I am new at posting..sorry for fb post but it is a must watch
What we have been eating? Scarey thought..
Exactly why I said no..people are so easily fooled believing doctors
Show me the video with Trump..or it’s just all words
In a town of 4500..everyday I hear them and the obituaries in the newspaper weekly have 6 or more postings
This is what Trump is announcing..they had eyes from the skies on all the elections they have it all. It will be shown to the public broadcasting on national tv. I can have hopium
Hey that man is the girlfriend beater..hell no he needs to go.
So happy..Wisconsin is half red and half blue what ya gonna do? All the big cities with colleges voted blue and all the working class people voted red. I live in a purple state. We need this to take the Senate. Thank you God
Wisconsin cheats so don’t put it red..although I wish.. I know I am voting red
Yes they are real..they will use it to their advantage if needed.
I hope we can vote..no telling what ff they have incoming to stop it. Ukraine and nukes..the newest covid to try and lock us down..who knows they may say the air we breathe is contaminated. FJB
Well this is interesting..being around jabbed and spreading it into the air along with researching this this man has tainted blood now
Wimkin..like Facebook
I pray every night these injections are not deadly and that people will be ok. Saying this I am the only one of four in my family that said no to the shot and no to the tests. I was sick but just normal cold and flu sick. My family members all vaccinated have tested positive for covid. I never tried talking to them because they are all anti Trump and would never listen anyways. They say I believe everything I read. I will be an orphan if it is all true about the deaths and the blood clots. Please say a prayer for those who thought they were helping society.
Sorry about fb posting but it was a memory I posted..wonder who doesn’t know about this?
Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) Has worked with Democratic Socialists of America members through her political career. Ties to some Filipino-American “former communists.” Worked with Communist Party USA affiliated former Congressman Dennis Kucinich to defend Soviet-Russian puppet Syrian leader Bashar-al-Assad.
Free speech free speech..we are not allowed to discuss this..we are China now..off to the goulags for you
Well heck there is a video of Biden out there saying there would be no more pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine..they sure make it look like the United States did this., ff or not. Is it real? I am not there so I can’t tell the truth but Biden on video saying this is it real?
They are getting more and more sloppy with getting that mask on correctly
He is a time traveler
I see this was part 1 made by the same people who made fall of the cabal. I have to search for part two. I thought it was interesting somebody made the video explaining what most of us know.
Option C..and the military will make sure all is good🙏🙏🙏
Scotty Mar10 is a awesome person..love his music choices for his news stories