And aren't these the exact type of workers who shoot to top management positions in private companies? "make no waves"
I am on the list. Coincidentally, I have been getting notices from the 'big 3' all with the same message 'Congratulations, your credit score is the highest it has ever been... Click here to view (etc.). Pretty fishy. EDIT: Here is exact wording "Way to go! Your August 2024 scores have hit a new high: Check them now!"
Even if WH not running this site, I beleive they're here and give gentle nudges and additional hints via posts and comments in those instances when we completely miss the point or else go too far astray from the timeline set by the architects of the Plan.
I believe that Borax is a weaker form of Boric Acid. The Borax Conspiracy
Sounds a little suspect. If the perp ran away afterwards, he clearly intended to evade capture. If the perp wanted to evade capture, why would he wear the scarf and carry a flag during commission of the crime? Unless, these people no longer have fear of the law in France.
She reminds me of Marianne Williamson (2016) and her plan to bring Love to everyone if she won the Presidency.
So, I assume that Clandestine is envisioning RFK Jr as AG?
Wonder if this is about Taiwan again?
our counter I know this was meant to be a slight against DJT and the US but I still really enjoy watching this clip every so often. They just don't get it.
This would make a lot of sense. Who else has goods on BHO, H, and a bunch of others, especially in deals w foreign countries. Would like to see the whole Uranium One thing come up again.
early voting state list w dates Someone has already done it for us -
Wasn't it 200 generals?
I just looked at all states early voting - several start as early as Sept 23.
I always look for real H's slightly buck toothed overbite.
Wonder how many are paid illegals? Could just bus several local shelters to the convention. Seems like some local pede would attend for 'history.'
And gets 2 boosters at once! We have already paid for these jabs, why not use them.
Something's different about her lately. Also, if you go back and listen to her phrasing, pauses, and look at her hand gestures, you can see Alex Jones.
Yeah - I wish he would go underground and provide this info via alias.
Where are the antifa numbers coming from? How would anyone know?
Or, a plea deal has already been made with the Clintons. :(
And they're probably out of money and nobody will loan to them anymore.
Don't be constrained by what was, but what will be....
That's ok - that is what will affect votes. I know some Colorado folks, professor, medical professionals, etc, still all in for Harris (maybe Biden).
I didn't see in the article where anyone was arrested... just that some quick-thinking (apparently unarmed) parents took action to break things up.