Auroraalpha 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're right, there's increasing evidence the Spike Protein is poison, ESPECIALLY if it gets in the bloodstream. The vax issues are mostly clotting issues after all, and a lot of the deaths from COVID are due to cardio issues.

Auroraalpha 5 points ago +6 / -1

Nobody is charged. The ICC is not taking up the case. They receive all sorts of rubbish petitions most of the time, usually levied at Israel or the United States typically. The ICC itself is a globalist institution and I doubt they'll allow anything.

I do think tribunals are the way to go, though the current institutional military is eaten up by globalists.

Auroraalpha 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well for that to be a weapon, it is supposed to be the other way around. The virus is the weapon, with the vax as a cure to the unsaved.

Then again, these assclowns are utterly evil, and I wouldnt put it past them to spike both the virus, and its alleged "cure".

Auroraalpha 4 points ago +4 / -0

Prosecution only called 2 victims. Mostly because they went with the narrative that Maxwell was a victim.

Auroraalpha 10 points ago +10 / -0

Screw Comey. She's throwing the case with a softball prosecution to let the fix happen.

Auroraalpha 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're right, its experimental gene therapy that will need more gene therapy to fix the effects of it.

Auroraalpha 2 points ago +2 / -0

Try fighting China without the 5%. This is all about compliance, since 95% vax rates are way past herd immunity, assuming the vax even works.

Auroraalpha 11 points ago +11 / -0

I know the Q drops. I think we're past that point regarding vaccines. Come out swinging against Big Pharma and be the Populist he was always meant to be.

Auroraalpha 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure i trust the deep state to prosecute the deep state. Most likely will get guilty verdict, slap on the wrist, while the rest of the deep state remains under wraps.

Auroraalpha 3 points ago +3 / -0

TL:DR Summary:

We tried this on mice, they all developed cancer, and died. And this wasnt just on the lab rats that normally always develop cancer the way they did the GMO tests.

Also, our solution to mRNA is to mRNA more code to make your cells do more things they werent supposed to do. Eventually after enough mRNA, your body will be fixed!

Auroraalpha 1 point ago +1 / -0

The DoD is worse than that. So any of the vaccines on the WHO EUL (includes indian vaccines, sinovax, Astrazeneca) are theoretically allowed. The only one mandated is Cominarty.

When Servicemen realized that only Cominarty was mandated, they brought it up as an issue. Some medical practitioners printed their own label instead and swapped labels after servicemen started asking to see the vials.

Auroraalpha 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because its Schrodinger's Vaccine. Somehow the FDA managed to approve a BLA for Cominarty by BioNTech, and send mail to Pfizer extending their EUA. And then the press release which is what most went with, only talks about the BLA approval. Clearly the press release is intended to muck the waters as much as possible.

Meanwhile buried only in the EUA extension letter is verbiage saying that the two vax's are legally distinct. Also, they acknowledge they have no stocks of Cominarty. So essentially this is all a bait-&-switch by the FDA to claim a BLA vax exists (i.e. FDA-approved), where none practically exists.

Given that theoretically the BLA Cominarty has less legal protections for Pfizer than the EUA vax, i highly doubt that Pfizer is likely to bring it to market. They gain all this legal protection back when they get BLA for the children's schedule, so I am guessing that is what they are waiting for.

Auroraalpha 10 points ago +10 / -0

I think it also had the highlest load, which they did to get it the highest efficacy ratings. Also, that possibly makes it the deadliest.

Auroraalpha 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh No! I can't be Euthanized now! What will I ever do with my life????

Do they really think this is supposed to scare? Or are they using this to erode standards for neutrality in medical care, to enfore the tiered system?

Auroraalpha 1 point ago +1 / -0

ML is the salesman for this. State AGs have to be the ones to file it in the Supreme Court as a State issue vs another State, under Original Jurisdiction.

by cody17
Auroraalpha 4 points ago +4 / -0

Flynn is actually a Devout Catholic, even though he hangs about with the Charismatic Evangelical crowd. There was a conference and he said something about a one world religion. I dont have the actual phrasing, but is sounds like he stumbled on his words.

Auroraalpha 4 points ago +5 / -1

She'll bury it in AmeriKKKa is white supremacy tweets after.

Auroraalpha 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doesnt say that. Commander is a Navy rank, compounding the confusion? I dont see why they wouldn't fire the ship's commanding officer.

Auroraalpha 7 points ago +7 / -0

So.... We suck at being sailors due to spending way to much time on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity training. The solution is more diversity to make up for that racist underwater phallic object.

Auroraalpha 5 points ago +5 / -0

Kind of. It sparked more calls for audits. Allegedly States will sue other States via the Supreme Court on 23 NOV, and individual State legislators are calling to decertify. Needs a lot of pressure. This is a slow burn.

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