2RedWolves 4 points ago +4 / -0

Project 2025 is a wish list of policies the Heritage Club wants Trump to implement beginning on day one of his next term.

The Heritage Club is a conservative think tank which has been a friend to Trump. They know the history very well of Communism and can see its emergence in the US yet again and it is frightening.

The Heritage Club came out with a 900 page paper to help rid the nation of Marxist policies and get the nation aligned back with the Constitution.

It will be up to Trump to implement policies to correct the damage that has been done to this nation. However, I believe he has his own agenda, but will listen to other conservative ideas. There are people who want to help him, like the Heritage Club and there are others who pretend to be a patriots, but they are not. Snakes are everywhere and he is only one man. If we fail this November, we most likely lose our way of life as we know it.

As for the Radical Dems, they twist everything into lies to confuse the masses. They are the new Bolsheviks. The Red Terror. God will determine the outcome.

2RedWolves 5 points ago +5 / -0

Of course, she is a true teacher for healing your own body. She gives us the info and allows the individual to implement it. It sounds easy, but she has had an enormous amount of attacks, which just confirms she is telling the truth. I have noticed in the last year she has been bombarded with AI look a likes and others who are using her name to sell their own brand of healing; so you must be careful who you follow on all the media platforms.

I have listened to several of her easy fixes to health and every single one has worked for me. I am now going thru her book for the more difficult problems to fix and it is not an easy read for me because she is serious about getting the research out. Even though she is a nutritionist, she writes like a researcher. It takes discipline to study this research. But, we are talking about whether I want to be disease free or depend on the Medical Industrial Complex, who in my opinion, wants us sick. No thanks.

All she is telling us is what we already know to be true. Good Food heals. Exercise heals and promotes longevity, Fresh air and sun are a must, Celtic salt and one's faith in the Divine is very important.

It sounds all so easy, yes, but once you break it down, it is much harder than you have been lead to believe. It is hard to turn away from the temptations of processed foods, fast foods and adulterated foods. It is hard to commit to exercise, stretching, lift weights and going outside for hours at a time for your Vitamin D.

What intrigues me is the things she lectures about that I didn't know. I first found her on YouTube speaking at a Misty Mountain retreat and she was extremely passionate in teaching her audience how the body truly works as a unit. I was very impressed.

I listened for hours.... why are we not taught this in school? I am sure at one point it was, but then removed, but why?

Youtube kicked her off and they have tried to scrub her from all media. However, for me and my family, we will trust her and her methods ......... They are not many left like her and she is not young. I hope this helps.

2RedWolves 1 point ago +1 / -0

He is correct. The Bolsheviks have re-emerged and are infiltrating America. Exact same playbook. The patterns are all around us. The Horror lasted for 70 years, 60 million dead. The question is, are we going to stop them before there is a full blown revolution instigated by them and they gain that kind of power again? If we loose, know what lies ahead. The masses are being deceived. The Democratic Socialist Party of America is gaining ground, but they haven't won yet.


2RedWolves 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many argue the points of a particular emotional subject, not aware that the BIG picture you are being distracted from is that the Bolsheviks have re-emerged and infiltrated America. Exact same playbook. The Red-Terror lasted for 70 years. The question is, are we going to stop them before there is a full blown revolution instigated by them and they gain that kind of power again? The masses are being deceived while good men do very little. The Democratic Socialist Party of America is gaining.


2RedWolves 1 point ago +1 / -0

They moved Gitmo to Washington DC. Sick

Since not enough of us spoke up for the atrocities committed in Gitmo, they continue here at the US Capital. The Irony!!

2RedWolves 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some days my faith is tested in White hats and the whole freakn plan when good men, American patriots are suffering as political prisoners under their own American Flag. Something has got to give. Soon!

2RedWolves 11 points ago +11 / -0

As long as good cops stand by and do nothing, this abuse will continue. THAT is what destroys trust in departments and with the public. Some people should NOT be in that field.

My uncle was a cop.... he was bad. He enjoyed hurting people with his leather covered lead billy-stick. He enjoyed lording over others with his authority. The other men in his department "put up with it" Why? IDK. But finally, the men were tired of the chaos he caused, it was a small town, and his behavior was not what the rest of us believed in. It took a long time, but eventually he was fired, never to work in law enforcement again. One bad man brought so much harm to people who just wanted to be left alone.

Very few showed up for his funeral. Sad.

Stand up when you see wrong being done and treat others how you want to be treated. You can clearly see the cops had their agenda as soon as they stopped this man. What did he think a minor child was doing at 6am with an adult? But that is just the point isn't it? What is going thru the mind of these cops? This interaction was wrong on so many levels. Police Departments MUST do better with who they hire and how they train.

