AngryDwarfPaladin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just because they admit a part of the truth, be hesitant to believe they will admit the rest of it.

The best way to fool a lot of skeptical people is to appeal to their pride and tell them they were right about something - then use that pride manipulation to get them to focus on the feeling of "being right" while you convince them that since you're "honest now", the rest was false.

Hold until it's all told - and then understand that they lied to begin with - and discard them after.

Once can be an accident - after that, it's intentional. The root needs uprooted, not regrown.

AngryDwarfPaladin 1 point ago +1 / -0

In Revelation 19 - Jesus comes back with fire in His eyes and a sword coming out of His mouth to bring the justice of God to Earth.

This is something that will eventually happen - and it will be a result of the Earth getting so bad, that there is no good left to be saved - everyone who would believe, did - and thus Jesus' return comes to bring God's wrath on those who remain.

Based on what you know Will Happen in Revelation 19 - do you expect "leftists" to take over or not (eventually)?

You're fighting the wrong war, "Godisglory". You're fighting against political labels, instead of fighting against the ideologies of Satan - which do not adhere to the political labels you're focused on.

Take comfort in knowing that Jesus WILL return. Jesus WILL bring God's justice.

But make your mind clear in it's expectations - that the Earth WILL go to crap - even worse than today - before Jesus comes back.

If you're right with Jesus - what do you have to Be Afraid Of when it comes to "Leftists" taking over states like Florida?

The answers - should be nothing! But I don't make light of the discomfort of that situation either - I get it! It will not be fun when evil runs this world more than it does now.

But if being right with Jesus is enough to address your Fear, then I encourage you to focus on that - focus on Why He is enough.

And then focus on bringing that clarity of hope and good news to the people you're brought in contact with.

Perhaps they too have Fear of group "XYZ" taking over their state.

But you could remind them why, in the end - Jesus is their hope - not the absence of group "XYZ".

All will be well, my fren.

Take care and enjoy the evening!

AngryDwarfPaladin 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Yellow. Know what's special about Yellow?

Here, I'll tell you... "

AngryDwarfPaladin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perhaps if they are sent to your Red State, you could share with them the Glory of God.

Leviticus 19:18: "You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD"

Not to mention, I moved out of the LA/OC area in 2022. Not everyone there is who you have caricaturized them to be.

In fact, it was in that area where we came to find a church that has been a shining example of "frontline Christianity" that far outdoes the common versions of "Christianity" that we experience in the Red States we're in now.

Front Line soldiers have a certain veracity that the behind the line doesn't have. They have to - to survive.

Anyways - I'm not trying to beat you up - But I am trying to suggest you see things more compassionately - especially wielding a forum name like you've chosen.

AngryDwarfPaladin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for sharing that.

I've learned that despite as much as I've appreciated the research and openness of this community to explore "wild" ideas together - there are also many here that are way too trigger happy to call everything an op/conspiracy, etc.

It's frustrating for those of us who have lived through such things - but it's also good because there needs to be something to push us back to a more tempered approach at some point in our time here.

At the point where truth-seeking turns from a gathering and sorting quest into a self congratulatory echo-chamber, we've gone off course.

Having moved from the LA/OC area in 2022, I fully expect that Newscum and crew are and will use this event for nothing good. I fully expect that there is arson involved to various degrees.

But the affected people are real. I see old co-workers who lost everything. They're not fake and people here should be slower to express such conclusions - unless they're only interested in serving their own desire to "be right".

AngryDwarfPaladin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly made me stop for a second too... hah... Hmm.....

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is World Wide.

If you want to eradicate the enemy, which has infected, infiltrated and destroyed the US -

Do you simply get them out of the US? Or do you eradicate them World Wide so they can't come back?

If ants infest your home - do you simply kill the ants inside your home? Or do you track them back to the nest and destroy the nest?

Killing the fruit, will not address the root.

AngryDwarfPaladin 1 point ago +1 / -0

this is the second time in a couple of days that Jack Straw posted false information and it was posted here. Unfortunate...

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pray and earnestly ask him to show you He's real.

Luke 11:9-10. 9 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened

Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me.

AngryDwarfPaladin 17 points ago +17 / -0

Lol the power move of "The Great State" of Canada is hilarious. It really shows who is in control now - and - we are seeing that play out.

This feels like the posts that talk about us having "Everything" on these foreign dignitaries - because we see Trudeau do things that he wouldn't likely do on his own, like fire this finance minister.

Who wants to bet that when Trudeau and Trump met, Trump revealed some very incriminating insight to show Trudeau who's in control...

