here is some sure to download and archive
maybe this will help awaken too....
"Merck Research Laboratories suggested the use of ivermectin (later named Mectizan)"
don't sweat it! these people are nuts. after 20+ yrs the cardiac rehab (gym at hospital) nurses would not let my 82yo mother work out because she would not wear a fucking mask on the treadmill... these bastards, if they could, would have a swat team jab us all.
nothing to see here...
$8,803,980 raised of $2,500 goal
Her website and practice in Sarasota
our own mad scientists are already on the job...
Share with your friend and ask him why would Merck, for 35 yrs, give Mectizan (which is Ivermectin) if it were 'horse dewormer'? Hope this helps to awaken...