Anders 9 points ago +11 / -2


He crawled out of his bunker to read a New World Order script while his ZOG police continue to steal civilian fuel and food.

Rumor is the police will start dragging truckers out of their trucks before the end of the week.

Other rumors say that the Canadian military are frowning very hard.

I have no idea where this will go.

Anders 1 point ago +3 / -2

The Jewish Talmud contains some more interesting Jewish Holocaust stories:

"There are two early "Holocaust" tales from the Talmud. Gittin 57b claims that four BILLION Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gitting 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans." - Judaism's Strange Gods (Michael A. Hoffman II) page 51

Anders 1 point ago +2 / -1

Money raised will likely exceed $6 MILLION (USD) within an hour or two.

Anders 6 points ago +7 / -1

the insane level prep that went into Freedom Convoy

I think you're underestimating how well truckers understand logistics and how many of the truckers are veterans.

Blockading Ottawa could have also been as easy as trucks just filling up every street they could find and using their radios to advise each other.

And we all know that ZOG desperately wants violence, be it a color revolution, civil war or police / Antifa inciting peaceful protesters. They want it so badly that it's obvious to everyone because this is a battle for the hearts and minds of the NPCs / normies and labeling us as violence Nazi terrorists would be a devastating loss.

So they've been prepping and organizing themselves behind the scenes here for a while.

I suspect the Freedom Convoy 2022 organizers simply asked the truckers what they need and the truckers told them.

I agree that Christ is moving through all the truckers and everyone who donated money and is livestreaming and helping the cause.

Anders 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder why President Trump does this?

We all knew it was a trap, but we went anyway because we trusted President Trump.

Why squabble about who is to blame when so many of us are still incarcerated in horrific conditions because of it?

Anders 2 points ago +4 / -2

My red-pill happened about 20 years ago when I learned about the Great Starvation / Eisenhower's Holocaust that happened two years after the end of WW2... and I wondered why I should "never forget the six million" but nobody as ever told me to "never forget those one million either".

Were those one million Jews who died in 1947 not worth remembering? I think they are all worth remembering...

...shortly afterwards I saw a holocaust documentary full of photos of starved prisoners and I asked, "Were those starvation photos taken during the Great Starvation of 1047?".

That's when the official narrative collapsed for me.

Then I researched where the "six million" number originated and I learned the truth.

Anders 3 points ago +4 / -1

If shit does hit the fan, I expect the New World Order / our ZOG to do as much damage to our supply lines as possible.

Please prepare yourself with plenty of long life food and water. Just stockpile the stuff you ordinarily use, so it won't go to waste. Consider your options if the water and power infrastructure becomes unreliable.

Anders 4 points ago +5 / -1

FTFY: Justin Trudeau crawls out of hiding to read Zionist New World Order script from a teleprompter.

Anders 6 points ago +7 / -1

Look at the bigger picture: almost every western leader is performing a perfectly choreographed and synchronized dance to the Zionist New World Order's tune.

I doubt Obama or Trudeau are leading anything. Their tasks are to read the Bolshevik teleprompter scripts.

Those in control all seem to have seats at the Bilderberg Group table. Everyone else are little cogs in their New World Order / human cull / Great Reset machine.

I agree that every globalist politician is likely a frequent child rapist because ZOG would never install someone in a position of power unless they were completely controlled.

Anders 4 points ago +5 / -1

Bear and eagle

I'd never heard that story before!

Those must have been extremely obese animals if they gobbled up one Jew every day!

How did they even think it was a good idea to make up such crazy stories and expect anyone to believe them?

I think the problem is they know nothing will happen if they get caught lying. It's sad how many Germans confessed (under torture) during the Nuremberg trials to crimes that were later debunked forensically.

Most people have no idea of the real origin of the "six million" number or the real reason German Jews were mandated to wear yellow stars or what books the Nazis were burning or why the Germans banned Jews from owning guns in 1938 or who the German checkpoints were looking for or the true reason WW2 was declared. People only what happened without any idea of the context.

Anders 7 points ago +8 / -1

I like the stories about how Nazi doctors would amputate prisoner's hands and swap them over and reattach them. It's a fun story because it's blatantly horseshit and some versions of the story feature buckets full of Jewish blood that supernaturally danced around for no particular reason.