2RedWolves 10 points ago +10 / -0

Unfortunately, with the Globalist Academic Industrial Complex, that number is growing each day. One of the major issues not addressed in our Republic is the deliberate dumbing down of humanity with the propaganda coming from TV.

I walked in on my three year old nephew watching cartoons while his mom made breakfast, harmless enough, right? Wrong, the cartoon message was loud and clear about climate change (fear) and who was causing the destruction of his home, his yard and little animals ..... Oil and gas companies. I was shocked that a three year old had already soaked in this propaganda and discussed it at the breakfast table. Fortunately his parents explained to him, that this was not true. And so the fight begins red-pilling a three year old already targeted by an evil globalist agenda.

I find this level of indoctrination alarming on many levels. I just want to scream "PEOPLE WAKE UP AND OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE SLAVERY AWAITING YOUR CHILDREN"

2RedWolves 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump has some very good picks. Men and women who would also serve him well as cabinet members. However, the way I think about the choice is that "the Plan" would be to choose someone who could carry the presidency in case he could not or into the next term.

Knowing that, who would you choose?

2RedWolves 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't have much faith that the "Republic" will be restored; there are so many forces against a restoration and it continues to march forward.... And there is not enough will via the citizens as they are quickly being replaced. Many are awake, but not enough. It is a harsh reality, but I base this opinion on something that happened back in the late 70's. It is like Deja vu. I see the wheels of socialism being put in place.

In the 70's a friend went to Venezuela on a mission trip and came back with a bride to be. They attended our church and we, as a group, met socially. The Venezuelan bride told us stories of many military men becoming political rivals and talk of it was showing up more and more on TV, in the papers and amoung social groups.

To me they were just stories since at my young age I could not comprehend such a world of fear and hardships.

She said that the citizens were deeply family oriented like us and a good and sweet people, and many of means were already leaving the country.

She stated that in Caracas they were seeing very high inflation and an economy that was upside down. Said her parents were eating every other day, so that the children could eat every day. Her stories tore at my heart and made a deep impression.

She said families were being harassed for what they believed politically and the government was taking from the people by removing ownership of businesses and taking it for themselves, i.e. nationalizing them. Clinics, medicine, oil, gas, electric, food, social programs for equality; nothing was being spared. She said in the beginning it was a good thing, but within a few years it was corrupted and made the people helpless and dependent on government.

She described how the newspapers and TV were being manipulated and shut down so no one knew what was happening.

Slowly as the government became more corrupt, so did the people. The murder rate skyrocketed, mostly due to hunger, and all other crimes when unpunished.

Does this sound familiar? Our economy, the press, crime, corrupt government, persecution of political rivals, a war on oil and gas?

I kept up with this married couple over the years and as we all know things became much worse for Venezuela and remains Marxist to this day. Did the people fight back? IDK. The bride removed her parents out of the country in the nick of time. Why the US does not cover this Marxist government is a mystery, but I see it as a blueprint for what is happening in America. Will the people fight back? More and more men are being hunted down for attending Jan 6. Most linger in prison with no medical and slop for food. You tell me.

2RedWolves 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's how he rolls. Biden is deeply dishonest, overly arrogant and possibly a pedo. He is a liar, a thief and no good thing has ever come from him. He embodies the Democrat superiority complex that wants to keep other humans enslaved. He has spent his life enriching himself and those who protect him.

2RedWolves 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is SO AWESOME! Can't wait to see him back in office to repair all the damage. It is a good time to be alive and part of history.

2RedWolves 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aren't J&J suppose to be the good guys? Don't they support Trump? I thought Trump was/is long term friends with J&J people.

2RedWolves 3 points ago +3 / -0

So, why did not anyone of judicial authority speak up or step in?

2RedWolves 4 points ago +4 / -0

The population is dramatically changing as people leave the cities and move onto land for food sources and prepare for something terrible that everyone knows is coming.

And, the whole world is watching.

In the 1860's the Dems started a horrible war that ripped this country apart for 4 long years! WHY? For the power to enslave another human being! They have never gotten over this defeat.

They want POWER and Revenge!

If they win (with the help of the globalist), they will rule over the ashes because that's all that will be left!

It truly is shocking. We praise ourselves for living in a time of great technology under a system ruled by science. But what happens when the science is fake and the government covers it up and instructs the media to lie about it; and the academics who know the truth are too fearful of their jobs to state what they know?

What happens when we cease to have a functioning justice system?

What happens when there is no public trust?

We all feel it, a seething public anger, our declining living standards, the loss of trust, and an overwhelming bitterness toward being betrayed by our government.

That’s essentially where we are now. God help us!

2RedWolves 3 points ago +3 / -0

As much as we all hate the fake news, especially the damage it causes us, then why didn't Trump reverse the decision and correct it?

