If they were considered government employees during training, the government is covering vaxx damages for feds:
I accidentally stumbled upon him by searching for Clinton Obama secret service.
There are soooo many NBC links.
That last paragraph you posted where it mentions the company thePlatform is interesting.
Internet TV partnerships section https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ThePlatform
Secret service under Clinton, Obama, Trump:
Maybe the answer to who protects them is something not so obvious like China CCP or Rothschild like queue-anon mentioned.
My son when he was 8 weeks old ended up with a horrible virus that was "just a cold", and ended up in the hospital. We were told babies younger than 6 months don't know how to breathe through their mouths yet, so it's really hard on them if their nose gets stuffy and they have any kind of congestion. They forget to breathe. The hospital had him on O2 and heart monitors, and had to suction his nose. They had to teach my husband and me how to do it as well so he could be released.
They tested him for RSV and the coof, and he was negative. Wasn't happy about them testing since it didn't change treatment...just meant more money for them testing...but also less because the tests were both negative.
Edit to add: still not letting my kids get the RSV vaccine. Not enough long term studies!
It really would make sense if Twatter was taken because of EO for election interference. I think it was EO 13848.