Not surprising, but with how things are shaping up, it's looking more and more like only a couple agents assigned to Trump's protection detail that day intended to actually protect him.
Given the history of the United States Secret Service with handling assassination attempts on presidents and candidates that are a legitimate threat to the deep state leadership, I'm beginning to think we should rename them the United States Praetorian Guard.
They (a not insignificant subset of them) sure know all the ins-and-outs of when and where to stand aside and look the other way so that the VIP gets hit or killed when it suits them to do so.
If that dam does collapse, I do believe China will basically be effectively eliminated as a threat to the region militarily for the next year or more. They simply won't have the capacity to begin any conflicts or wars while so much of their country and infrastructure has been decimated and collapsed all the way to the coastal ports. The loss of innocent life would be sad and undesirable though. However, such a massive disaster could become a tipping point for the Chinese people to finally reject and overthrow the CCP.
This isn't CSI, dna identification would take some time.
I call BS on the idea they put out and confirmed his identity within 24hrs using DNA.
Looks like it got taken down. I'm getting the something went wrong response from twitter.
Did you take a screenshot for posterity?
Exactly, if they don't cause trouble by engaging in illegal behavior, they are welcome to stubbornly hold onto their beliefs (no matter how wrong they are), if they behave like clowns (legally), then social pressures can be leveraged (similar to the reactions to the a.holes on social media this week whom wish last Saturday had a much worse outcome).
CompIete fantasy conjecture here:
What if JD Vance serves to remove the pre-election assassination attempts from continuing. Then trump wins, the real arrests and military tribunals begin, JD gets tied up and caught in some bad stuff which trump releases and arrests JD for his coming tribunal. Trump appoints his actual VP choice.
Next we will be told he entered the building (which was empty because police are doing their job keeping things safe on the perimeter), found all these sniper rifles laying around, picked one up and decided on a whim he would love to know how it feels to be a sniper. Takes the rifle, climbs the ladder, plays army man on the roof, crests the ridge of the roof with his fancy new toy, looks for something to point at and low and behold there's Trump right in front of him. Lines his pretend shot and squeezes the trigger like he saw in a movie once and boom boom boom he's shooting downrange.
So really everyone, it's not some sick conspiracy where multiple things intentionally were setup to happen or allowed to happen, but instead is some mentally ill kid who on a whim and some dumb luck gained access to the tools needed to be a sniper and decided that day was a good day to start larping. /sarc
Yep it falls flat as a joke because its legitimately possible and believable in today's clown world.
Imagine how terrified they must be if they went to all this trouble to setup a rally for 360 degree coverage of them murdering trump, got the patsy on the roof, had others in stands to record it, possibly had FBI clowns in the audience too with their standard costume cover (no we swear we are just normal Americans and not poorly dressed undercover FBI agents trying to harm Trump).
You start to wonder if they (deep state) were selling tickets to their sick friends, "$1000 for a seat in the audience so you can see us ( the deep state) murder this man in person". I'm surprised they didn't PPV a stream for their best viewing angle for their murder operation.
Hell, one might be forgiven for beginning to think the rally was a cover for a satanic sacrifice ceremony.
So Trump walks into this place basically defenseless and gets shot at from however many assassins, gets tackled by his supposed security, gets up a little bruised and slightly bloody and yells fight three times before he leaves.
After all that he walks away practically unscathed. They must be terrified now. Because the only way that can happen is for God to protect Trump. And their god (Satan) is a impotent weak entity when put up against the True Living Holy God.
If the spooks / handlers get new identities / relocation within 30 days, then it stands to reason they don't need to be the child's parents. They simply need to give the child an identity that indicates to society that they are his parents.
Next the MK Ultra / Monarch programming can be completed on the child to create their perfect assassin for the next time that need one.
Contextual Definition: Democracy (when said by a Democrat, or progressive) -- a euphemism for totalitarianism.
Assuming this police encounter story is true:
Now now, the important thing is the police officer got home safely. If Trump had died then that would be acceptable and within the norms of officer safety training. That person in the crowd who died was also perfectly acceptable according to officer safety training standards.
The SC ruled long ago that the police have no constitutional or legal duty to protect or serve so if an officer decides one day that it's just not worth it, then walk away and let the people in harms way deal with it themselves.
Also, so nobody misunderstands, I personally despise this mentality among sworn police officers.