The story about how Germans turned entire lakes into acid so escaping prisoners would swim out and be dissolved is hilarious too. And then the acid lakes just turned back into normal lakes for no particular reason.

But my favorite story is from Samuel Untermyer's (Chair of the World Conference of Jews) famous radio broadcast of June 1933 when he declared a world-wide Jewish holy war against German Christians because "Christians were crucifying and burning countless Jews at the stake in Berlin". The entire world laughed at what a ridiculously untrue holocaust claim Untermyer made. Even though the world's Jewish controlled mainstream news media all pretended this was happening with a straight face, Untermyer became a world-wide laughingstock.

Anders 19 points ago +19 / -0

I don't think die-hard Democrats are fools: they just can't comprehend how pervasive and Satanic the New World Order are, that they've infiltrated our government and all of our critical institutions are are using their control over our mainstream media, social media, academia and internet to poison our minds.

I remember what if felt like to have no understanding of the world either.

Anders 8 points ago +11 / -3

WW2 certainly is an interesting research topic.

I've always wondered why photos of starved prisoners are always the centerpiece of every Holocaust museum and History Channel documentary.

Given the mass starvation of German civilians and POWs during the 1940s that was caused by Allies bombing German supply lines and the Great Starvation / Eisenhower's Holocaust of 1947, which happened two years after the war ended, was caused by Allied sanctions and caused the death of a million German prisoners and ten million German civilians... it seems odd these photos are shown as evidence that Jews were gassed and burned.

Even stranger are the photos of German prison guards burying starved prisoners in mass graves. Why would Nazis take the extraordinary effort of digging huge burial pits when they allegedly had massive crematorium infrastructure onsite? These photos were either from the Great Starvation of 1947 or they suggest the "Jew Ovens" are a lie... so why present them as the best proof of the holocaust?

And given we cracked the Nazi communications code four years before the end of the war, why do none of the decoded transmissions every contain progress reports on the Jewish Holocaust or mention it or even hint at it? And after we captured every Nazi base we found zero reports, mentions, photos or evidence to even hint that a holocaust was planned or happened?

And why does every Red Cross inspection of Nazi prison camps claim the prisoners were all treated very well and were relatively happy?

And why to countless Jews recall their time as Nazi prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp as summers spent relaxing by the pool and playing soccer with the prison guards and enjoying live theater productions, live music and movie screenings in their dining halls for their dining pleasure... whereas other Jewish prisoners from the same camp and at the same time, recall stories of Jews being turned into bars of soap and lampshades and robotic terminator Nazi rail cars and geyser of Jewish blood that sprayed from the ground for no reason? Someone isn't telling the truth.

Soooo many questions.

Anders 16 points ago +16 / -0

I see 666 and I also noticed that many of the Ottawa police badges are the Satanic six pointed Star of Remphan that Luke warned us about in Acts 7:43.

Anders 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't trust anything that the most exiled people in human history say.

Israel has been leading the human race around by the nose since the very start of this Zionist New World Order cull of mankind.

I suspect Israel releases this medical data only so they can continue to control the narrative by having most other countries justify injecting their people with vaxx-AIDS using Israel's "medical data".

And no, I don't believe Israelis have been vaccinated with anything but saline.

Anders 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sadly, Trudeau has ordered cops to steal Jerry cans from truckers and steal fuel and from all civilians in an attempt to starve and freeze the truckers out.

Rumor is the cops will start making mass arrests before the end of the week.

Please pray for Canada's brave truckers.

I have no idea what their next move will be. I hope the Canadian military steps up.

Anders 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read that 75% of U.S. rapes during 2021 were committed by CNN staff.

Anders 5 points ago +5 / -0

To be fair and despite the low quality, the image was professionally rotated sideways to minimize readability.

Anders 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is that thing a human?

I'm guessing it's been "fully vaxxed".

Anders 4 points ago +8 / -4

It's amazing what useful things can be learned from the Nazis.

Anders 5 points ago +5 / -0

If he studied history, he'd know that the (ahem) "Bolsheviks" execute their co-conspirators (who aren't part of "the club") first because of their race and because the (ahem) (AHHHEMMMM) "Bolsheviks" don't share power with "cattle".

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