Araket 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ain't just McConnell. I don't understand how people are still pulling for, supporting, and siding with the RNC. McConnell did not destroy the GOP, he's just a bigger cog in a large machine that does not work for the American people.

Araket 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry man, like I said, we needed a fighter, not someone who silently rolls over and quietly sinks back into the bushes Homer Simpson style. Can't fight corruption if it's not exposed. Can't expose corruption by running from a platform claiming to be the person who will fight corruption and then say absolutely nothing when that corruption predictably bites you in the ass. Truth.

Araket 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny, evening of 12/20 and I read that Elon has just said he will step down when he finds a suitable replacement, which to me is him stepping down. Crazy.

Araket 3 points ago +3 / -0

Passed that point a long time ago. Question is, when will someone do something about it?

Araket 1 point ago +2 / -1

This can't really be applied to those who got vaxxed in the early days of its release when the only information we had was that covid was a killer and taking this vax was a heroic thing to do. That period didn't last long, but there are those people who fall into this category. I think the defining point is whether they got boosted. Not vaxxed myself, just my thoughts. One other thought is, I find it pretty incredible that the globalists would murder their own base of support. It doesn't seem like a good plan to convince your voters, representatives (professors, activists), and militant sectors (BLMantifa) to inject themselves with poison. Such crazy times we are living in, truly defies belief.

Araket 1 point ago +1 / -0

We had our hopes here in WA to add to the great patriots that are slowly (too slowly) coming into power in this country. Sadly Joe decided that he can't win and that it is easier to roll over like a submissive dog than to fight to expose the fraud and criminal activity rampant in our state's election process. I still think that had we been able to get Heidi StJohn instead of old Roll-over Joe, that we would have 2 great cases to contest the 2022 elections in this country. Joe thinks we will vote for him in 2024 now. Lol. He is doing his part for the DS machine as we speak, so who knows what his reward will be for his silent compliance.

Araket 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does anyone here actually think that the Biden DOJ, as 100% communist as it is, would go after anyone who had anything to do with actual vote fraud in the 2020 election? I'm sure this is all tied to Trump and is being used as an out, a screen, for someone at the top. Biden's DOJ is corrupt, which means anything out of the DOJ is corrupt.

Araket 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be interesting to follow their loans. Banks only function as money-making devices, loan nothing, make the arbitrary amount back it back plus interest.

deleted 1 point ago +2 / -1
Araket 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol winning. Pay Pal still exists after a decade of pushing hard left agendas. winning. ok.

Araket 2 points ago +3 / -1

Funny that my suspended account, now going on years, has resulted in twitter cutting me off from reading comments past the first 3 or 4. On this tweet, I was able to read every comment, and every top comment for the first 50 or so is a blue check mindlessly condemning DeSantis for whatever reason. Mixed in at the very bottom are a few non-blue checks that all support DeSantis' action, what I would assume are actual comments posted by real people. Bots are in full swing on this one, and the propaganda wing has opened access to push the lies as hard as they can.

Araket 1 point ago +1 / -0

How about throw him in prison until he complies? Seriously, facing a stint in Rikers will produce those docs real quick.

Araket 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck decorum, that is exactly why the world is in the position it is in today.

Araket 2 points ago +2 / -0

Am I misunderstanding this? If you are allowed to put a second choice in case your first does not win, does that mean that Rs put the D as a second choice in a large enough number to give it the win? Is that correct?

From CNN

Those who ranked the third- or fourth-place candidate first would have their votes assigned to the highest-ranked remaining candidate on their ballots. For example: A voter who ranked the third-place finisher first, the fourth-place candidate second, the first-place candidate third and the second-place candidate fourth would, in this round, have their vote assigned to the first-place candidate.

But the second-place votes of those who backed Begich will be determinative.

So who believes this now? Will be interesting and telling to see if Palin rolls over and takes it if that is the case.

Araket 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, she just rolling over and taking this? Pretty obvious Rs are not going to put a D as a second choice. Honestly, would not surprise me if she did roll over, she was part of the machine with McCain.

Araket 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looks like Joe Kent is going to get a chance to declare his ties right off the cuff. Going to be interesting to see if and what he has to say now that it looks like he'll get JHB's seat.

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