Well, obviously the winner goes to the dude with the least amount of hair, and since Demonrat dude has only 1% of hair, than he wins. It’s maths.
Mastriano and Lake tally’s are total BS!! Those two races make my blood boil. As for Dr. Oz, well, since he’s a Rhino rat, I almost don’t care. There was no good choice between him and Fetterman.
Oh noz, not MeAN tWEeTiNg! FFS, I’d say given that we’re fighting satanic evil bastardos, and still waiting on 2020 to be corrected, he doesn’t go far enough.
You know what they say about the lottery- a tax on the poor.
Reporting for duty, and no, Gloria isn’t my name it’s the song that was playing in the video showing Trump holding the red folder during J6 😉
They just gave him more “credentials” in my book. I could use a based internal med dr, and if I lived closer to TX he’d be top of my list now.
“tiny…eye” = tineye? I’m not well versed with the site, but ran the image through it and the oldest results come up as 28 OCT 2022. May be nothing, but sort of fishy how all the fake news sites got this same image to use and it didn’t exist online until the story broke.
P. Pelosi: “I don’t want to go on the cart!”
Fake news version (I’m guessing they cut off the good part):
I like the ilTrumpo version better, even though it’s embellished kek:
It could possibly be the Presidential Election Campaign Fund donations (the little box we can check on our taxes if we want to donate $3 to fund the scam elections). Personally I’ve never checked it because I would rather light $3 on fire. I’m not sure if it can be used in midterms, but apparently it can be used for minor party nominees:
Just a thought. Either way it’s a total shake down of the American taxpayers.
Edit: never mind. I guess a “minor party” is someone who runs for President and just doesn’t get as many votes as the “major party”:
Maybe there’s a State Tax version of the check box for state races?
So Paul Pelosi was taken to Zuckerberg hospital after getting his skull cracked open by a Hammer…and Mark Zuckerberg just so happened to funnel all that money into the election theft where the Hammer and Scorecard were used. Comms?
I remember Scavino posted a video with this monologue shortly after the election. Gave me big time hopium back then, and even a little bit still today. Found the Nitter link to Dan’s post in case there are any breadcrumbs between the two:
Crikey, I think we just spotted a yuge rhino trying to hide amongst the herd 😆
I’m disappointed it didn’t go down more. Wanted it to burn to the ground. Probably all the corrupt Big Tech, Blackrock and insider trading Congressmen propping it up. No other explanation, because on news like this, it should have gone down a minimum of 20%. At least temporarily due to panic sellers and people shorting for a quick buck. Especially on a day like today when most stocks are down like 5% anyway. Our markets are so fkn rigged.
Who the hell is QAnon? Oh wait, that must be what the C_A uses to call in and larp about J6.
They seriously think they can program the masses to accept this if they dehumanize it by making her a robot. What they fail to realize (because [these] people are stupid), is that it’s still creepy AF!! Not to mention the “robot” is played by a real girl, ffs. Even if the robot were a woman instead of a girl, it would still be creepy AF! Epic fail, thank goodness.
That’s the feels I get during every phone conversation with my mom for the past 3 years. Just when I think I’ve come close to getting her to swallow a new red pill, she cheeks it instead and then says “not to change the subject” and then proceeds to totally change the subject 😆 😭 I look back on the progress I’ve made with her over the 3 years and there’s definitely progress, albeit a slow and painful one with lots of back stepping. I haven’t even gotten to the really controversial stuff yet either, kek.
Yeah, I’m not buying the whole “it was an error” excuse PayPal is trying to sell us now. Even if someone accepts that excuse (in which case Putin has a bridge he would like to sell you), there still is the fact that they at some point considered including it to the extent that they drafted a version with the verbiage included. They’ve had a ToS for over 20 years. Whatever they add to it is intentional. It’s not like they are some dude selling widgets at a farmers market that made a booboo when cutting and pasting a ToS together from Wokipedia.
I take Glucosamine (1,500mg)/Chondroitin (1,200 mg) supplement, Omega-3 (1,000mg), and Turmeric Curcumin (500mg) daily, for arthritis and carpal tunnel. It’s not anywhere near a 100% cure, but it does take the edge off.
Took me over an hour to go through and cancel all linked vendors (mostly outdated) that pile up over 20+ years of use, thanks to PayPal making it hard to cancel the last card on file until everything is unlinked. In the reason for cancellation box, I put “go woke go broke”. Also canceled Venmo since they are basically one in the same. Not gonna lie, it was a bit hard to cancel something I’ve had for 20+ years, but in the end that’s the only way to ensure their greedy nazi bastard hands don’t go reaching into my bank accounts.
Same here. I just figured out I use it to auto pay for my VPN, so maybe yours is linked to a reoccurring payment as well. I’m hoping once I change my auto payment on the VPN side, I will be able to delete it.
For any of the deplorables like me who needs the definition thanks to our failed education system:
Executive Privilege: “the privilege, claimed by the president for the executive branch of the US government, of withholding information in the public interest.”
This is from March. They tried to play it off as she is just a “QAnon” nut.
They said a few hours ago that the most recent batch was 60/40 in Kari’s favor and that they expected the next batch to be similar so hopefully that puts her closer if not over. Now if we can just pray to God that they don’t get away with a 12am Democrat “vote” dump and weeks of mail in vote “counting”.