Oh interesting! I hadn't heard those possibilities. Or don't remember. Hahaha! The timeline lines up better with Starlink around late 2020 to early 2021. However, Starshield was classified, and they're releasing it was more around the 2023 timeframe, so it's possible it was earlier than they're admitting to the public.
There were a bunch of new IP addresses that came online at one point.
Here's an old article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/04/24/pentagon-internet-address-mystery/
If I remember correctly, it had to do with all the sewage overflowing and the flooding from all the houses and everything. And then the water sitting so long, after a week I think, and becoming stagnant. And then houses and everything molding. People had horrible infections on their legs where they were walking through it. I was a teenager at the time, and can't remember exactly or hearing a lot about it.
At one point you could request one from the mods by sending them your own image, and they'd give it to you. I took to long to decide what I wanted. They changed it to where you have to have a certain post+comment score. I don't remember what it is. I just know I'll most likely never reach it. Kek!
My score isn't that great, and I've been here for years now. I do a lot of reading and updooting other posts and comments. I always check before posting something, and someone usually beats me to it. I don't want to duplicate posts. I work full time and have 2 young kids, so busy busy as well!
I completely agree with you. It's definitely counter to the separation of powers. Just like Congress voting themselves a raise all the time. I'm just pointing out that they changed their "law" to make sure it can't happen in the future. Will be interesting to see if a similar thing happens this next election with Kamelhoe being in charge of counting. Bwahahaha!
They both do like sniffing...paint...