14DaysToFlatten 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm talking about archiving, too. No excuse for not having learned yet and depending on others.

Go to archive.is

Input desired link to be archived



14DaysToFlatten 2 points ago +4 / -2

When do you plan on learning? After all of this is over?

14DaysToFlatten 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm more worried about the interim than starting over. Good luck.

14DaysToFlatten 1 point ago +1 / -0

They should reap by not reporting the sale :)

14DaysToFlatten 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hang in there, spectrumy one. Best of luck. I'm exercising more than ever. I don't know if it's going to fix my psych problems but at least I'm fit and know how to fight now.

14DaysToFlatten 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even if you are not an organ donor, you are considered one unless you opt out. You didn't know this?

I'm not sure that's true. Where I am, state ID's indicate organ donor status. I assume that status is used to determine course.

14DaysToFlatten 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've been kicked out of 3 places for not wearing a mask and spent plenty at local small businesses with the balls to defy.

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