Anotheronelikethis 2 points ago +2 / -0


Just looking into it myself so I am by no means an expert but I found this writeup. Doesn't seem very parasite related tho so not sure if this is what OP is talking about

Anotheronelikethis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks for this. Great way to put it. We need to walk through the flames. Trust God. He wins.

Anotheronelikethis 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they are making you take tests if you refuse the vaccines, point out to them that the very act of differentiating between vaccinated and the unvaccinated by way of treating each group different, publicly exposes your private health info (namely, vaccination status) and opens you up to discrimination and harassment from fellow coworkers. It is illegal to publicly disclose personal health info

Anotheronelikethis 1 point ago +1 / -0

In Canada we have bill s-201 called the genetic non discrimination act. It is illegal to subject someone to genetic tests as a condition of any sort of contract or agreement. That includes employment obviously. Maybe the US has a similar law?

Anotheronelikethis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Winnipeg needs to wake up. Some real deep sleepers in the peg. Love to see this.

by Restore
Anotheronelikethis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bang on. This is the key to how they have been giving health ministers powers that put them on par with kings. We see them issuing decrees and orders that people treat as the new law of the land. Conpletely skipping constitutional process and the regular checks and balances. All based on a false state of "emergency". We should not let them stretch the meaning of the word emergency to this extreme. It needs to be called out. An emergency implies lack of time. We have been living in this "emergency" for almost two years now. Clearly we are not lacking time. Its time to pull their rug out and take away their ability to call this an emergency. That takes away their emergency powers.

Anotheronelikethis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah that does seem fair. Idk how i feel about it yet. It definetly seems suspect to me that they haven't taken down its hosting services, payment services, play and apple store availability, etc. They did it to all the free speech apps that have been attempted so far. How is gettr avoiding all those attacks?

I do like it tho. I've been using it, it does have potential and they do delete accounts but I trust them a hell of a lot more than twitter so far. Seems they are just removing the porn, gore, vile things etc while and leaving free speech alone. Seems like a level headed approach. As far as I can tell so far. I'm not too worried about the hack. That actually seems like a plus like when we are over the target those types of attacks come.

We'll see I guess.

Anotheronelikethis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mind if I ask what don't you like about Gettr? Seems like it could be good. I've only just started to use it tho. Are they already censoring people or what?

Anotheronelikethis 3 points ago +3 / -0

This needs more eyeballs. Very damning and laid out east to follow.

Anotheronelikethis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Winnipeg Canada. Surrounded by covidiots. Very rare to see someone without their mask at grocery stores but they are strict with the tickets and rules here. Still lots of people without masks outdoors.. But generally people have just complied mindlessly here. Its hard to watch.

by gamepwn
Anotheronelikethis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damn already taken down :(

by gamepwn
Anotheronelikethis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes plz do. Sounds really interesting I'd love to watch it

Anotheronelikethis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Winnipeg here too. You're not alone. We are definitely surrounded by a lot cowardly and sheepish people. Stay strong. Its hard to see so many people I care about falling for all this bullshit...Hard not to get discouraged but good to know there are others here.

Anotheronelikethis 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think its that they can't legally administer a non fda approved vaccine (that hasn't passed clinical trials) by using emergency use authorization if a treatment already exists.

They are skipping the long term trials by calling it an "emergency" and they would not be legally allowed to do that if a clear treatment was shown to exist.

Anotheronelikethis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Damn, what a toxic website. Had to hit the back button 8 billion times to get back here.

Anotheronelikethis 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a DEW (direct energy weapon). Look into dr. Judy wood and her report in the use of DEW to destroy the twin towers. The weird burning of cars in nearby parking lots (half completely burnt and half untouched). Steel beams turning to dust before your eyes and blowing away. I don't think it was explosives that did the bulk of the work that day.

Anotheronelikethis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you just straight faced quote snopes as a source of info? Lol does all your research require a big dummy proof red 'X' or green check mark to tell you what to think?? Use your own brain. Try it out sometime.. Fire it up!

Here's snopes debooooonking the 13%/50% meme: https://files.catbox.moe/9msbdi.png

Anotheronelikethis 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nope. All you need to look at to see it is 9/11. After that your "real news" loses all credibility. That was just blatent. You have to be completely out of touch with reality to believe that two planes knocked down 3 steel frame buildings into their own footprints at near free fall speeds. It's bat shit crazy. It's also the official story. Lol. Get lost shill.

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