Truth is, we've seen so many loops in this ride already it's hard to say what his true purpose is but I can tell you, he is definitely aiding in the destruction of the old guard. The millions of Americans that would never listen to Trump are hearing incredible things from him. The cabal and their agency is being shredded on multiple fronts. Considering the DNC will either betray him or we won't even have an election, his job may just be carnage on the campaign trail. link for just human trafficking cases... It's extensive....
Yes, it's my voice. Yes I believe you'll be able to tell as it may be food programmed with vaccines and other medical technology. It will likely be labeled in a specific way, genetically modified, but more advanced. But as you know, there is food out there now that has recently started displaying on the package that it contains genetically modified ingredients. So it could already be happening. You'll know for certain when they start pushing foods that have vaccines genetically programmed into them. Or also, when they start pushing the flexitarian diet hard. Again, though this may have already started. I haven't researched the recent developments yet.
Multiple meanings from Q as usual, I believe Snow White is also a warning about The Great Food Transformation. A key aspect to their 4th Industrial Revolution which is their Great Reset. They want to move everyone to a near vegan diet so they can introduce the genetic modifications necessary for the 4IR. Akin to the poison apple in Snow White, the food will be, or likely already is to some degree, poisoned with advanced genetic technology that serves as the vector they need for their genetic transformation, via plasmids. Video I made on it. Most the media included is from their content. They're not really hiding it, you just have to piece it together.
Q said it multiple times. You must stay 30k feet up. You must keep track of the big picture. The Q drops. What Trump did in his first term. Despite seemingly insurmountable amounts of resistance and hate, no POTUS in history has suffered that much, and yet he still got more done than any President in modern history. Including, and most importantly, thwarting their original plan and timeline for the Great Reset. Now study Agenda 47. A quantum leap to revolutionize the American standard of living. Building new cities. Freedom cities. Revitalizing the American dream.
Do not get bogged down in the trenches of the daily warp of 5th generation warfare. Realize how dangerous and pervasive this enemy is. We weren't going to defeat them in one term. Demoralization is a primary objective of the nemesis. Do not despair. Do not waver. The best is yet to come.
I researched this extensively a year ago. Covered it in a video but it's long and scattered. I think there is a high probability it's a planet on a highly elliptical orbit that's setting the deadline, for numerous reasons:
Research was carried out by a university that demonstrated through calculations of gravitational abnormalities in the Kuiper belt that there is almost certainly a dark planet in orbit that we can't see.
They estimate it's size could be as large as Neptune and it's approximate orbital period is around 12k to 15k years.
This period coincides with the time of the great flood.
I can't remember them right now, but in my video I made numerous connections in the Q drops that further pointed to this being likely. I'll provide a link if you can sit through it. I need to make a much more concise version. This is critical but the few times I posted it I gets little to no traction.
I made some mistakes in my presentation, like saying it's a possibly a dwarf star. I now think it may be the fabled Nibaru. Some ancient planet cast into an eccentric orbit eons ago.
Link to the video:
Just to clarify briefly. Trump had no choice but to release the vaccines in order to stop the great reset. It was always meant to happen under Hillary. The original plan was to keep nations shut down 'till a vaccine was made.' Multiple deep state leaders told us this. They also said it could take years to develop. That was the key to the original plan: Under the guise of a public health crisis, shut down the economy long enough to kill it completely. Then the entire world would have no choice but to accept the Great Reset. Trump completely destroyed their timeline with Operation Warp Speed. Saving all of humanity from a dark age.
99% of the people that took it we're also going to take it, regardless of what Trump said or did. This is evident in the fact that despite his endorsement of the vax, half his followers adamantly refused. If he had come out against the vaccines, they would have simply used it to destroy him and still introduce it but on their timeline. When you realize this, it's rather obvious why he launched Operation Warp Speed and continued to endorse it. He had no choice.
He lightly alludes to it in the beginning. Insinuating this never happened before, now it's a common occurrence. If you're wanting a theory, yes it was likely sabotage. Slowly forcing the Great Food Transformation on the population.
His second term would be the reconstruction of the nation. A fresh start with the parasites removed from our neck. It's the only way forward.