In a strange coincidence of history rhyming, Jeb Bush cancelled his dinner plans with the shooters father yesterday evening after the near tragic events unfolded. All parties claim no knowledge of the shooters plans and express regret this happened. /sarc
So is she saying we (our existence) made her or her group have to try to assassinate Trump?
I believe I will look forward to seeing her GITMO trial and military tribunal execution in the future.
Bad-Opsec-Guy says "Hello world, just wanted to confirm for you that these are our specific security measures in place so that you know we are taking these measures and you can adjust your plan of attack or tactics to circumvent said measures."
Confirming he has high end vest or plate armor on will allow the bad guys to avoid attacks targeting his chest. Yes, I know head shots were attempted today, but ceramic knife or derringer type weapon attacks would also be a vector for the enemy to try unless that are aware he isn't vulnerable in the chest because Bad-Opsec-Guy mentioned that publicly somewhere.
Opsec think about it for a bit.
I'm not much good at art design type things, but I find myself wondering if some kind of color removal (b/w or muted color palette) or filtration or a recognizable dot image patterned from the actual picture on a t-shirt might look even better?
I am of the belief that the prosecutorial misconduct in this case was done specifically and intentionally so that Alec Baldwin would be let off from all charges. I'm not saying that similar withholding of exculpatory evidence doesn't happen all the time in today's "justice" system. I'm only saying in this case that was done in a completely obvious intentional way designed to be caught and lead to an excuse for the judge to dismiss with prejudice.
In other people's cases whom are not murdering for the deep states purposes, it is more subtle and often goes unnoticed by defense.
Looks like the Oswald treatment.... Except that Oswald may or may not have been shooting way back then and if he did shoot anything, he wasn't the only one. But as the designated bagman he got taken out too for tying off the loose end of his part in the plot.
You don't get a clear report picked up from a LAV Mic that is 100's of feet away from the BB gun firing. Those were gunshots.
If their attempt succeeded then the GOP gets a swamp creature replacement and the democrats get their replacement (because the GOP did it already) or they don't. It doesn't matter at that point because the end result is the deep state wins back power and control. If they succeed somehow, then I expect ww3 shortly thereafter.
This is evidence that the deep state's backs are to the wall. They are a cornered and dangerous wounded animal right now.
Things are going to get crazier all the way to Trump regaining power.
Even though he's been dead for awhile now... I still think Carter is more qualified to be President than Joe Biden is today.
Shareholders put people on the board. The board hires the CEO. The CEO pushes their agenda (good or bad).
Groups like Blackrock and Vanguard get substantial shares as an organization offering retirement investments. They pool the resources of the corporate workers who are stuck with their retirement plans and the mutual fund investors whom were looking for a nestegg return when that retire. They illegally leverage this pooled investment capital to buy shares in a company of a significant percent. After gaining this leverage on a corporation, they push their board members in and they demand this agenda be implemented. The people enrolled in the retirement packages simply want to make money on investments. Nobody is investing in these packages to enable Blackrock to turn around and implement a communist agenda via DEI. The oversight organizations are already captured by cultural marxists, so they never investigate the fraud or illegal abandonment of Blackrock's fiduciary responsibility toward their retirement program investors to take actions that will be expected to guarantee a return on and protect the investors capital. Investment firms can miss a shift and make mistakes leading to losses, but to continue to push known proven bad business practices onto firms they hold stock in (on behalf of the investors) thus tanking the stocks repeatedly and predictably leading to realized losses in stock price and in earnings / profit for said company is basically not legal to knowingly do.
You mean a company that had their $100k. - $1+M equipment (purchased by the farmers) so locked down that you can't repair it successfully without paying a John Deere technician to come out and enter a code that will allow the machine to startup again (regardless of if your repair fixes the problem or not) has gone woke?
Wow I'm so shocked. They already embraced the own nothing and be happy doctrine. So why not go woke while they're at it.
So since she is predicting American leadership class to soon become targets of assassinations and that assassinations will or are increasing substantial in numbers...
(I infer she means other than presidents or candidates for president whom have been targeted for assassinations many times over the last 160 years)....
how many dual citizenship congressmen and senators do we expect will be targeted for these assassinations whenever those "other groups" get involved?
how many dual citizens in US leadership have been targeted for assassination so far to date? (Control group).