AroomaNuminahh 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you, A.D. Our beloved DJT will gladly, ABLY serve as the greatest President of our lifetimes. Yet the Donald will be among the first to testify, "only Jesus Christ is Lord and God".


AroomaNuminahh 1 point ago +1 / -0

If he survives the drinking of the 'water of life', we will know if he IS, the Kwisatz Haderach...

AroomaNuminahh 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the message I'm reading in to the clothing our beloved Flotus is wearing:

"I'm standing behind the man I love and the greatest President of this greatest of nations. I AM a woman of decision and of action. Be aware, Secret Service: if you can't/won't defend this man, I WILL. Whatever it takes..."

AroomaNuminahh 1 point ago +1 / -0

My hat's off to you, brother. Keep doin' what you do for the Glory of God! My own Church is getting busy! The Holy Spirit of God is on the MOVE! HALLELUJAH!

AroomaNuminahh 3 points ago +3 / -0

MAD respect for you, dear Brother Slechta. Your persistent presence here and your loving witness to the Lordship of Christ our Savior CONTINUES to be a mighty blessing to all persons willing to read what you share - especially me.

Q impressed me as a very highly intelligent believer in Christ as Lord and God - otherwise, I wouldn't be here at all. It is because our 'civilization' has been so VERY sick (re-trying everything but Jesus) that a great-awakening has become necessary. As I see it, hope in Christ is a primary reason for the existence of this forum. You are NOT 'forum sliding' by declaring 'Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and resurrected'. (paraphrase from Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:2)

Praise GOD I see some hope for revival in our nation and in our world - and I pray that is not just my wishful thinking. AND, while I don't want to push away our more secular Brothers and Sisters - and while I have no wish to alienate American patriots of other faiths - I see no other cure for our 'civilizational sickness' than in salvation by Grace, through Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and God. (my paraphrase of Acts 4:12)

Please don't stop, Brother. My prayers for you and for God's Glory in your work will continue. I hope to find time to visit with you at c/Christianity. MAY. JESUS CHRIST. BE. PRAISED!!

AroomaNuminahh 3 points ago +4 / -1

Oh, dear CHawk,

HALLELUJAH! AMEN! You and me and BILLIONS of others like us. He is a Rescuer. He is a SAVIOR; He is THE Savior. President Donald J. Trump will agree with you and tell EVERYONE the same thing.

May ALL of His creation JOYFULLY bow before "The Only Wise King".

AroomaNuminahh 3 points ago +3 / -0

From a long-time lurker and infrequent poster, MANY THANKS, dear Mods. Your AMAZING skills for keeping us between the ditches and AWAY from each others throats is very gratefully appreciated. God Bless us, Everyone!

AroomaNuminahh 3 points ago +3 / -0

AMEN, dear Brother Slechta.

 THANK YOU for this beautiful image to remind us of the right 

and wholesome position between our earthly celebrations and the TRUE Giver of perfect gifts! AMEN!

 "No other name is there given among men whereby we can 

have reconciliation with our precious Heavenly Father." Nor by any other name can we have right relationship with our co-inhabitants on Planet Earth.

 Commerce, trade, civilization and sanity itself cannot exist but 

by the presence of Christ our Lord through His Holy Spirit. HALLELUJAH! The "Always Been" always was, is now and WILL BE forevermore! Thank you, Lord!

GBY, Ryan!

AroomaNuminahh 17 points ago +17 / -0

Thank you, Beloved Heavenly Father, for giving Donald Trump to us when we need him most.

"We just want him and somehow he shows up!"

AroomaNuminahh 12 points ago +12 / -0

Hello, u/JohnTitor17!!

 MANY thanks for posting this again. No, I am in no urgent situation but I'd like to see if this regimen will help with my stamina and my breathing. AND, your sharing here represents the BEST of the worth of this forum. No, I cannot pay you back but I most certainly intend to pay it forward. THANK YOU, JOHN TITOR! GBY and GOD BLESS THE USA!
AroomaNuminahh 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow! Logged in just to say "Well done!" and THANK YOU for the awesome Harry Chapin reference. GBY, u/Mr_A /

"We're gonna have a GOOD time then..."

