The last part of this video explains their theory of 'Pence is done' but what is the point of giving to all of the others, and would they have understood what it meant?
This might make sense if it said "w flipped". Although I cannot imagine what W wrote to Laura/Jeb on the program.
Are we sure they were SS or could they have been Marshalls?
Usually Trump wouldn't broadcast something like this, would he?
And give it a US type of name. Ronco-dun-o-matic!
Devil's advocate here - US is always the one to restrict ourselves - EPA re emissions, Geneva convention warfare rules, Rules of engagement applied to our soldiers in active war zones, etc, and now we want to shut down our biolabs. You KNOW that our competitors (China, Russia, others) are not doing the same. How are we to develop protective antidotes or keep up with enemies' bio warfare tools if we restrict ourselves?
I believe, referring to Hegseth.
Sandra's not explaining, Ellen explained in about a second and a half.
Neuter it before it hits puberty please.
I say Trump should make Elon acting director for the first 2 months, then put a permanent head in there.
My Advance would stock items for older (pre-80s) vehicles when AZ and OReillys 'wouldn't have it, couldn't get it' .Even some online retailers (Rock auto, eg) only go back so far. Hope mine isn't closing.
That's not how I ever said good morning to any of my relatives.
There really could be a Gorilla Channel! What a time to be alive.
Is that a done deal? Or does he still have avenues to fight that?
Wonder if Kudlow is going to be asked to join administration again - things were really going well last time with him.
Still astounding that they couldn't find anyone more impressive to nominate for SC than her.
Did we ever experience a true 'precipice'? Wonder if this is their last ditch effort to provoke Russia into war before Jan 20? I know they want to hurt Trump as much as possible. Starting a war would certainly distract from Trump's agenda but I really don't think Putin will fall for anything like this.
Didn't Trump say last term that he was going to declass the UFO / alien info with the govt?
I guess I will never understand this 'forgive and forget' behavior. Trump called Sleepy Joe 'shot', 'dead', 'doesn't know where he is', 'doesn't even know he is the president', 'never a very bright person', etc. And Joe is this gracious to Trump. Why? Joe called Trump a 'liar, etc.' , raided Mar A Lago, was definitely involved in russia russia russia,... a bunch of other stuff, and yet they both get together, shake hands and move along as if nothing was ever said. How do you do that and appear sincere? I guess I am missing some key skill, for I couldn't do this. If I don't like you, you can tell by body language and lack of warmth. I'm polite and civil but that's about it. These people act as if they're best buddies. EDIT to add: the one person I saw that Trump was 'cool' towards was Zelensky when Z came the first time to visit the WH. You could tell during the photo op in the OO that Trump was doing the minimum to get through that meeting. Lack of eye contact, shoulder turned to Z (very little 'face to face, little open-body/chest towards each other, etc) made it clear to anyone Trump didn't care for that guy.
Yes - I just experienced this same thing with a co-worker. Doesn't feel good to be vindicated. Too late to help anything at this point. Best move, keep quiet. Feeling mighty sad right now.
Problem is, obama's revision via the Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 allowed 'news outlets' to spring propaganda on the US populace. This wasn't permitted prior to this, so, not sure what criminal laws were broken. Seems like libel might be a civil hook, if there is any.
Edit - reading a little more about smith-mundt... it seems like this might be a loophole to permit the covid propaganda over the past years. Hope not.
Do you think Ratcliffe will have trouble getting confirmed by being this prejudiced (not a negative here) against the MSM? I know that we have the senate by 54 to 46 at this point but there are still a number of RINOs in place who might find their 'high horse' on which to ride interference if they have strong MSM ties. (edit: I forgot the obvious.. which is if the RINOs have ties to CIA via DS)
You never mentioned how either Catherine or the 'other man' are financially supporting themselves. If neither of them are independently wealthy, this whole thing may peter out in short order. Then, the decision is Bernard's to make on whether the marriage continues.
Would like to know if Wray might be replaced? I know he is there for a 10 year term but .. Comey was fired.
I think Trump is using these two (among others) to try to reach the 4-6%, and the most rigid of the normies that have not come around. Even if the election wasn't truly a 50/49 split (it wasn't), there is still a significant group out there who won't stand aside and let the new movement through but will actively fight or sabotage any new progress. I think, however he did it (coersion, just asking, etc.), Trump is using these two, with their knowledge, to get the 'harris/anti-trump' crowd to open their minds a little bit. Wouldn't be surprised if we see other 'influencers' making this same move in the future.