2224522 1 point ago +1 / -0

Focus is really on God. This is His plan and Trump is His man. His David. We like to think Trump belongs to us…remember no matter the outcome God wins. He always goes before us in battle. Think of some of the “crazy or odd” methods of exposure. I think it’s God’s sense of humor. Example. Fani Willis. Attorney General GA. Name Fani, butt, large, ego large, boyfriend, not a looker, her affair caught her up in a mess and massively exposed her for a fraud. She tried to use God as cover and she was more exposed. Really quite 😁 Head up.

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now have them demand a refund!! They will have to deliver a refund OR expose their money laundering scheme's. According to their records the money is theirs. If they demand a refund they get the cash and Act Blue goes broke …I see a win win.

2224522 3 points ago +3 / -0

And another family grieves. The greatest sadness is those in government and in so-called” scientific community that developed C19 and the vaccine against it (same people) could care less. In fact are celebrating every death as a victory against climate change and population control.

2224522 1 point ago +1 / -0

Both Kamala and Biden are to be removed. They were there to push an agenda. Now they need the moderates to take the helm. It’s too late too many are on to them.

2224522 1 point ago +1 / -0

Note that Elon is head of the show and Taylor Swift is tiny and in the bottom corner…

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

Odd just read and article earlier about the media complex crumbling….then more proof!

2224522 5 points ago +5 / -0

Are we alone? Doesn’t mean extraterrestrial it means Biblical. They have been with us the whole time

2224522 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ghee I wonder how God sees Israel? Check the Bible and get back with me. Remember God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow.

2224522 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why? Because it is anti parasitic. Many diseases are caused by parasites and we don’t treat them any more in the states.

2224522 1 point ago +1 / -0

Big deal. A game of golf is good for everyone. They end it with cocktails and dinner? Is that a problem too? You just shared many govt agency events. Including the US Military. It’s a private organization. Where’s the problem?

2224522 5 points ago +5 / -0

That means you get an award!🥇the best I’ve got but you definitely deserve it! Well done Patriot, well done!

2224522 0 points ago +2 / -2

Children who were prematurely born will also have issues. Doesn’t make the “pussies”. Their brains haven’t developed yet. Just because you are born doesn’t mean the brain is fully developed

2224522 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just don’t assume there is nothing that can be done. Chlorella. Herbal foot pads (Amazon) Green juices. Zeolite drops. Oregano oil. CoQ10. Many different kinds of God’s healing can be found and used. Just don’t take No for an answer. We used several of the above methods to help my grandbaby. Issues started after her two year old shots but we didn’t tie it with that so that by the time she got to her 5 year old pre-kindergarten vax she was have significant issues. Inability to concentrate, stuttering and blinking profusely! It was debilitating! Using chorella, herbal footpads with tourmaline, zeolite drops and greens juices we pulled out the toxins. It took 4 months. By the time she attended kindergarten she had no more issues. Her pre-evaluation suggested speech therapy. Surprised the school when she arrived with NO ISSUES! It can be done there is always hope.

2224522 12 points ago +12 / -0

Remember God goes before us in battle. He’s been with you the whole time. Everything is coming together. He also hardens the hearts of many until He is ready to awaken them. He has used you to get the word out. You have not been alone. God bless you as you change your journey but I have a feeling after a bit of respite you will be back in the fight!

2224522 1 point ago +1 / -0

What would you do if your daughter’s boyfriend blew up in a car where the engine left the scene of the accident? It was more than a warning. It was overkill. They wanted him and us to know that they could reach out and touch you.

2224522 1 point ago +1 / -0

So does a few ounces of beef, just add your oregano in your stew in your steak. Or just eat steak. What this doesn’t tell you is plants also have anti-nutrients that damage your gut lining.

2224522 9 points ago +9 / -0

Maybe we will see Shaye Moss Ruby Freeman and Ralph Jones answer for their blatant crimes? Well maybe?

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

246 retruths with 1000+ likes we need to do better for DJT truths. Get them distributed and don’t just “like them”. Share them and the. Share them again. We have a small job let’s do it well!

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