Sadly, Elizabeth Warren got reelected. Look for her fake mug running in 2028.
I wonder if just some really creative writers are giving ideas and the 'how to' to the DS in these episodes. Remember, FBI monitored scripts and 'taping' of several 60's TV shows because of innovative technology that 'they' had and didn't want it to accidentally appear in a goofy TV show or movie because some creative writers got too close to 'existing' technology. (think Get Smart, Man from UNCLE, James Bond and Q, etc.)
They didn't talk about Hillary's fireworks barge. Disappointing.
I am not versed on all of the available status levels for foreigners in US. I met a woman a couple of weeks ago, born in Germany, has been living here for 4 years 'under the radar' with absolutely no 'permission' or status to be here. Someone told her to get an attorney for benefits. $25.00 later (for the attorney), she is on full SSI monthly disability payment, medical insurance and food stamps. For life. Still cannot get an ID (Ohio) because she has no proof of where she was born, but other than that, she has no worries. Her lack of any immigration status never came up. I'm hearing that the border jumpers are getting even more than that as 'startup' funds and then also put on the monthly allowance, stamps and insurance. Absolutely no mystery here why US is in such horrible shape. Kills motivation for the entry to mid-level working person.
This is gold, Jerry!
Positive view... they've not been influenced by the crappy MSM.
So, now we assume Biden has the football instead of all of those photos with it in Trump's entourage? If Trump is in control of our nukes, Putin won't use his. I also think that there is no benefit to Putin to getting into a skirmish that might start WWIII. I don't feel the same about the middle east conflict going on right now. Bunch of loose cannons over there. Backs against walls, unpredictable, etc.
Would be a little comfortable with this (sorry, Pittsburgh) if the ballots did not show any federal election options. Not comfortable with voting locally, though, if they're just 'border crosser' non-citizens. Need to be on approved status .
We can't go on together, with suspicious minds.
Voted today (Liberation Day) in rural Ohio. Poll booths were full with slight wait. First time EVER I have seen that. Normally it's a ghost town with only 2 or 3 voting and about 8 staff people in the whole area. This time, 35-40 voting people and parking lot full when I voted at my 'usual' time of day. Good sign.
Ha, ha, ha! I know - looks like he stores it in the glove box.
Do you think we will ever hear this officially? or will JB just pass away sometime in the next 6 months, have a state funeral and that's the end of it? Look at NoName. No public resolution with cause of death on that one. Edit: wait.... maybe it was the reversing ankle boot syndrome.
Attorneys too. Including lies by omission.
Probably some non-specific threat of problems (vans of peace, etc.) around polling places tomorrow. Not state specific but very ominous to try to dampen public turnout.
So who do you call, what do you do if you experience problems yourself. For ex, what if I see my vote flip to D if I repeatedly vote Trump like in one of the Kentucky video examples? Sheriff isn't going to come right away (if ever) for that, and once I leave the voting booth, all is lost. No proof, just my word. I just have a feeling my police and sheriff folks aren't as enthused about getting involved in this stuff as one might expect because it becomes a real rat's nest. What can they do? What can I do?
and another booster.
2 moms and a syringe
Lahaina redux. Paint your roofs blue if you live in Phoenix area.
Interesting. Most of the pieces in this have been mentioned over the years on this site but this pulls together a summary to refresh on the topic. Suggests that 'learned' information can be passed to progeny at birth. Doesn't have to be relearned. Interesting to think about how this could apply to political beliefs and why they might be so hard to change in people. And also, can speculate, did Kamala get her rampant socialistic(communistic?) beliefs through nurture or nature? Or Soros, Obama, same question.
Sharing is caring!
Upvoting that album. You too.
There is a flight surgeon (female, cannot think of her name right now) who testified repeatedly about the adverse events seen in her patients and pilots showing heart issues directly after the jab. She has been in several of Sen. Ron Johnson's hearings with actual data. I think the military has since silenced her about this topic. EDIT: Dr Teresa Long, Lt Col, has grounded several pilots showing myocarditis symptoms. Here's just one article about her testifying. Theresa Long whistleblower Washington Times article
And Pritzker sent his family to vacation in Florida immediately prior to his invoking the Ill lockdown so they wouldn't be stuck in Ilinois for an unknown pd of time.
...and Levine took his mother out of Nursing Home the week before these mandates to send Covid positive back to the homes.
I suspect some of the 'unreleased' applies to the Saudi house.