AroomaNuminahh 3 points ago +3 / -0

And, Thank You, L P. You've helped me to start a search for an author who has analyzed and documented utilizing power to UPLIFT people instead of pursuing power to OWN people. Lord Jesus comes to mind as an example of the former type of power utilization - but no doubt there are others - and I just never thought to seek them. BE YE BLESSED!

AroomaNuminahh 7 points ago +7 / -0

Wow! This knowledge helps me better contextualize the 'coup' that occurred in my beloved Wilmington, NC back in 1898. OP, THANK YOU for sharing this with us. I had no idea there had been a massacre in N.O., some years earlier.

But here's a link to the same web-site for a story about the Wilmington nightmare: https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/1898-rev-charles-s-morris-describes-wilmington-massacre-1898/

How is this related to Q? We're sharing what is mostly un-reported history. For DECADES there have been evil intentions in some to keep us divided and/or enslaved. We MUST find ways to work together to overcome the hidden 'oppressors'.

AroomaNuminahh 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yet another satanic attempt to deface or erase the "image of God" from our homes, businesses, industries, financial systems and communities? hmmmmm....

Thanks for your insightful post, AD!

AroomaNuminahh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trust Jesus! Declare Hope in Christ! Promote and Proclaim the only Holy Word of The Only Living God (the Bible)! Invest in and enable election integrity! Vet and elect God-Fearing candidates! Disempower evil-doers! Sounds like a great start to me! WE HAVE WORK TO DO!


AroomaNuminahh 4 points ago +4 / -0

Beloved Lord God, by Your Grace, I agree with the prayers of my Brother, Slechta. And Lord, let me once again plead for the delivery of persons who are demon possessed. It seems that our world is "haunted" by evil spirits and is burdened by those persons who willingly act as host for those unclean entities. SET THEM FREE, PRECIOUS LORD JESUS!

And Father, I ask that you restore all the people who were impoverished or otherwise harmed either by the Covid, or by persecution for refusing a "vaccine", or harmed by receiving a vaccine. Restore them, Lord just as you did our father Job: ten times better than before.

Lord God, I pray for all the people who have been trapped by brainwashing - especially my Muslim sisters and brothers. OPEN THEIR EYES, Gracious Heavenly Father! Let them see JESUS for the CHAIN BREAKER and BONDAGE LOOSER that He IS! Set them FREE from the evil Muhammadan death cult! BE GLORIFIED, oh King Eternal - as MILLIONS of Muslims find TRUTH in Christ our Lord!

And Lord, I especially ask that you empower us - of the current generation - to prepare a righteous and wholesome way for our younger persons to enjoy as they grow up. As it was for my own generation - by the Power of The Holy Spirit of God - let us all make it even BETTER for the coming generations. Grant us courage; grant us wisdom and ACTIVATE US Lord! THY WILL BE DONE!

In Jesus Precious and Holy Name, AMEN! AMEN! and Amen!

AroomaNuminahh 5 points ago +5 / -0

To be honest, I haven't done any electrical work up in Wisconsin for several years now - and I never worked in any of the liberal strong-holds up there. But the people that i remember in Wisconsin were down to earth, sensible, God-fearing, neighborly people that you would want to have in your Church or in your circle of close friends.

What I'm saying is a "liberal" majority doesn't really represent the people of Wisconsin. So, if the court returns to a conservative majority, that will be appropriate for representation. Just my two cents.

AroomaNuminahh 2 points ago +2 / -0

No problem! :-) Galatians 3:28 - "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." HALLELUJAH!

AroomaNuminahh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please forgive me. I had no intention of misleading. I can't qualify for anything but to be your elder brother in Christ our Lord. But we share a similar excitement to see our Lady Patriots participating here. GLORY TO GOD they are finding their voice among others who love Christ our Savior and this great nation. May God be Glorified as America is made GREAT, AGAIN!

AroomaNuminahh 2 points ago +2 / -0

GBY, Sister in Christ! I was never really gone - just busy and lurking. Looks like the old place is being well kept by patriots and dear dedicated frogs. Prayer for those in need is something I can do incognito. However, I do think I should have been checking in more often. I hope to remedy that, immediately. Thank YOU for lending your voice and your prayers to the effort! REJOICE! The Kingdom of Heaven has come near! Jesus NEVER fails! AMEN!

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