Edit: this is meant for ALL of us.
I have seen that.
But this was posted by yesterday. Is the low vaccination rate of blacks because they've heard about vaccines being used to sterilize in Africa?
I do not accept the official numbers with regard to how many are vaxxed now, however, even with back channel type info it appears the number is at least above 35 percent and could be as high as 50 percent with well over half of whites vaxxed. Actually, it is not a vaccine but anyone with a brain ought to know that by now.
Surprisingly it seems like the black community is the one not stupid enough to go for the shot, the "social experts" are all saying the blacks are not adequately injected (below 15 percent) because of WHITE PRIVILEGE but I'll hedge my bets that they were simply the least programmed and could therefore see the obvious before the majority got wiped out. That goes for the Latinos too, who are remarkably less shot up than the white crowd. "education" gets you nowhere (I guess) when it has devolved down to paying to become a programmed idiot. Some "privilege" that is.
Could be
patients with COVID-19 have decreased hemoglobin levels and elevated levels of ferritin. A study conducted in the United States of America (USA) demonstrated that ferritin levels were pathologically high in 5,700 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 [8]. Anemia accompanying hyperferritinemia is a strong factor for mortality regardless of underlying conditions.
In the video a character says they want to reduce the population to about 95% of us and get the population down to 500,000,000, and brings up using a vaccine to do it.
Film came out January 15, 2014, creator died 5 months later.
There is an additional warning towards the end, an inhuman vocalization? Something that causes the people to lock the window.
The full video linked has been removed from YouTube.
In the American Revolution, committees of correspondence, committees of inspection (also known as committees of observation), and committees of safety were different local committees of Patriots that became a shadow government; they took control of the Thirteen Colonies away from royal officials,
prior to the declaration of independence in July 1776 and the passage of individual state constitutions.[6] As they assumed power to govern, however, they generally chose to observe rough legal procedures, warning and shaming enemies rather than killing them.
the committees were the first step in the creation of "a formal structure capable not only of policing the revolution on the ground but also of solidifying ties with other communities."[1] The network of committees were also vital for reinforcing "a shared sense of purpose," speaking to "an imagined collectivity—a country of the mind" of Americans.[1]
For ordinary people, they were community forums where personal loyalties were revealed, tested, and occasionally punished. ... Serving on committees of safety ... was certainly not an activity for the faint of heart. The members of these groups exposed ideological dissenters, usually people well-known in the communities in which they lived. Although the committees attempted as best they could to avoid physical violence, they administered revolutionary justice as they alone defined it. They worked out their own investigative procedures, interrogated people suspected of undermining the American cause, and meted out punishments they deemed appropriate to the crimes. By mid-1775 the committees increasingly busied themselves with identifying, denouncing, and shunning political offenders. By demanding that enemies receive "civil excommunication" – the chilling words of a North Carolina committee – these groups silenced critics without sparking the kind of bloodbath that has characterized so many other insurgencies throughout the world.
While I can appreciate your point, the cartoon would be strengthened by not blaming people who can't handle wheat that's been poisoned by several applications of glyphosate and who might be surprised they can eat wheat in Italy.
I appreciated the video.
The point of my post was to bring to people's attention this new silencing of our voices, this soft social credit muzzling of knowledgeable voices they don't want heard, this new step. Wherever they control online, they can choose to silence you. I passed a threshold, triggered a silencing, an erasing.
It's a useful reminder some day they might refuse me as a customer. That my bank might refuse me. My internet provider. A reminder I need to buy items through each individual company who sells instead of enriching a beast system company.
Q said the "D" party is going to be dead when all this is said and done.
Well I wouldn't be the only survivor who wouldn't want to touch spike-proteined bodies.
Edit, I have been corrected.
4 Ezra 2:23 Wheresoever you find the dead, take them and bury them, and I will give you the first place in my resurrection.
Zechariah 13:7b-8
smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.
8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.
They will go broke
Their top shareholders were probably expecting to lose customers in the next couple years anyway (bioweapon, financial collapse, famine, Communism).
Together, the Big Three are the largest single shareholder in almost 90% of S&P 500 firms, including Apple, Microsoft, ExxonMobil, General Electric and Coca-Cola.
the Big Three, taken together, have become the largest shareholder in 40% of all publicly listed firms in the United States.”
three of the most powerful corporate bosses in America DO have deep connections to major hospitals, and these three men run corporations that OWN CORPORATE AMERICA.
The three men are Larry Fink, Joseph Hooley, and Mortimer Buckley.
Buckley is the CEO of the Vanguard Group. Hooley is the CEO of State Street. Fink is the CEO of BlackRock.
These three companies are titanic investment funds. Financial services companies.
She's linked a wrong Twitter account. has the American Airlines website associated with it.
You were shown men and told they were women, too.