This country will not survive with a fake slave press.

2RedWolves 0 points ago +1 / -1

I was not for this governor either, but I could not be more wrong about her. She is not perfect, but she will admit when she didn't call it right. She is the real deal, just like Trump. She works hard to protect our state and we all benefit from it.

She is fighting an evil agenda where the Demonrats have tried for the past 12 years to put their evil candidate in office. The deep state is trying hard to destroy Alabama and what it stands for, just like they did in Georgia. Ivy is being attacked just like Trump but still manages to sign awesome Senate bills that protect us. "They" have fought her hard, but she won the election integrity bill, Religious Liberty bill, and stream lining the many levels of Alabama government, i.e. cutting pork and working lean. They hate her for her many successes.

No matter her adversity behind the curtain, she puts Alabama first! She protects our values, first. She is proactive in passing laws that demand ethical standards and transparency and reduces regulatory burdens for all of us.

She can see ahead and comes out with proposed legislation or EOs that protect our everyday lives. So far she has protected us against the massive influx of migrants, but again, "THEY" are fighting her hard to allow hundreds if not thousands to come in. She has kept our fuel costs down compared to the national average. She along with other Republican governors are fighting a massive machine that is hell bent on changing this nation into fascism.

The corporations in our state are being hammered with federal pressure to tow the line. So far, she has protected both. She is fighting for the rights of the military, national guard and our veterans. She has been dedicated in teaching education at an early age to create patriot citizens instead of filling the prisons, she continues to fight hard for this one with a massive amount of federal interference.

Lastly, she has spent our money wisely; passing a Budget where she invests in Alabama's future. To date our financial footing is strong and stable. She refuses to kick the can down the road. She instead is giving our children and grandchildren a leg up. We should support such a strong leader and help her any way we can. She continues to make Alabama one of the better places to live, work and raise a family. Don't take it for granted.

2RedWolves 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is an awesome, awesome powerful ad which clarifies the war America is in; but these truths are not reaching the wider public.

Friends and Family who stood beside me in waking up have now embraced the slow introduction to tyranny. They have turned their backs on supporting America's traditional values by not being engaged any longer. Their excuses are they're tired and angry and they just want to live out their lives with what they can change.

They believe they can do nothing to change the corruption; i.e., it is too deep and to far gone. Some have removed themselves and their families to homesteads and "checked out".

I wish everyone could hear this over and over again. WE NEED HOPE TO SPREAD.

2RedWolves 6 points ago +6 / -0

First, the assassination of JFK got a lot of us thinking something was very wrong with our politics, but we just couldn't bring our naïve minds to understand it was our own government. Anyone who could master their rifle knew what they claimed was impossible. LBJ was a snake. Dulles was a snake. Ike tried to warn us, but no one listened. Our country was poor and rural and we were just working our fingers to the bone tryin to feed the family, but we knew they were lying.

Second, the FBI/CIA papers came out for anyone to read about MKUltra. No one could wrap their heads around something so jarring. The media didn't cover it and no one spoke of it. But it lingered in the minds of patriots.

Third, a day trip to Hatti. Something in this world was very wrong for people to be living like this. Children and senior adults living in complete and udder poverty, in the woods, outside, no possessions, no toilet, no running water or electricity, no medicine, no stores ..... a pig pen. Disturbing. The things nightmares are made of.

Fourth, a week in Mexico. Americans are nothing in the eyes of other countries. Crime in Mexico was everyday life. Morality did not exist. Police were on the take for whomever passed their way. If you pissed someone off you could end up in between studs, in a wall to rot.

Fifth, working as a civilian on a military base. The government lies, allows incompetent people to be in charge and covers up any wrong doing. Strings are being pulled all the way up to the Pentagon.

Sixth, Weapons of mass destruction lies lead to wars on innocent people in Afghanistan and Iraq. How many young American men died? Maimed for life? Planned? Yes. HWBush and his son, bombed critical civilian infrastructures, only to make Iraq request loans from the US. The WAR MACHINE in play. The US Government is an out of control Mafia using taxpayer monies to line their pockets. And it continues to this day. And let us not forget the preventable deaths of Katrina.

Seven, the Iran-contra affair and cover-up.

Eight, Viewing for the first time, Apollo 11. That bucket of tin, didn't fly anywhere.

Ninth, The Vietnam War, agent orange and it's genocides

Tenth, Bill Clinton's Branch Davidian Murders and Ruby Ridge murders.

I could most likely go up to 100 reasons. But I think anyone who has the ability to think, knows our government has become corrupted. Our constitution was created by a moral people for a moral people. We will succumb to socialism without the guidance of the Lord's hand and acknowledgement of his lordship. We will succumb to communism if we do not take a courageous stand for what is righteous.

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