Now Trudeau gets to do the dirty work of firing these people - which will cause their previous coalition to become confused and quickly self terminate once they realize their wall has been penetrated. The rats will scurry - and we're seeing that unfold.

AngryDwarfPaladin 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Who says we're more interested in feeling vindicated rather than the truth?"

Then why, on an investigation site, automatically start with a Conclusion - instead of presenting "A Situation Worth Investigating"?

Using scripture to refute a point I didn't make isn't a good move.

You used scripture to defend the word "Vindicate" - as if I said that was a bad word or a bad thing. I didn't say that.

What I did say was - "feeling vindicated" is a slippery slope to sniffing one's own Pride.

God hates pride more than anything.

On this journey, we will encounter feeling vindicated.

We need to be very careful that doesn't turn into Pride."

And that word of caution is incredibly true for us here.

Consider all of the eager beavers we have here who would LOVE to go rub it in their neighbor's face that " I WAS RIGHT ABOUT "COVID"!" - I struggle with my own version of this.

If a person isn't Christian, I would expect them to do that.

If a person is Christian - I would ask them - is such gloating going to win their neighbor over to Jesus?

It's the same internal attitude of Pride at work - and this is the slippery slope that I was warning against.

The need "To be Right" instead of the desire to "Know Truth".

Anyways - the impetus to share such a thing wasn't a personal attack on you - so please pause if you feel a desire to swat back again.

The impetus is sharing a word of encouragement for anyone that is here and interested in the line of "work" we're in - encouragement to stick to the straight and narrow path of Truth Seeking in a time where that becomes more and more difficult as different blends of post-election emotions and circumstances play out.

Read what I share with that tone and it will come across as it's intended - helpful, and not hurtful.

Have a good day.

AngryDwarfPaladin 5 points ago +5 / -0

saw that too - tried a bunch of the other links in DemPanic's post and they all returned variations of "user not found". Seems they were scrubbed already.

AngryDwarfPaladin 5 points ago +7 / -2

I completely hear what you're saying. And I would not argue for a second that this couldn't be some mkultra'd or somehow-other-"bad guy" influenced shooter.

What I was responding to was the original framing of the post -

"If you think this "shooting" happened in Madison Wisconsin, you're a fool."

It literally - did - happen.

Did we settle on that trans shooter going into the Christian school in Tennassee being a FF that was only partly real?

Or was that just settled on being a deranged trans shooter who had a connection to feds?

My point is we've accepted in the past that the shootings were real, but were done by deranged fed-connected nutjobs.

It's fair to say that I don't have first hand evidence, nor have spoken to my brother about it yet - and thus don't have a real nugget to bring to this.

But my impetus wasn't that - it was just to refute the - "If you think this "shooting" happened in Madison Wisconsin, you're a fool." - conclusion jumping - that tends to make us look very uninterested in discovering truth, and instead adding another "i told you so" to our already overflowing hats.

AngryDwarfPaladin 7 points ago +8 / -1

by the way - looks like you've been here only 2 months.


AngryDwarfPaladin 6 points ago +8 / -2

Yeah - you're very intelligent.

I've been posting all this time - only just now to come out as "a fed" on this one issue.

Good investigation!

AngryDwarfPaladin 7 points ago +9 / -2

"feeling vindicated" is a slippery slope to sniffing one's own Pride.

God hates pride more than anything.

On this journey, we will encounter feeling vindicated.

We need to be very careful that doesn't turn into Pride.

That will lead us down a path that includes saying "I KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!" instantaneously - rushing to conclusion and forfeiting investigation.

If we're going to say that God wins - then we have to adhere to the understanding that God is only interested in Truth.

Real truth.

And if we're concerned about Real Truth - and not just BEING VINDICATED - then we should take a second and investigate.

To make sure we're, Really, operating on God's side (Truth) and delivering him a win, instead of a Lie (which I believe is Not in fact a win)

AngryDwarfPaladin 25 points ago +25 / -0

My brother was a responding officer.

It's not fake.

It's great that we're eager to investigate things here.

But part of investigation, is a process of coming To a conclusion.

Starting at a conclusion (it's fake), is not an investigation.

And the fact that my brother is there, means that I know it's real.

Which really makes a person question how much "Investigation" is going on here these days...

So, you see - this method of eagerly shouting "I KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!" before investigation plays out - really... undermines the credibility of what we're supposed to be doing here.

Have a good day.

AngryDwarfPaladin 5 points ago +7 / -2

wrong - censor would imply trying to Stop discussion.

I refuted the automatic instant claim it was a FF.

That's not stopping a discussion - that contributing to it.

And also - you had to dance over a lot of what I said to come to that conclusion.

have a good day.

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