He should be drug through the streets, real slow.
Two days ahead of schedule?
So much winning.
I wanna see that paper.
Your terms are acceptable.
Welcome to the party, bud. Cold Case Posse cracked that one a decade ago.
Time for the pitchforks to come out.
He knew what he was doing buying the pop corn. The rest is gravy, this one's not difficult to see. Just two more weeks.
She may have just sealed her own destiny, what an idiot.
Good luck, fuckers.
It was a missle.
Fairly gay, you gotta put him on the ground and start stompin'. Rookies
When in doubt, pull out the racism card. Faggots
In my part, it's Red.
As a current BSA Member, I do not agree with allowing females. Could care less about the name change. Our group is a Boy Troop with based leaders. I attend every campout, summer camp and am in leadership. They background check, I personally have done my own background check on every individual in the Troop. The program is a good one and teaches these kids leadership and self sufficiency through the Patrol Method. Yeah, they had issues with pedo fags in the past. I can tell you that I am proud that my Son wishes to achieve his Eagle Rank and enjoys our monthly outings. If I were not heavily involved, looking from the outside in. I would probably have the same opinion as others here. Everyone here by now should know, we Frogs are everywhere. Do your part in the places you go.
Original Dave is long gone, he's Dave 2.0 now.
My Mother recieved Gamma Knife surgery a good 25 years ago. She is doing well, has a bought occasionally. She thinks the nerves are growing back.
Auto-Owners if they write in your State. Run an Insurance Agency, they are saying prices will not be going down anytime soon.
This video sold me that Dinosaurs are mythical creatures.
Insurance companies don't pay for intentional acts.
Bring the noise faggots, we ready.
More than you can count on one hand here.