Make it a felony. Then deport.
He was over in Pasadena. Started JPL (Jack Parsons Lab). He was building homebrew rockets and making powdered aluminum rocket motors with some success as a young man just as WW2 was coming on and the Army recruited him. Yes, very much OTO and other occult elements. Mentored L Ron. And Ray Bradbury, Harlan Ellison, Arthur C Clarke etc even Heinlein, at his weekly salons at his mansion. He died in a fire there. Supposed to have been sexually involved with his mother? Sure, why not? “Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” For many of the participants in the Crowley cult it was all just sex fun, at least that’s how it started. Then the envelope of photos arrives in the mail…. Influential people with levers of power under the sway of truly evil psychopaths. WCGW? It’s an old story.
If water diversion, and forest mismanagement is part of this conspiracy it’s been planned for decades. It’s the problem with conspiracy theories, taking facts and assuming connections. Rearranging mosaic tiles can yield completely different different icons.
I can understand the difficulty of the task. Really do appreciate your bringing it up.
I used to be opposed to Christianity. A real outspoken wiseass about it too. I’m familiar with all the “reasons” for skepticism. Thought I was so smart. Joke was on me though.
I also had 3 years of German in HS and graduated in 1971. Kooky koinkydink.
It’s why I use the Orthodox Study Bible. It’s got useful annotations, and who better to translate Greek than Greeks? But I’m not hostile to the KJV.
The Septuagint (ca 300 BC) was a translation from Hebrew to Greek which they still use. Amazingly it corresponds quite closely to the Masoretic text (ca 800 AD) translation from Hebrew to English. There’s some small differences in the order of the Psalms, but it’s pretty much the same.
The most amazing thing is how closely the Bible books match the Dead Sea Scrolls. It seems not to have been riddled with errors after all. It hasn’t been mistranslated. Nothing has been added.
I like that attention is being called to Epiphany but the last little bit where they say The Church appropriated it from pagan festivals is just wrong. Christmas wasn’t stolen from ancient Egypt, or Rome or anywhere else.
Happy New Year! Health Wealth and the Time to enjoy them.
This book was written for the audience of its day. AD 96 ish. Everything is different, but nothing has changed.
Johnny Joey Jones, a legless former bomb disposal marine, on “the 5” yesterday said that wasn’t much of a bomb. If one were making an actual bomb, especially one familiar with special ops, one could and would use much better materials. I know people who like to shoot explodey things with pistols and rifles out in the desert. It’s not uncommon.
My guess they’ll soon be offering terrorism insurance. They’ve probably had actuaries figuring out how much terror it’ll take to “create the need”. AFAIK they don’t ordinarily cover damage due to war or insurgency.
One other thing, about double indemnity for accidental death. It’s actually “by accidental means” which means for instance if you died because the car you were changing oil on fell on you because you placed the jack improperly it’s not by accidental means, so unless the jack itself malfunctioned which would be “accidental” it’s not going to pay double. It’s a scam. All of it. Including so called medical insurance.
If it seemed to you I was criticizing or even questioning your assertion you’ve misinterpreted my response. We certainly agree on a) and b). I admittedly view the world “through a stained glass periscope”.
My only caution was that if it turns out he’s actually not among us you’d suffer a psychological shock.
There’s a parable about building on firm foundations.
It’s an interesting idea, JFK Jr. being alive undercover, and plausible enough, but building castles in the air on such a speculative basis could become psychologically devastating. The resulting personal alienation might be too high a price to pay even if one were ultimately proven right.
It’d be a great start to a work of fiction. I’d watch that movie, or even read the novel, if it were well written.
That said, I choose to believe emphatically, without irrefutable proof, in the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ. (Somebody who supposedly died, but came back.) I’ve based, to the greatest extent possible (with admittedly pisspoor results) my thoughts, words and actions on this belief. If it turns out I’m wrong all the friends who dismissed me when I became one of those annoying religious fanatics who can’t shut up about it can sneeringly say “I told you so.” That’ll be the least of my worries. A gamble I’m willing to take. At least I’ll have had a plausible motivation for a self improvement program.
I remember reading, around 2003 that Andy Kaufman who supposedly died, but secretly lived on returned after 20 years to which the world, and even his own parents were entirely indifferent.
I had a ‘pal’ that miraculously survived a horrific, and thankfully just his own, car crash, probably because he was blackout drunk. He was, however quite badly injured. I remember visiting him in the convalescent hospital where he was recovering. In the common room he opined loudly about how God had spared him. I knew him as an addict, criminal, and free range fornicator. (Like me, but maybe not as bad) Not exactly churchy. Fun, sure but not remotely a religious guy. I sat there looking around at the other patients many of whom were obviously terminal. I thought he was utterly insensitive to suggest he was under some form of divine protection. (And they, by implication weren’t.). I didn’t say anything, of course, but my already somewhat low opinion of him wasn’t exactly enhanced.
I lost touch with him for years, but heard from mutual friends he hadn’t changed his habits. He even got hired at my workplace, against my specific and detailed advice and he proved worse than I predicted. He got fired from a union job, so he must have really messed up.
Then after some more years I heard he’d become an Orthodox Christian, and was using his considerable musical talents to compose and perform devotional songs. He’s even gained some notoriety for this.
That is to say, his story wasn’t over, and maybe God did have plans for him. I’d written him off entirely, but Lord Jesus Christ apparently had other ideas.
Also, being dead isn’t the worst thing that can happen to a person. If you’ve ever watched someone die you’ll understand. If I’ve been spared by some divine intervention I shudder to think what more may yet be required of me before I can fall asleep in The Lord, and await final judgement in the bosom of Abraham. I converted too. It could happen to anyone. St. Dismas, for instance, or St. Moses the Black who was instantly converted after pillaging multiple monasteries. Maybe ask Mike Lindell…. annoying, but devout.
Happy New Year
The “pandemic” benefitted humanity by exposing fraud on a massive scale, and introducing people to the benefits of Ivermectin. A silver lining to a really dark cloud. I had been diagnosed with prostate cancer, and refused the recommended radiation treatments, as it may be “targeted” but still does damage to surrounding systems. Now, after the pandemic, they can’t detect it in biopsy or MRI. I wouldn’t try to tell my urologist but I’m pretty sure pony paste saved my life.
It’s a great little moneymaker though. Donate today!
He’s a synth.
Add the giant Specs.
Let me be the first to feign surprise. I remember all of that. Everyone knew. I remember hearing about Mena, Whitewater, Vince Foster, and so on. And who can forget Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, WTC attempt #1, the Savings and Loan collapse debacle, or the IBCC international bank of commerce fiasco. And she was the brains of the outfit. What a wonderful president she’d have made.
Who did the straw purchases of the land needed benefit?
The point. Finally someone gets to it.
7.3 is massive. Tsunamis? So, I looked, and it seems not unprecedented. Ring of fire, seismic zone. Was surprised to see reported photos showing most buildings still standing. I was in LA for the ‘94 quake, terribly damaging, and it was a 6.7.
His ACORN expose was fantastic. It wasn’t enough to stop B O but it was a breakthrough in journalism.
A classic “Let’s you and him fight.”
Remember that side by side of them giving the same exact speech? “There is no red America and blue America…. “. My guess is Barry knew from an early age he was being positioned for POTUS. The Bush family tentacles were behind WJC and BHO both. Consider the control they’ve had from 1976 when GWB was DCI until 2016. Thank God For Trump.