5Solasreformation 6 points ago +6 / -0

Issue I see is they didn't protect the blood supply (jabbed MIL has been donating from day one, proudly). So VAIDS (and all the other jab related issues) are in the blood supply. In addition to the probable/likely shedding as well. I feel.sorry for those duped but I'm angry with the medical.community for being all in--mostly blind to truth and never bothering to even research.

5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Love it. The shear number of those who want our country back is great to see. But the electoral college has just flipped in favor of Kameltoe/demoncrats (according to whatever hubby watches/listens to)

5Solasreformation 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can I ask where he/she practices? My onco I'm not sure about but my gyno at the same hospital is loudly antijab but guessing they forced him to take them before he realized as well.

5Solasreformation 4 points ago +4 / -0

Prayers for your family!

5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good to know. I wish I knew more about better places to invest. I have an old 401k and Roth thru vanguard but knowing what I do about them I'd love to move it but have no idea how or where to without being penalized (taxes)

5Solasreformation 4 points ago +4 / -0

Property tax means you never really own your property. You are renting from the government. If you don't pay they seize your land. Totally evil.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's funny how many people take this as he's gonna be king and become a dictator basically. That's not how I interpret it because that wouldn't make America great again. That would send her back to the dark ages.

5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had heard of her but had no idea she had done all this. As a PT I have heard some of her talks on autism and was profoundly grateful for her life and work.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's not awake yet. Where would one begin to do that? Especially since the guy is deceased. There may have been another doc earlier in the sequence. Regardless it was the early one that we would have sued. Hubby reports that looking back some of the poor.kids had tremors in the office because they were being dosed so high.

5Solasreformation 3 points ago +3 / -0

His parents always kinda thought there was something wrong with him but it really was just a learning disability (he has processing problems and didn't read well, but is very intelligent) guessing the processing problems are from being jabbed as a kid-neurologivsl damage. But probably a genetic component as well. His dad was a veterinarian bit seemed similar to me and our kids have similar issues but never medicated (and never will be). He did vision therapy and all kinds of things. Then the drugs.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was on dex long enough and at such high doses that there's a real concern about lewy body dementia.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dr Kreisman. Sadly he's dead or we would be sueing him for malpractice.

5Solasreformation 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hubby was dosed so high on dexadrine starting in the 80s that all his psychiatrist cared about was wether he was showing signs of Parkinson. If not they kept upping the dose. He didn't get off that junk until 2008. He never needed it. He was just depressed due to a learning disability and was misdiagnosed as ADD

5Solasreformation 4 points ago +4 / -0

Didnt The real Joe had brain aneurysm(s) years ago

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