm.


Edit: To be clear, I'm softly working under the assumption Cabal members took saline or maybe B12 shots instead of the "vaccine."


We spent the day with my family that are all vaccinated. ??‍♀️They are the only people we know and spend time with that are vaccinated. Today we feel terrible. Just drained and tired. Could this be related to be around vaccinated people or am I paranoid?


The spike proteins are a PART of the corona-virus.

If the masks can't block the coof, what makes anyone think they will block the spike proteins, which are smaller?

Mind you, I'm not sold on the shedding being a thing just yet. I'm sure vaxholes aren't giving off healthy enzymes and junk (which is probably normal, all things considered), but I doubt whatever they are shedding is gonna be permanent for those receiving second-hand exposure.

If it is, we are thoroughly screwed unless HCQ, Ivermectin, Quercetin, Suramin, Methlyene Blue, or whatever can stop the ACE2 cleaving from going on.



There have been several stories floating around the internet alleging the Covid Vaccines are shedding. Each of our health experiences with the vaccinated vary. Some say they got sick, others don't notice a thing.

I do not believe there have been any conclusive scientific evidence or studies proving one way or the other with this vaccine shedding claim (at least not enough to be 110% convinced.) Any professional sources who weigh in on the possibility seem anecdotal at best. Which brings me to my point: Do not fall for division tactics.

Until it's proven beyond a doubt, this "Vaccine Shedding" story is in itself an attack on us to further divide us from our families. Remember, the Deep State bastards want to do whatever they can to inject an ounce of fear into you. That's how they manipulate you to act in their favor. And they're desparate.


I'm detailing my experience of being very ill twice. Once in 2020 which I suspect was the SARS-2 coronavirus and then once again in 2021 which I suspect was as a result of shedding of spike proteins or similar from my wife after she took the Astrazeneca "vaccine"

You can draw your own conclusions.

Suspected coronavirus 2020

When the SARS2 coronavirus virus was prevalent in our city in about March 2020, My wife and children fell ill with bad coughs and my wife had considerable fatigue.

I suffered this illness:

Extreme fatigue, hiccupping at all times for 12 days (deep diaphragm spasms and dry heaving every 3-4 seconds all day and night). This made it very hard to talk. Swelled throat and thick voice, painful ear canals. Complete shutdown of GI tract. stomach didn't empty, small drinks stayed for 4 or more hours and caused reflux. There was no diarrhea, my gut just stopped. Inability to sleep for more than 2 hours at at time for many days and then only in a crouching position or flat on my stomach. This was due to painful reflux and diaphragm spasms. After the diaphragm spasms stopped I had quite severe breathing difficulties for around 6 months. In the first couple of months I could not talk or eat without gasping, and I could not walk up stairs without resting after. I did not have a cough at any time. Immediately after this illness, I had sharp stubble appear on my head where I had previously had male pattern baldness for years. I now have thin hair in this area.

Suspected shedding 2021

One month ago, my wife took the Astrazeneca "vaccine" https://greatawakening.win/p/12iNnX1are/ive-been-trying-to-redpill-my-wi/

After a half a week or so in the same house, I developed the same symptoms listed above and then have been very ill for two weeks with them.

In addition his time, my kidneys shut down. my urine went dark and then stopped completely for a few days. My belly swelled and felt sloshy from the tiny drinks I was having which weren't draining from my stomach. I suppose I got dehydrated even though there was water in my stomach. There was no diarrhea, my gut just shut down. So far, I don't have the breathing difficulty this time.

Treatment each time:

high dose oral vitamin C and D, zinc, quercetin, green tea mutlivtiamins including selenium, magnesium, iodine. paracetamol, antactids, sodium bicarbonate in water,

small amounts of ranitidine, cetirizine, melatonin

This is my theory on all of this:

In 2020, I contracted quite a nasty case of the SARS-2 coronavirus and developed "Covid-19)" with slightly atypical symptoms. I suppose that I have a slightly atypical distribution of ACE2 receptors and that that's why the virus attacked my gut and lungs.

Now in 2021, I think that my wife was shedding spike proteins and my body recognized them and set up an immune response which affected me in a similar way to the disease in 2020.

Prior to this experience I did not expect to have any significant reaction to my wife taking the Astrazeneca "vaccine". I thought that my body would easily handle any small amount of virus or spike protein in the environment because I had previously had the disease in 2020.

My wife is due to take the second Astrazeneca "vaccine". shot at the end of June. I have told her that if she does, she can stay in a hotel for a week for my safety.

This is my general medical background:

male, anglo / celt, 45-50 years, stocky, generally healthy, not overweight, blood type B-, vegetarian. SARS2 coronavirus comorbidities: none. circulatory problems: never. lung problems, coughing: almost never. GI problems, diarrhea/ vomiting: almost never. Upper respiratory issues such as colds, sinusitis: quite often.

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