I have often wondered if Klaus Schwab is the 'Mabus' that Nostradamus spoke of.
I couldn't even finish the video once her boy was upset. This is fucking sick. Those cops are faggots for treating her like that. Where is the humanity?????
I'm getting vibes that "red October" means commie red, and shit is going to hit the fan next month completely. Buckle up
I wouldn't even take ibuprofen when I was pregnant, let alone an experimental "vaccine". Absolute stupidity. God have mercy on that poor child.
First time I'm seeing this, and I've been following Q for a couple years now.
Savage. This was quite entertaining to read
Looks deliciously patriotic. Love it🇺🇲
Lin Wood always gets me fired up. God Bless the USA! We will prevail stronger than ever. I feel it
Do whatever you can to get him out. That's my advice for you. Hospitals are now untrustworthy. The hospitals are killing people. Drugging the shit out of them and putting them on ventilator and Remdesivir to kill their organs. My dad was murdered by the hospital. They offer no nutrients, won't give vitamins, and won't give medicine that works. The only FDA approved drug in the hospital setting is Remdesivir and it has terrible statistics and is now commonly causing organ failure. You'd be better off getting him out of the hospital and getting him high doses of d3, vitamin c, ivermectin (horsepaste) and making him hydroxychloroquin..look up how to make it. Good luck fren.
This is the same perspective I have gained. We grow up thinking death is to be feared, when it is really actually a gift when it is your time. This is what ultimate peace is. No wonder Jesus said I can give you peace that the world cannot give.
I seriously think that's a replacement resident
I said this same thing months ago and people called me an alarmist. It is true! They've always been against us, and now it's just getting more obvious. Glad you posted this, pede.
This really is something else. I love it. Rose McGowan is awesome!
However, the difference is: I am jumping on the horse paste train along with fellow frens and have enough of it to save the lives of my entire family (No big deal) rather than a picture of myself getting injected with a bioweapon. Not sure how you couldn't see the difference.
Kek. This was good
The globalists are racing against the people waking up.
I may have gotten the last "bulk". You had to buy at least 80$ worth. I'll look around for others
Horsewarehouse.com Legit
Toilet paper doesn't save lives unfortunately
Annnnnnd it's sideways
No he wasn't vaxxed. He was a lifelong asthmatic, so that didn't help. But the hospital did not give him proper care at all despite us begging for all the vitamins, zpack, ANYTHING. They just loaded him up on heavy drugs and on the ventilator he went.
Ok so the pic on the right says "the date vs actual" (Iran next) I decided to see days between post on left and post on right. 1241 days. Drop #1241 also talks about Iran:
Reminder. Iran is next. Marker. CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2. “Installments.” $250B. Jan 1. Jun 1. No inspection @ GZ NR sites. No missile tech prevention. Load carrying. ICBM. Think NK. Who controls the $? Who really controls the $? Why does the EU have a vested interest in this deal? Who receives the money? When the US sends billions in aid and/or climate and/or etc who or what entity audits / tracks to confirm intended recipient(s) rec? None. How does GS fund WW counter-events? Who funds WW leftist events? American taxpayer (subsidize). Define nuclear stand-off. Who benefits? How do you ‘squeeze’ funds out of the US? Threat to humanity? Environment push? Think Paris accord. Who audits / tracks the funneled money? Define kickback. Define slush fund. EPA. No oversight re: Hussein. Why? How does the C_A fund non sanctioned ops? Off the books? Re_ read past drops. Will become relevant. Welcome Mr. President. The U.S. will NOT agree to continue the Iran deal as it currently stands. Q
Q told us we are months ahead of any kind of news. I say this is fantastic!!