Anon_69E0A63BD 7 points ago +7 / -0

It occurs to me, if the plan was intended to lead to an outcome which would effectively be an abolition of the constitutional republic of our nation's founding, then why would the Q drops and President Trump himself ( on more than one occasion at political rallies) state they were doing everything by the book.

If the end goal is to have a different form of government ( rather than restoring the original government of our nation's founding), then it really is an unnecessary exercise in futility to try to bring about this new planned government by following to a letter the legal rules and requirements of the old government.

The task, for such a "change government plan", instead becomes gain sufficient popular support to dissolve the original government and replace it outright either with said government's approval or without. The critical factor would be that the people enmasse across the nation clearly and decisively voicing their desire and intention to dissolve the current form of government and to implement something different. As it stands currently, I don't see Trump campaigning for anything like this, but I do see a lot of discussion about restoring the constitutional republic as founded.

From this perspective, I don't agree with much of any of these predictions beyond the parts that would be compatible with and normal in our nation within the original constitutional Republic.

Anon_69E0A63BD 21 points ago +21 / -0

I'm cautiously hopeful this materializes into a useful treatment for the survivors who are suffering from the mrna vaccines.

Perhaps some aspects of the damage will be undone and those harmed could return somewhat to what things were for then before.

Anon_69E0A63BD 7 points ago +7 / -0

Sad. Not surprised anymore.

There are a couple others I sadly wouldn't be surprised to see news similar to this coming out in the near future too.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +6 / -1

You are conflating big families with requiring multiple wives. Many children can be the blessing of God with only one wife.

Some general commentary on your examples: Jacob married Leah then Rachel. In that period of his life, I would argue his thoughts and desires did not particularly involve seeking God. He did eventually seek God and he wrestled with God for a blessing just before he was to meet his brother Esau whom he feared would kill him on sight due to stealing Esau's blessing and swindling Esau's birthright. It was after this encounter with God that Jacob changed. This is also made clear by God renaming Jacob to Israel. Jacob already had 2 wives and 2 concubines so this continued, but what happened is not necessarily aligned with what God's intended purpose and plan for a marriage is.

David did take multiple wives and was also said to be a man after God's own heart. David's best desires though did not prevent his flesh from leading him astray. His multiple wives bore multiple children and the whole situation caused serious calamities to befall Israel and the House of David including a rebellion and civil war by Absalom and the eventual divided kingdom period. Had David been content in the blessing of God for marriage between 1 man and 1 woman, David would have avoided many future troubles for himself, his children, and his kingdom.

Solomon took many wives and concubines. In fact he was extremely worldly and disobedient in many ways to God's law during his life. With his many wives came idolatry. His many wives setup the events that directly led to the divided kingdom even though it was David whose sins brought that prophesied punishment from God. These men David and Solomon were flawed sinful dysfunctional men whom at times wanted to follow God's law but were unable to and multiple wives was an aspect of this sin playing out in their lives. God used them even in their sinfulness to bring about his perfect plan and timing in this world.

Shifting to the New Testament

I Timothy 3:2 clearly indicates multiple wives in marriage is not the intended plan. This is why husband of 1 wife is specified as a requirement of pastoral leadership.

Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, 5 for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church?

But that is for leaders you may argue. But the reality is we are to follow Jesus and our actions and thoughts should be toward that goal. If leadership requires the Christian be notably qualified by doing well in this way, it is also true that the congregation being led should also be striving to meet the same standard for it is out of the congregation that leaders will be determined and appointed by the Holy Spirit.

It is unfortunate the Bible doesn't fit man's desire for multiple wives or other arrangements for marriage. Before Christ, multiple wives to a husband was tolerated in some cases but that does not mean it was the intended perfect plan God created marriage to be. Specific to Hebrew law, the requirement for a wife (where the husband has brothers) in the family where the wife's husband dies without producing a child was to be married to the brother ( bringing the possibility of two wives to one man) was allowed to insure the bloodline and inheritance of the dead brother was not ended. For Israel this could cause problems if family lines died out given that each family line was promised prophetically specific blessings. Outside of that specific scenario, multiple wives is not condoned. In fact, I would argue that for the Christian, we are expected to follow Jesus. Jesus said to the teachers of the law that divorce was allowed to the Hebrew people by Moses because of their hard hearts (ie not seeking God), and clarified it was not the plan God intended (for marriage to be dissolved). Similarly marriage is designed and intended by God to be a uniting of one man and one woman into one flesh.

