The American teet has been sucked dry. Store is closed.
Its Al Sharpton. Guy is a fraud since day 1. For those that dont know he is a leech and ambulance chaser. I dont go to costco anyway so now they will never get my $$.
Its a step in the correct direction but I will wait & see. Its not like we cant use more of OUR money.
Some of the 87,000 armed & former IRS now border patrol agents can be put to work.
The same people that were trying to shame you into getting the clot shot. The same people that promote a woke culture & hate our American values. She plays pretend for a living dont buy her bs. Open up one of your mansions to your 3rd world people Selena.
Fool me once but fool me 30x?!!!!!! Cant wait to see him perp walked.
Could have rebuilt most of the USA crumbeling infrastructure with our money that was give to the criminals in ukraine.
Dont forget sexual preference. buh bye
Its that simple, hard work and following the law. LOL
Amazing how much our tax money has been stolen for us!! Keep the wins coming!!!
More of our tax $$ back to us!!
5 days into his "official" term & he has done more that the resident & the kenyan did in 12 years.
These crazy universities dont realize who they are fighting. POTUS will make examples of them.
Same, I kept on seeing #qanon on twitter. Went down the rabbitt hole and just keep digging deeper.
Sounds like she is threatening our ICE agents. Has she been reported?
Wow, hopefully they set him up so they can arrest him when he is dressed as woman.
Does the clown mayor in NYC know this? He was just on the radio saying they are only going after the criminals.
I can finally apply for a job where the first question isnt if "Im hispanic" & the second question is about my sexuality.
The SEC should bring back fractions if they really want to make the stock mkt go nuts.
Downstate NY here & we have not had a cold spell like this or this amount fo snow in years. No end in site currently for this cold.
Make insane asylums great again!!!!
Maybe done on purpose b/c they are bringing someone big? Dont want media or pics?
Can she get audited? Would love to know how a bartender can skyrocket in wealth by getting a job in government.