Anders 14 points ago +15 / -1

can we even fight it?


Don't presume to know the mind of God. You have no idea when the End of Days will be or what path God wants you to walk, so don't use prophesy as an excuse to quit. For all you know, it may be God testing you.

Fight! Fight to save (bring them closer to Jesus) everyone you can.

Live on your feet rather than bending over for Satan.

by IAmOne
Anders 1 point ago +1 / -0


That image is disgusting and unnecessary.

Anders -1 points ago +1 / -2

The issue is the translation is "King of the people of Judea", not the tribe of Judah.

The two translations are very different because the people of Judea, at the time of Jesus, were many and consisted of Romans, Egyptians, Oscans, Arabs and Jews whereas the tribe of Judah were exclusively Jews... which returns to the original mistranslation.

Anders 5 points ago +6 / -1

I disagree.

Nobody is worthless.

The smallest act can change the world.

Anders 19 points ago +21 / -2

We've been told this is valid information

I'd rather it was actually substantiated.

For all I can tell, this entire thing is based on a single Tweet by some random person named Larry.

We've seen no evidence to support this rumor, no video of police returning a single Jerry can... or we'd be memeing the shit out of that video.

And the other video of people with lots of Jerry cans is from before the police started confiscating fuel.

I've been watching lifestreams from citizen journalists walking the streets of Ottawa all day and not a single mention of police returning Jerry cans was made by anyone.

Take it with a pinch of salt.

Anders 0 points ago +1 / -1

The problem is the mock trial has no disclaimer and has caused nothing but confusion about if it's real or theater.

It's done more harm than good because so many people think it's a real trial.

Anders 0 points ago +4 / -4

their secret religion

It's no secret: every senior Freemason is a Jew and they refer to themselves as the "Knights of Zion".

Draw your own conclusions.

Anders 0 points ago +2 / -2

Canada's ZOG are mocking the Freedom Convoy.

I suspect Ottawa police are planning to storm the city and violently drag every trucker out of their cabins, irrespective of what happens.

If the organizers agree to this meeting with Trudeau then the meeting time is when the violent police action will occur... and the organizers may even be arrested.

If the organizers refuse then Trudeau will claim the violent action was a last resort.

Dear God, I pray the organizers know what they're doing.

Anders 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yup and I don't focus exclusively on the mistakes, but I occasionally find them during research... and when I find scripture that is particularly interesting or curious, I find researching the original biblical Aramaic can provide a wealth of context and nuance.

The "King of the Jews" mistranslated is important because it's repeated almost 200 times (from memory, I might be wrong)... so it's an important mistake to understand.

Anders -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's a hoax / LARP / mock trial designed to educate.

People will laugh at you if you pretend it's real.

Anders -1 points ago +1 / -2

Fair enough, but it's a shame to not appreciate the true gospel and instead be satisfied with knowingly learning mistakes.

And learning how to translate biblical Aramaic is an awesome way to add nuance to scripture that is sometimes lost in translation. I do this often when I'm studying specific verses.

Anders 1 point ago +3 / -2

Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto him, Art thou the King of the Jews? — John 18:33

That is a common misinterpretation of the original Aramaic. The correct interpretation is King of Judea.

It's easy to check and an interesting skill to learn, just look at the original Aramaic and translate it yourself.

Anders 0 points ago +3 / -3


Hitler hated communism and he couldn't have been clearer about it.

Hitler's greatest political enemy in the 1930s was the German Communist Party (KPD) (a.k.a. Bolsheviks) who created Antifa in 1930, declared a Jewish holy war against German Christians and attempted a failed communist coup against the legitimate German government in 1933.

Hitler chose red, black and white colors for the Nazi flag to mock the traditional communist flag colors.

Anders 0 points ago +2 / -2

Whoever wrote this list seems to have no knowledge of German history between 1930 and 1947. Those years are a bounty of hoaxes.

Anders 0 points ago +2 / -2

I suspect Israel only released this data so they can retain control of the narrative and continue leading the human race around by the nose.

Let's see how long before Israel "scientists" recommend the world take a fifth booster.

I don't trust anything Israel says.

Anders 1 point ago +2 / -1

Also Israel's post-vax miscarriage data is wildly inconsistent with what every other country is experiencing. Either the (((Pfizer))) vaccine is designed to protect Jews OR Israel accidentally published some real miscarriage data for an vaccinated population.

Either way, very suspicious.

Anders 11 points ago +13 / -2

I knew the Canadian ZOG / New World Order didn't know what to do when Trudeau went into hiding and then went into Covid isolation and then contracted Covid within the space of three days.

After a week of Antifa false flag attempts and all kinds of fake news, the best Trudeau could manage was to climb out of his hiding hole and accuse the Canadian people of being racist.

I have no idea what the Canadian ZOG will do next, but stealing the truckers food and gas has achieved nothing. Patriots are just bringing in more and more.

Anders 8 points ago +8 / -0

I bought my first car when I was 20 years old. It cost me $300 and I needed to repair everything. I spent the next year rummaging through wrecker's yards looking for scraps and bits and pieces of anything because I couldn't afford to buy anything new. I was lucky enough to find the occasional tool. I bought two second-hand store leather beanbag covers and used those to repair the seats. I fixed the rusty spots and used fiberglass to repair the body. I even made my own windshield wiper fluid to save a few dollars.

I taught myself how to maintain that car. I made many mistakes and learned from them all.

Sadly, the car was 20 years old when I bought it. Although it ran well and was super clean and shiny inside and out, the engine didn't last more than six years.

But I could diagnose almost any problem with that car simply by listening to the engine and I could fix almost any problem with that car myself.

It wasn't very safe and it's fuel economy was horrific, but it's design was so simple. There was almost nothing under the hood and no computer chips.

One of my happiest memories from my youth was taking that car for a test drive after tuning the engine, idling at the traffic lights and listening to an almost totally silent, perfectly tuned engine and being able to hear the footfall of crossing pedestrians.

I wish we could return to simpler times.

Anders 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most truckers still use CB radios, so they should be fine unless the cops have CB countermeasure technology.

A system of colored flairs would also work well during a comms blackout.

Anders 1 point ago +3 / -2

I don't believe anything the Israels say.

Israel has desperately and falsely claimed to be the most Covid vaccinated country in the world, since the very start of this New World Order cull so they can control the false narratives and lead the human race around by the nose... and now they're pushing everyone to get a fourth booster.

It wouldn't surprise me if this is their latest Covid holocaust hoax.

Anders -2 points ago +1 / -3

Sadly, speaking the truth on social media always results in "the people" making Romans nail us to a cross using the ban-hammer.

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