Matthew 19:4-6

He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

Simply stated, God did not set His creation up to match man's sinful nature which came after the man's fall. Since God is Holy and we are not Holy in this life, this makes for a good deal of internal friction for our fleshly nature when we are trying to follow Jesus -- at least there is friction for those whom are following Jesus having believed in Him and trusted that His death and resurrection is the perfect sacrifice through which we are saved by grace through faith (which that faith is also given to the believer by the Holy Spirit awakening the person to the reality that they are dead in their sins and that they are made alive in Christ), and that this salvation through Jesus provides the Christian with the Holy Spirit which replaces our heart of stone (dead in sin and at war with God) with a heart of flesh (alive in Christ Jesus and able to resist the fleshly desires by relying on God and seeking Him). To follow Christ is to follow the Father and the institution of marriage given by God in this context of following God is one man and one woman married before God for life.

Frankly, the corruption of God's intended design and purpose for marriage and of the family produced in that paradigm is definitely part of Satan's plan for humanity. Satan's plan to corrupt is also greatly aided by sinful man's hard heart which ignores God's plan and purpose and supplants God's rule with mans sinful desires. Both destroying marriage and the family through divorce, adultery, and fornication and extending marriage to be multiple husbands and/or multiple wives are corruptions to what God has revealed in the Bible is intended. By following either path falling outside what God intended and specified ( 1 man and 1 woman), we are displaying and revealing evidence of our sinful hard hearts that do not seek and follow Jesus.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

Methinks their funding is drying up.

Since we know they were never grass roots supported, what does that tell us about the larger picture with the deep state / deep pockets.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0


Nope, I didn't miss it. Of course that video is a clown behaving as a shill for the camera pretending to have it together (here's what we all need to do) while desperately looking for validation on social media. Truth be told, the "nerds" she names are not in charge or wealthy from some chip on their shoulder. She completely fails to understand the way this world works with the elite families and their sired children (both official and bastard). And doesn't even touch on the sick disturbing religion they all follow at the top.

Overall, I find it sad that the boat is missed and effort and energy is redirected ineffectively in a way which would not result in actually defeating and removing the evil that enables and facilitates those politicians and actors and communists to gain power while being fully compromised and controlled.

Thankfully, that lady and people similar to her are not in charge of anything and have nothing to do with the operations that are unfolding to address the real problems.

You keep on being happy with yourself.

Anon_69E0A63BD 0 points ago +2 / -2

I see being precise in saying what you mean is not your strong suit.

Here let's create more ways to divide each other up on meaningless boundaries so we can be more divided as we strive for a common goal... Yes, that will help us succeed.

Also I claim no offense. Just that you have made a poorly formed argument which is generally unhelpful to uniting a group against our enemy.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +4 / -1

What does theatre and band camp have to do with commies?

I can agree with the sentiment for removing communists.

But your post seems to be incorrectly indicating that All of A (communists) is B (theatre and band camp) and All of B is A.

This part of your premise is invalid.

It's like saying I hate fleas. Let's eliminate all the rabbits that will fix it.

Anon_69E0A63BD 10 points ago +11 / -1

I still think Twitter's change of ownership was simply a move to get the public whom would leave for Truth Social to instead stay or rejoin Twitter and keep everyone on the plantation.

First you loosen up the control mechanisms (remove censorship). Everyone comes back and rejoins. You let them have some time to get used to and enjoy the social media experience. Next you counter move to eliminate or stifle the free flow of ideas. You have other contingencies (out of band ways to pressure or neutralize) in place to make sure nobody dares talk about the true controllers, and on the fringes you eliminate problem voices that are too good at criticizing the lieutenants to the true leadership.

