We think one, the female. Have concieved several times but miscarriages. Age is a factor too, 38/40
Nice! We stocked up on NAC. Local store told us their supply is being shuttered by the FDA
We're bookworms so all these titles are being added to a list, thank you
Not a bad idea. Human to human instead of institutional. Low odds, it's like rolling the dice
Thanks! Will check out the supplements. We have ovulation tracking down pat, including about 3 years of daily temperature recording upon first waking. We use an app to graph and track timing
It's an extension of our conservatism: to preserve natural law. So despite the troubles of the world, we trust God to provide. Child-bearing is a natural outcome.
We are not afraid!
Where do you buy? Thanks for the tip. This stuff is an antihistamine at higher doses too
We did pray and continue to do so. We felt that reaching out to community would help us gain insight, and maybe there is something we are missing. Responses so far: fostering, iodine, pray (you), and an offer to cuckold (nope)
I'll pitch in 5 bucks if it helps limit groomer propaganda
Can someone clarify a synopsis of this narrative's life cycle? Claim made, claim spread, claim refuted?
Should look at leadership connectiond with j6. I assume there is an overlap in leadership
Being amongst political 1st graders basically. No grooming! Let them awaken
Agree on that. But she's choosing to feminize her hormones, so I see it like an honorific in giving her the pronoun choice, so she doesn't go the route of lonely hate. You can disagree with someone and still love.
They didn't stand up when he came in? That was weird
I clicked but it was just memes?
Damascus to Crimea is Russia's supply route for Oil from the ME
I've been saying we can't trust the Reagan Battalion folks for a long time. This entire faction is for manufacturing consent from evangelicals/conservatives for neoconservative policies, which is war war war.
Isn't this our tax money? Didn't the kid sniffer pay our media millions for continuing propaganda?
Probably too late for advice.... but it would be awesome if you start the process, collect your questions, and post them for us oldies to re-live. Seeing things thru the eyes of a newb is fun.
Are you into esoteric mysteries and gematria? Lots of that in Q
Great read.
"In the wake of Russia’s bloody war in Ukraine, and the accompanying embarrassment for Berlin, subsuming relations with Russia into a larger framework of economic ties with China is likely to prove convenient for all sides—and to further strengthen Berlin’s ties with Beijing.
This is like masturbatory condescension, was fun to read
Is there a way to read this document?
Also, the sky is blue
This is exactly the thing we were hoping existed! Thank you so much for connecting us to it. Will have to vette for trafficking patterns. A lot of traffickers hide behind religion as a cover