Anders 18 points ago +18 / -0

It's our job to help these children establish a fellowship with Jesus Christ.

I'm considering leaving my Software Engineering career to study to become a psychologist because three generations of Americans are about to become traumatized when they realize the truth about what has happened.

Anders 2 points ago +3 / -1


Hopefully this time with less rabbis having Christians tortured and crucified for speaking the truth.

Anders 1 point ago +3 / -2

I'd appreciate Jordan Peterson more if he didn't believe everything he reads on Wikipedia and sees on the History Channel. He believes World Wars are fought over racism.

Anders 2 points ago +3 / -1

This is something that Hitler did - outlawed German politicians from owning stock or receiving gifts in exchange for receiving a slightly higher interest rate on their bank accounts.

I can't recall if those laws also applied to immediate family or not.

Anders 0 points ago +2 / -2

They will use the GIVESENDGO as a barometer of how interested people worldwide are following.

You forget that the New World Order own the internet and social media. They know what we're thinking before we do.

They can wait the truckers out

No they can't.

This is a battle for the hearts and minds of the remaining NPC / normies... and the New World Order is losing. Canadian truckers have inspired the world and turned millions of hopeless Canadians into unstoppable, united activists.

The DS will target their children

Such a dangerous game that the Canadian ZOG are playing because they likely won't win support if they start abducting children.

I suspect this is why Trudeau is hiding: because his ZOG puppet masters don't know what to do either because every option results in red-pilling the sheeple.

I'm unsure how this will end, but I can't see any way for the New World Order to win.

Anders 5 points ago +6 / -1

Before this is over, we will all be traumatized.

VAIDS is now becoming a common term and it won't be long before "Vax-Rash" becomes similarly commonplace because people with compromised immune systems (such as HIV/AIDS patients) develop widespread skin rashes and lesions after about three years.

Your entire perception will change the moment you see a young family playing in the park and they're all covered with the Vax-Rash. You won't "so desire that vaxxed libtards due from their vax" - you will fall to your knees and weep.

Anders 8 points ago +9 / -1

I suspect this entire court case was created to make people cautious about donating.

We saw something earlier with the GoFundMe campaign where legacy fake news claimed the account was frozen, when it wasn't. That fake news was 100% horseshit designed exclusively to make supports hesitant to donate to a frozen fundraising campaign.

The GiveSendGo Freedom Convoy 2022 is not frozen and donations are still coming in, although at a slower rate than before this nonsense.

Here - see for yourself:


Anders 0 points ago +2 / -2

I know Plenty of Jews that chose Jesus.

Otherwise known as Christians.

U are combining the synagogue of satan with the whole Jewish faith

No I didn't, although religious Jews and Satanic Jews likely both go to hell because Jesus Christ is the One True Path to Salvation.

The Biblical definition of a Son of Satan is anyone who is incapable of recognizing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

I'm sorry you wasted your time by presenting rebuttals to arguments I never made.

Would you like to try again and perhaps respond to my actual comments next time?

Anders -1 points ago +2 / -3

That's easy. Because God labeled the Jews his chosen people.

God's chosen choose Jesus.

Also, it's not always a good thing to be specifically singled out by God, especially when He sends His only Son to fulfill and permanently end your Old Covenant / Judaism and tell you to "cut that shit out".

Out of all the people of the world, perhaps God chose the Jews because He considered them intolerably sinful and in need of guidance.

Those who respected God's wishes and followed the teachings of Jesus Christ, when on to reshape the world with divine and supreme gifts of art, technology, philosophy, agriculture, medicine whereas the Jews continued being the most exiled and arguably the most hated and spiritually bankrupt people in human history.

The bible and human history is full of lessons.

Anders 2 points ago +4 / -2

Why do all the "psychopaths" in charge of the New World Order have Israeli passports or are funded or extorted by people with Israeli passports?

Weird, huh?

Anders 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think you've posted the wrong link.

Anders 2 points ago +3 / -1

And not all pedophiles are child rapists, but I'd still not trust a pedophile to babysit my kids.

And President Trump has the common sense to ban everyone traveling from the Moslem terrorist breeding ground of Somalia, irrespective of whether they were a Moselm or not.

Anders 0 points ago +1 / -1

My understanding is that Khazarian Jews (cabal) are the evil ones. Is that too simplistic?

Yes. The rise of the Khazar empire happened about 1,200 years ago, whereas the Jew's reputation for being the most exiled people in human history was established a millennia beforehand. Even the New Testament refers to the six pointed Star of Remphan and the Synagogue of Satan.

Is being Jewish a geographic thing, or a religion, or both?

According to the laws of Israel: a Jew must have at last one grandparent with a Jewish bloodline.

I can't give you an honest answer to the rest of your good questions without violating the rules of this community.

Anders -1 points ago +1 / -2

Are we allowed to name which tribe they are, who dominate control over our mainstream media and social media and internet and academia and Democrat Party leadership and banking and medical institutions and even control our domestic terrorists through their Open Society Foundations?

Anders 125 points ago +131 / -6

Fun-fact: the CEO of 23andMe is (((Anne Wojcicki))) who married Google founder (((Sergey Brin))) and is the sister of YouTube CEO (((Susan Wojcicki))).

And these are the CEOs of the companies authorized to provide America with Covid-19 vaccines.

And this is the Democrat Party leadership.

Q encourages us to notice "coincidences" so please don't blame me for following the research wherever it leads.

Anders 3 points ago +5 / -2

If the Freedom Convoy needs help then they should consider contacting the official Freedom Convoy 2022 organizers.

Anders -1 points ago +1 / -2

Wow - so many personal attacks that I totally don't care about... what a waste of your to spend it mud throwing.

Jesus Christ fulfilled and ended the Old Covenant (a.k.a Judaism).

Jesus Christ is the One True Path to Salvation.

Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, not Moses.

Anders 8 points ago +9 / -1

There's already one official GiveSendGo for the Freedom Convot 2022:


Anders -2 points ago +1 / -3

Correct and then Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant and permanently ended Judaism.

Jesus Christ fulfilled and ended Judaism / the Old Covenant whether you like it or not. Your down-votes and mud throwing change nothing.

Jesus Christ is the One True Path to Salvation, not playing with bird blood and mutilating babies.

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