"Be careful if you use public instances! Because Searx is open source and freely available for anyone to use, there are a number of different public instances you can utilize. However, just like with Tor nodes, anyone with bad intentions can set up a “rogue” instance and potentially log user activity, as Searx explains here:
What are the consequences of using public instances?
If someone uses a public instance, he/she has to trust the administrator of that instance. This means that the user of the public instance does not know whether his/her requests are logged, aggregated and sent or sold to a third party.
Unfortunately the Searx project does not run an official public instance. They do recommend public instances that are operated by various individuals or entities. But how do you know those instances aren’t logging your search results on their server? You don’t!
For all we know, a public instance might run by an advertising company, or perhaps a domestic or foreign intel agencies, or just some creeps looking to spy on your data. The only way to be sure is to run your own instance.
https://www.searx.me (gives info about the project and list of instances)" -- Taken from article
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Pic above, just browse the catalog and click on the things that interest you, it has a learning curve that is pretty easy to overcome, check the site out for like 2 days and click around in the options, guarantee you'll be comfortable very quickly
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Satan's time to rule is not yet. Deus Vult