Feels like a Trojan horse to me.

Time will eventually reveal what is true.

Anon_69E0A63BD 24 points ago +24 / -0

Nothing to see here. Paul Bunyan accidentally threw his barbell southwards from the Yukon when he and Babe (his blue ox) got to horsing around too much.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

Also, this could very easily be controlled opposition in the market domain which would make a lot of sense and keep to the general playbook for infiltrating and destroying America.

Anon_69E0A63BD 16 points ago +16 / -0

Indeed, that would indicate Biden also was a CIA asset as Hunter was groomed by his father. It would suggest the Biden family was a product of some version of MK Ultra, rather than just being an abusive family.

If we take a longer look, it would explain and make sense of our nation's presidents since 1989.

George H W Bush. ---CIA director

Bill Clinton ---ties to cocaine drug smuggling, human trafficking, and multiple murders of opponents or threats to his power in Arkansas, compromised with young girls, serial rapist, had abusive step dad and never knew his bio-dad, seemed protected somehow with every wrong doing swept under the rug by mockingbird media, declared by George W Bush to be "a brother from another mother" which reeks of CIA farm ideology.

George W Bush - son of H W Bush, raised in CIA home, alcoholism, protected from consequences, puppet to minders like Dick Cheney. Again looks like CIA.

Barak Obama - mother appears to have worked for CIA in some respect. Also protected from consequences of actions or behaviors. Politically was installed into every position with lots of help from mockingbird media, enjoyed abusing children, was given two kids to make him palatable for presidency. Had opponents just get out of the way for him (remember Mr No name himself in 2008).--- sure sound like CIA

Contrast all the above with Donald Trump and all the roadblocks and trials he has faced. The big picture starts looking very clear.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll be the first to admit I failed to personally research the recent reports about John Fetterman. My available time is limited and he's a Sideshow Bob character in my mind.

I saw here a couple days ago that Fetterman had this car accident and that he posted a video from home afterward.

Then I saw reports he died hours later posted to the site.

Yesterday and now I see indications he is still alive

I guess the death report posting was fake which is unfortunate that it was posted here inaccurately.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

I see it as a head fake until things prove otherwise. Anything built /funded by Black rock is highly suspect.

Anon_69E0A63BD 7 points ago +7 / -0


Believe all women.

Believe all women.

Believe all women.

-- your friendly neighborhood psyop brainwashing team.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was no contact.....in the normal expected DOJ channels that they anticipated anyone else could know about, find, or reveal.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wonder how often he impulsively tries to stretch the collar of his dress shirts these days.

He seems to be anticipating a tight uncomfortable suffocating noose ahead of him and instinctively is trying to get away from it.

His military tribunal is coming. His crimes against humanity will be proven conclusively.

Anon_69E0A63BD 30 points ago +30 / -0

How does information for this ancestry site get populated?

Is it confirmed somehow before being posted?

Can anyone claim anything there similar to Reddit or Wikipedia?

Anon_69E0A63BD 10 points ago +10 / -0

Just like Clinton couldn't inhale the blunt he was trying to smoke in college......

Kevin Spacey wants you to believe he cavorted and hung out with Epstein and Maxwell (with all these underage kids about for no good reason) at multiple locations where kids were used to entrap his perverted friends (also present with him), and Kevin never engaged with or was ensnared by or even offered an experience with a underage child for blackmail material and capture of him as an asset. Sounds believable.... If you're a moron.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's not a conspiracy theorist.

Rather, she's a propaganda mouthpiece.

The difference is she parrots what she is given to read without actual thought, study, research, or evidence.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

Legitimacy had been established in the entry of the laptop in hunters most recent trial.

It is not in doubt now as the defense for hunter would have challenged the laptop being entered into evidence if it was fake.

Edit: I do believe the laptop now verified in court will have some interesting consequences for Biden and company. It implicates Biden allot as well as other associates whom would likely turn states evidence for leniency.

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